Why graphene hasn’t taken over the world…yet

– [Cory] It may not look like it, but I'm creating one of the strongest and most versatile materials on Earth, graphene. You've probably heard buzz about it. Graphene made…

Extracting caffeine from coffee

Caffeine Is the world's most popular psychoactive drug and many people depend on it just to survive their day-to-day life. There are a huge variety of food products both natural…

What really happens to the plastic you throw away – Emma Bryce

This is the story of three plastic bottles, empty and discarded. Their journeys are about to diverge with outcomes that impact nothing less than the fate of the planet. But…

The Science of Caffeine: The World’s Most Popular Drug

Millions of Americans use caffeinated beverages every day as a pick me up. It is after all the world's most popular drug and with new caffeine infused products like energy…

How much salt in seawater? Precipitation titration 🌊🧂🥼

Welcome In the last analytical chemistry  video I have shown you the essentials   of the volumetric analysis by determining the  acetic acid content in a white vinegar sample That titration…