Milk. White Poison or Healthy Drink?

Over the last decade, milk has become a bit controversial. Some people say it's a necessary and nutritious food, vital for healthy bones, but others say it can cause cancer…

Colorectal cancer surgery – Open procedure – 3D animation

open colon surgery is the traditional method used  by most surgeons to remove a segment of colon this   technique requires a large midline incision and  is an invasive procedure resulting…

Obesity and corporate greed | DW Documentary

[Music] the obesity epidemic is the most important international health problem [Music] by 2030 half the world will be obese or overweight this is a disaster it's a man-made tragedy…

WHY Low Salt Stresses the Body (Sodium, Hormones & Potassium)

This episode is brought to you by the new podcast, "The Thread" with OZY. In July 1995, it became unusually hot in Chicago. The temperature hit 106 degrees, and the…

Hypercalcemia – Too Much Calcium, Animation

Hypercalcemia refers to abnormally  high levels of calcium in the blood.  Dietary calcium enters the blood through the  small intestine and exits in urine via the   kidneys. In the body,…