Salt of the Earth – Sodium and Plant Based Diets

"Salt of the Earth – Sodium and Plant-Based Diets" Reduction of salt consumption by just 15% could save the lives of millions. If we could cut our salt intake by…

Add Salt (Just A Pinch)

could use a pinch a little bit of extra kosher salt pinch of salt here hit it with a little bit of salt I'm just going to hit them with…

WHO’s Science in 5: Are you consuming too much salt? – 10 March 2023

We are talking about salt in our diet today. What happens when we consume too much salt and how can we reduce it in our diet and why should we…

NEVER ignore these 7 Signs you’re eating too much Salt 💥 (Important) 🤯

Nowadays, salt is our most important seasoning. Whether for breakfast eggs, cooking or at the lunch table, we quickly reach for the salt shaker to add flavor to our food….

WHO’s Science in 5: Are you consuming too much salt? – 10 March 2023

We are talking about salt in our diet today. What happens when we consume too much salt and how can we reduce it in our diet and why should we…

NEVER ignore these 7 Signs you’re eating too much Salt 💥 (Important) 🤯

Nowadays, salt is our most important seasoning. Whether for breakfast eggs, cooking or at the lunch table, we quickly reach for the salt shaker to add flavor to our food….

WHO’s Science in 5: Are you consuming too much salt? – 10 March 2023

We are talking about salt in our diet today. What happens when we consume too much salt and how can we reduce it in our diet and why should we…

WHO’s Science in 5: Are you consuming too much salt? – 10 March 2023

We are talking about salt in our diet today. What happens when we consume too much salt and how can we reduce it in our diet and why should we…

WHO’s Science in 5: Are you consuming too much salt? – 10 March 2023

We are talking about salt in our diet today. What happens when we consume too much salt and how can we reduce it in our diet and why should we…

Salt Shakedown — How to Avoid Hidden Sodium at the Grocery Store

Hi! My name is Arielle Rosenberg and I'm a registered dietician for the Clinical Nutrition Department at Johns Hopkins Bayview, and I've worked with many cardiac patients throughout my time…