Elliptic Curves – Computerphile

So when we looked in the last video my security overview for a particular website we noticed he actually wasn't using Diffie Hellman it was using elliptic curve diffie-hellman, so…

Stereo 3D Vision (How to avoid being dinner for Wolves) – Computerphile

you can get results from this where you can't get results from lasers lasers get bleached out in sunlight i had a colleague that i was speaking to who went…

Bitcoin Mining in 4 Minutes – Computerphile

Sean> How do Bitcoin miners mine? Mike> There's no actual digging involved. Think back to our video on hashing – so a hash function takes a message of any length…

SHA: Secure Hashing Algorithm – Computerphile

SHA stands for the secure hash algorithm. Which is interesting given that it has just kind of been broken But I'm not going to talk specifically about the attack on…