Bitcoin Q&A: How does the Blockstream Satellite Work?

"How do Blockstream's Bitcoin satellites work? What are their potential use cases?" "Blockstream runs five satellites orbiting the Earth, sending blockchain data to almost any spot on our planet's surface."…

Ethereum Q&A: Does Ethereum Compete Against Bitcoin?

[AUDIENCE] What do you think about Ethereum? [ANDREAS] You know, I have never been asked that question in Brazil yet. [Laughter] It only comes up at every meeting… I am…

Non-Technical: Lightning Network Explained

what is the Lightning Network and how does it work for non-technical people let's see if I can answer this question as well as I can alright so first of…

Immutability and Proof-of-Work – the Planetary Scale Digital Monument – classic Bitcoin talk

good evening everyone thank you for coming welcome it's really a pleasure to be back here at plug-and-play Silicon Valley I believe this is my fourth or fifth presentation for…

Bitcoin Q&A: How does the Blockstream Satellite Work?

"How do Blockstream's Bitcoin satellites work? What are their potential use cases?" "Blockstream runs five satellites orbiting the Earth, sending blockchain data to almost any spot on our planet's surface."…

Bitcoin Q&A: How Do Mnemonic Seeds Work?

Fabiano asks, "How do mnemonic seed words work? It looks like magic to me." I believe it was Arthur C. Clarke who said, "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from…

Bitcoin Q&A: Proof-of-Work (PoW), Proof-of-Stake (PoS), Delegated Proof-of-Stake (DPoS)

I actually it's probably no question you expect myself I actually was going to have you get to all three the difference between group of work group of stake and…