Gout, Pathophysiology, Causes, Symptoms, Risk Factors, Diagnosis and Treatments, Animation.

Gout is a common form of inflammatory arthritis characterized by recurrent attacks of painful joint pain. A gout attack occurs suddenly, often at night. The affected joint is swollen, red…

The shocking amount of sugar hiding in your food – BBC

Dietician Allison bones wants to show a group of office workers Just how much energy in the form of sugar these carbs release into their bloodstream Foods we've got there…

Obesity and corporate greed | DW Documentary

[Music] the obesity epidemic is the most important international health problem [Music] by 2030 half the world will be obese or overweight this is a disaster it's a man-made tragedy…

Sugar is Not a Treat | Jody Stanislaw | TEDxSunValley

Translator: Tanya Cushman Reviewer: Peter van de Ven Take a few moments to think about your most vital organs in your body, those organs that you cannot live without. Okay,…

What Causes Obesity?

today I want to talk about personal energy storage I don't mean that drawer will have that's full of batteries in the wrong size I mean our expanding waistlines what…

What is MSG, and is it actually bad for you? – Sarah E. Tracy

In 1968, Dr. Robert Ho Man Kwok felt ill after dinner at a Chinese restaurant. He wrote a letter detailing his symptoms to a prestigious medical journal, pondering whether his…