U.S. vs China: The Battle for Bitcoin Mining Supremacy | WSJ

– [Narrator] This is a Bitcoin mine hidden deep in the mountains of Sichuan in China. (speaking in foreign language) – [Narrator] And its rival is on the other side…

Bitcoin Q&A: What Happens to Transaction Fees when the Block Reward is Zero?

[AUDIENCE] You were talking about the incentives with proof-of-work. Do you [think that] when the block goes down to zero, that people will still mine at the same level? Will…

Why Salt Is Vital — But Potentially Catastrophic

If you think about it, salt is the foundation of our economy. Cities have been named in its legacy. Wars fought over it. It's been taxed. It occurs naturally nearly…

ALERT! I’m withdrawing 100% of my bitcoin from crypto.com?

if you don't think every single crypto exchange  is at risk of pausing withdrawals temporarily   or permanently making it so you cannot access  your crypto you are dead wrong breaking…

Bitcoin Q&A: Energy Consumption

[AUDIENCE] I want to ask you about the energy consumption in mining. [ANDREAS] Yes? [AUDIENCE] What is the solution for it? [ANDREAS] Well, energy consumption in mining is — I…

Bank Runs! What’s Going On?

Banks don’t fail very often, and bank runs appear to be mostly a thing of the past. The last bank failure in the United States happened in 2020 when a…

$1.5 Million Bitcoin is not crazy…

like I think 1.5 million in the next Bull  Run is like not that crazy I think nation   states are going to get very much into the  Bitcoin game and…

Please Explain Bitcoin to My Mother! [A non-technical explanation of bitcoin anyone can understand]

Amber asks, "Could you explain Bitcoin to my mum? I ask because I want this video to exist for my mum… and everyone like her, who wants to understand the…

How does the stock market work? – Oliver Elfenbaum

In the 1600s the Dutch East India Company employed hundreds of ships to trade gold, porcelain, spices, and silks around the globe. But running this massive operation wasn’t cheap. In…

Bitcoin Q&A: What is Mining?

[HOST 1] There has been a lot of talk about bitcoin mining as a way to get rich. [ANDREAS] Bitcoin mining is probably the worst way to try to get…