Salt: Are you getting Enough? (More Sodium & Health)

Salt. It doesn’t get much attention lately as the most that is said about it is usually just to eat less of it. But is that always the best advice?…

Avoid Sodium if You Want to Detox Your Kidneys [HERE’S WHY?]

if you want to improve your overall health  you must take good care of your kidneys   one simple but effective way to do  so is to limit your sodium intake  …

Healthy Alternatives to Sodium for Better Heart Health

Hi I'm Ursula Ridens, registered dietitian at Sharp HealthCare. Today we are talking about how to improve your heart health with a low sodium diet. The American Heart Association recommends…

The Sodium Myth and Why We Need It! – Dr.Berg

hey guys dr. Berg here in this video we're going to talk about the sodium Neff oh my gosh this is a big one you know there's people that say…

Why You Need More Salt in Your Diet

hey welcome everyone i have a very special  guest today um on a book that i wanted to   actually two books that i want to interview this  Dr. James DiNicolantonio…