Bitcoin Q&A: What is Mining?

[HOST 1] There has been a lot of talk about bitcoin mining as a way to get rich. [ANDREAS] Bitcoin mining is probably the worst way to try to get…

Bitcoin Q&A: Solar Energy & Mining in Space

[QUESTIONER]: Suppose the solar technology advances very well… [ANDREAS]: Yes. [QUESTIONER]: It will capture a lot of [solar energy] with very high efficiency. So marginal costs will become zero. Then…

Cryptocurrency Explained: Can Words in a BIP39 Mnemonic Repeat? [Bitcoin, Ethereum, Security]

Can words repeat in a mnemonic phrase? Yes they  can. So about about about about about about about   about about about about about about about  about about about 23 times…

Bitcoin Q&A: What is Mining?

[HOST 1] There has been a lot of talk about bitcoin mining as a way to get rich. [ANDREAS] Bitcoin mining is probably the worst way to try to get…

Bitcoin Q&A: What are PayNyms?

"How do BIP-47 reusable payment codes work?" Now we go to the other end of the technical questions. This is not an easy one to explain. BIP-47 reusable payment codes…

Cryptocurrency Explained: How to Get More Privacy on Bitcoin Transactions [Privacy is a Human Right]

[Question] What are some of the steps  one should take to maintain anonymity   while using bitcoin — from simple to advanced?  Well Vegeta, anonymity or privacy is not a one  …

Breaking Up with Your Bitcoin Wallet: How Do You Move From One Cryptocurrency Wallet to Another?

In this segment of Down the Rabbit Hole, I want to talk about a particular problem that occurs fairly often with new users who are trying to either recover or…

Bitcoin Q&A: How does the Blockstream Satellite Work?

"How do Blockstream's Bitcoin satellites work? What are their potential use cases?" "Blockstream runs five satellites orbiting the Earth, sending blockchain data to almost any spot on our planet's surface."…

Ethereum Q&A: Does Ethereum Compete Against Bitcoin?

[AUDIENCE] What do you think about Ethereum? [ANDREAS] You know, I have never been asked that question in Brazil yet. [Laughter] It only comes up at every meeting… I am…

Immutability and Proof-of-Work – the Planetary Scale Digital Monument – classic Bitcoin talk

good evening everyone thank you for coming welcome it's really a pleasure to be back here at plug-and-play Silicon Valley I believe this is my fourth or fifth presentation for…