6 Simple Ways to Meditate On God’s Word – He Loves You With An Unconditional Love

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It’s easy to feel like we’re constantly chasing our next happy moment, but what about finding happiness in the present moment? In moments of quiet, meditation on God’s Word can be a powerful way to center yourself and find peace. We do not have to drain every ounce of energy from our day in order to meditate on God’s word. A simple way is by taking time out every day for meditation. Although some might view this as a daunting task, there are many ways you can incorporate it into your daily routine. Every Christian needs to spend quality time with God each day. That’s why scripture reading is just as important as meditation on those readings. It may seem challenging at first, but the more you practice it, the easier it will become. Here are six simple ways anyone can meditate on God’s word:

Morning meditation on God’s word

The best time to meditate on God’s word is in the morning. This will give you a chance to set your mind on a positive course for the rest of the day. Start your day by reading a passage of scripture. If you’re new to meditation on God’s word, you might want to keep your reading short. You can read the passage once, then read it again and take a few minutes to reflect on the passage.One way to increase your meditation time is by reading in several short sessions throughout the day. Try reading for five minutes each time, and end your last reading session with a few minutes of reflection. If possible, try to do your reading in a quiet place where you won’t be disturbed.

Evening mediation on God’s word

Just as important as your morning meditation on God’s word is your evening meditation. Try reading a different passage each night. You could read from the same passage throughout the week, or you could use different passages each day. When you finish reading, set your intention to apply what you’ve read to your daily life. As you do this, spend a few minutes in prayer, thanking God for His word and asking for help applying it to your life.If you have young children, you may want to read your passage before they go to bed. This way you can spend a few minutes praying before they fall asleep. If you have older children, you may want to read while they’re doing their homework or finishing their chores. Your evening meditation on God’s word can be your quiet time together.

Committing to the Word during your commute

Whether you drive or take public transportation, you can use your commute to meditate on God’s word. You can use your commute to listen to scripture on your iPod or MP3 player or you can use a service like the Bible App to read, highlight, and take notes on God’s word. You can also read a printed copy of scripture, but it’s important to have a copy that’s easy to use while driving.If you use an electronic device, you can have it read the passage to you. If you read a printed version, you can use highlighting and underlining as a way to meditate on God’s word. You can also use a journal to take notes on your feelings, thoughts, and reactions to the passage.

Short break meditations throughout the day

If you’re pressed for time during your morning or evening meditation on God’s word, you can also try meditation throughout the day. You can find several short passages of scripture that you can easily repeat throughout the day. You may want to use the same passage in the morning and in the evening. Or you may want to rotate several passages throughout the day.You can use an electronic device that has a setting that will allow you to repeat a passage. Or you can use a journal to write out the passage and repeat it as you go about your day. If you’re new to meditation, you may want to limit your sessions to 10-15 minutes. As you get more comfortable, you can increase the time.

Meditating on God’s word in worship service

If you regularly attend a church service, you can use this time to meditate on God’s word. Many churches offer an extended sermon that allows you to meditate on God’s word for a longer period of time. If you prefer to read a passage of scripture, you can use an app like Bible Shepherd to follow along with the sermon.If you prefer to read a printed copy, try selecting a passage that’s commonly used in sermons. This way you can meditate on God’s word while the pastor is speaking. When you finish reading the passage, you can use it as a starting point for your own meditation on God’s word. You may want to take notes on the passage as you listen to it during the sermon.


Meditation on God’s word is an essential part of a healthy spiritual life. Whether you choose to meditate in the morning, during your commute, while doing a chore, or at the end of the day, you can make time to focus on God’s word each day.Whether you choose to meditate on a single passage of scripture or repeat a short passage throughout the day, you can use these times to quiet your mind and focus on God’s presence. And while it may seem daunting at first, the more time you spend in meditation, the easier it will become.

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