The surprising reason our muscles get tired – Christian Moro

You're lifting weights. The first time feels easy, but each lift takes more and more effort until you can’t continue. Inside your arms, the muscles responsible for the lifting have…

What is MSG, and is it actually bad for you? – Sarah E. Tracy

In 1968, Dr. Robert Ho Man Kwok felt ill after dinner at a Chinese restaurant. He wrote a letter detailing his symptoms to a prestigious medical journal, pondering whether his…

Which type of milk is best for you? – Jonathan J. O’Sullivan & Grace E. Cunningham

If you go to the store in search of milk, there are a dizzying number of products to choose from. There’s dairy milk, but also plant-based products. To turn a…

The dangers of mixing drugs – Céline Valéry

Which of these three people is doing something risky? Is it the one who takes their cholesterol medication with grapefruit juice? The one who takes Acetaminophen pain relievers for a…

What happens to your brain during a migraine – Marianne Schwarz

A throbbing, pounding headache. Bright zigzagging lines across your field of vision. Sensitivity to light, lingering fatigue, disrupted sleep. A migraine can include any of these symptoms. While an incapacitating…