Bitcoin Q&A: What Happens to Transaction Fees when the Block Reward is Zero?

[AUDIENCE] You were talking about the incentives with proof-of-work. Do you [think that] when the block goes down to zero, that people will still mine at the same level? Will…

Do You Run a Bitcoin Full Node? [Monthly Costs & Basic Node Configuration in 2 Min]

[Question] Do you run your own node? I  wonder if you run your own nodes and,   if you do, do you have a particular  preference for its configuration?   [Answer] That's…

Do You Run a Bitcoin Full Node? [Monthly Costs & Basic Node Configuration in 2 Min]

[Question] Do you run your own node? I  wonder if you run your own nodes and,   if you do, do you have a particular  preference for its configuration?   [Answer] That's…

Bitcoin Q&A: Energy Consumption

[AUDIENCE] I want to ask you about the energy consumption in mining. [ANDREAS] Yes? [AUDIENCE] What is the solution for it? [ANDREAS] Well, energy consumption in mining is — I…

Please Explain Bitcoin to My Mother! [A non-technical explanation of bitcoin anyone can understand]

Amber asks, "Could you explain Bitcoin to my mum? I ask because I want this video to exist for my mum… and everyone like her, who wants to understand the…

Bitcoin Q&A: What is Mining?

[HOST 1] There has been a lot of talk about bitcoin mining as a way to get rich. [ANDREAS] Bitcoin mining is probably the worst way to try to get…

Bitcoin Q&A: What is Mining?

[HOST 1] There has been a lot of talk about bitcoin mining as a way to get rich. [ANDREAS] Bitcoin mining is probably the worst way to try to get…

Do You Run a Bitcoin Full Node? [Monthly Costs & Basic Node Configuration in 2 Min]

[Question] Do you run your own node? I  wonder if you run your own nodes and,   if you do, do you have a particular  preference for its configuration?   [Answer] That's…

Bitcoin Q&A: How Much Bitcoin Do You Have?

[AUDIENCE] I am a novice in all of this cryptocurrency stuff. [ANDREAS] Welcome! [AUDIENCE] It is interesting to hear what you are saying. Clearly you are a huge believer [in…

Bitcoin Q&A: How Much Bitcoin Do You Have?

[AUDIENCE] I am a novice in all of this cryptocurrency stuff. [ANDREAS] Welcome! [AUDIENCE] It is interesting to hear what you are saying. Clearly you are a huge believer [in…