How Bitcoin Wallets Work (Public & Private Key Explained)

In the past, I’ve made quite a few Simply Explained videos on how blockchains and cryptocurrencies work. And there are a few questions that keep coming, like: how do wallets…

Bitcoin’s Lightning Network, Simply Explained!

Many people believe that Bitcoin is the future for our financial system. But there is a big issue standing in the way of this goal and that is scalability. Let…

Bitcoin’s Lightning Network, Simply Explained!

Many people believe that Bitcoin is the future for our financial system. But there is a big issue standing in the way of this goal and that is scalability. Let…

[CS198.1x Week 1] Bitcoin Review

Let's go over what we talked about in lecture. First, we talked about the concept of identity on the Bitcoin network. In Bitcoin, each node’s identity is represented by their…

Truly understand how Blockchain works | From Zero to Crypto

So, what is blockchain, really? We may gawk at companies that have almost no technology in their processes, simply put blockchain in  their names and suddenly the market goes: Wooooow!…

Bitcoin’s Lightning Network, Simply Explained!

Many people believe that Bitcoin is the future for our financial system. But there is a big issue standing in the way of this goal and that is scalability. Let…