BITCOIN didn’t break 2017 ATH yet [ They are wrong ]

welcome back guys the crypto for live channel  today would like to talk about dydx price chart   bitcoin price chart dxy index first of all what do  you have to…

BTC117: Bitcoin and the Start of the Information Era w/ Luke Broyles

[00:00:52] Preston Pysh: Hey everyone, welcome to the show. I’m here with Luke. Luke, welcome to The Investor’s Podcast and the Bitcoin Fundamentals Show. [00:00:59] Luke Broyles: Thank you very…

Bitcoin History: Everything from Bitcoin Pizza Day to Bitcoin Wallet Security

Hey crypto nation! This is Kris from Exodus and in this video we’ll talk about the coin that started it all. The king of crypto. The coin that for many…

Can Bitcoin Crash to Zero? A Simple Explanation

Bitcoin has been around for a few years now. As of July 2022, 19.1 million bitcoins were in circulation. Because there are only a finite number of bitcoins, their value…

BITCOIN didn’t break 2017 ATH yet [ They are wrong ]

welcome back guys the crypto for live channel  today would like to talk about dydx price chart   bitcoin price chart dxy index first of all what do  you have to…