Step Aside Bitcoin….This Altcoin Could Become #1 (Google & Paypal Partner!?)
Have you ever watched the movie Varsity Blues!? Well if not there is a scene I like to quote all the time…stick to the basics my friends. What does that…

BEWARE!!! Binance & Tether Will Pop The Bitcoin Bubble!
Sooo, this channel is an outlier in the crypto YouTube space. The research is on another level, I don’t try to do technical analysis and our Tyler Analysis beats the…

Step Aside Bitcoin….This Altcoin Could Become #1 (America’s #1 Crypto)
The Bear Market is for the builders, the ones who carve out their own path, creating technology that will change the future of tomorrow. They don’t shill, they don’t cry…they…

These Countries Are Going “ALL IN” w/ Bitcoin!! (New World Reserve Currency)
The US dollar has been the dominant force across the globe since dropping the gold standard & moving into a standard based on Oil. They call it the petrodollar, but…