Using Salt to Optimize Mental & Physical Performance | Huberman Lab Podcast #63

– Welcome to the Huberman Lab Podcast, where we discuss science and science-based tools for everyday life. [authoritative music] I'm Andrew Huberman, and I'm a professor of neurobiology and ophthalmology…

How Much Salt Do Humans Need?

MMMMM salt. It’s like my second favorite food group. After chocolate, of course. Hey everyone, Laci Green here for DNews. There are warnings abound about the dangers of a high…

Salt Shocker – Canned Vegetables – Is There Too Much Salt? –

excess salt consumption can be harmful to your health even if you never pick up the salt shaker you may still be consuming too much sodium salt is hidden in…

Bodybuilding And Sodium Intake: How Much Salt Is Okay?

What’s going on, guys. Sean Nalewanyj here at and in this video I want to give a simplified explanation on the issue of sodium intake as it relates to…

Dangers of a High Sodium Diet

– Some of this stuff is very targeted toward patients with heart failure. I know many in the room don't have heart failure, but actually a lot of these things…

Balancing Salt in Your Diet | HealthiNation

Did you know that throughout history, salt has often been more valuable than gold? And there’s a good reason: Aside from being an important food preservative and making what we…

How Much Sodium (Salt) Should You Eat? The Salty Truth

– Sodium is one of those things that everyone knows is unhealthy if we eat too much of it. At least, that's what we've been told by major health organizations…

Why Is Salt So Bad for You, Anyway?

You've probably been told to eat less salt at some point in your life, especially if you have high blood pressure. There's tons of salt in premade and prepackaged food,…

What Happens To Your Body When You Have Too Much Sodium?

hey there viewers are you mindful of how much sodium you're consuming well if you aren't please start sodium intake has a direct effect on your body in today's video…

The 1st Symptom in a Salt Deficiency

let's talk about one of the first symptoms that  can occur if you're low in salt in your body   which this is actually very very common it's  weakness okay overall…