What is Web3, and is it the future of the internet?

Over the last few decades, the internet has evolved from a niche pastime to an essential part of our daily lives. But despite the technology's massive progress, critics say it's…

How Metaverse Works? | Secrets of Metaverse | Explained in Hindi | Dhruv Rathee

Hello, friends! Imagine you meet with your family members or your friends, but not really, rather in a virtual 3D world. One that is created artificially. You enter this world…

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As a new paradigm of currency in human civilization, Bitcoin represents the meaning of personal wealth sovereignty and inviolability. Hello everyone, today I want to talk about Bitcoin, one of…

Web 3.0 explained with Layah Heilpern

Hello and welcome to the Exodus channel, your home for the best crypto videos. Hit those like and subscribe buttons and we’ll keep the videos coming. When people ask what…

Why Some See Web 3.0 as the Future of the Internet | WSJ

– [Narrator] Web3 is the newest buzzword taking over the tech and venture capital world. And if you've found yourself wondering what it means, you're not alone. Web3 is seen…