Salt: Are you getting Enough? (More Sodium & Health)

Salt. It doesn’t get much attention lately as the most that is said about it is usually just to eat less of it. But is that always the best advice?…

Tired From Not Enough Salt?… Here’s Why

all right low salt will make you   tired now this probably i should have  probably put right here low amounts of salt just to make it more of a complete …

The Sodium Myth and Why We Need It! – Dr.Berg

hey guys dr. Berg here in this video we're going to talk about the sodium Neff oh my gosh this is a big one you know there's people that say…


hello my friends I'm at ocean and I want to do  a video I want to get real ocean water I got a   bucket and I want to take it…

Balancing Salt in Your Diet | HealthiNation

Did you know that throughout history, salt has often been more valuable than gold? And there’s a good reason: Aside from being an important food preservative and making what we…

The 1st Symptom in a Salt Deficiency

let's talk about one of the first symptoms that  can occur if you're low in salt in your body   which this is actually very very common it's  weakness okay overall…

Himalayan Salt vs. Sea Salt

i want to talk about the difference between  himalayan sea salt and just regular sea salt is   there a difference there is it's a big difference  the great majority of…