Zero Added Sugar Vietnamese Iced Coffee – Ca Phe Da – Cafe Da

hello and welcome everyone to my channel team 
lynch spirit of adventure i'm your host michael   lynch and today we're going to be talking 
about vietnamese iced coffee specifically   sugar-free vietnamese iced coffee if you're not 
familiar with what a vietnamese iced coffee is   generally speaking it's a big glass or sometimes 
a medium glass an ice glass full of ice with   sweetened condensed milk and really really strong 
espresso like coffee in it mixed and then sipped   usually in hot weather today we're going to make a 
sugar-free version of that we're going to be using   caffe dumond which is kind of the traditional kind 
of french style chicory coffee that vietnamese   iced coffee is typically made with it is the same 
type of stuff you've heard about in new orleans   with the beignets cafe du monde because of the 
french influence over vietnam that we use that   and actually vietnamese iced coffees actually has 
a whole vietnamese name i'll put it right here   i'm not going to try to pronounce it though 
because even though i'm half vietnamese i don't   speak vietnam vietnamese and my mom does get onto 
me about that instead of the sweetened condensed   milk what i'm going to do is show you how to make 
a sweetened condensed milk using evaporated milk   and then this monk fruit sweetener now for 
this type of stuff that we're going to be   doing i use this lancato i think that's how you 
pronounce it um or le canto la canto i don't know   but that's how you pronounce whatever 
that's how you i think that's how you say it   but using this brand of sweetener because it has 
um an additive to it called i don't know how to   pronounce it really but urethral irrita i don't 
know begins with an e it's the first ingredient   you look on the back of it this actually helps the 
sweetener act more like a regular sugar sweetener   and so in most recipes you'll see that you added 
um you know kind of tablespoon for tablespoons   regular sweetener there is a brown sugar 
version of this but it's super hard to find   i couldn't find it myself so i generally use this 
regular kind here so we're going to use this the   sweetener to make a sweetened condensed milk we're 
going to use in the bottom of this glass to pour   our vietnamese coffee into we're going to 
put our filter just on the top like this   put the coffee into our filter or thin i think 
that's how you pronounce it i think it's the   vietnamese way to say it p-h-i-n that's thin and 
it's almost like a coffee press if you kind of   take a look at it here um it's got a screw 
in in the bottom so you can actually screw   this piece on right here and actually kind of 
stamp tamps down the coffee into there and it   drips through these little tiny holes you can see 
them can't get into focus you can see these little   tiny holes that actually make lets the coffee drip 
into the cup and so you have super concentrated   coffee going into the bottom of your glass 
here mixing with your sweetened condensed milk   mix all that together throw ice on top of it 
it's absolutely refreshing so let me show you   how you do this okay so the first thing 
we're going to do i do have my trusty pot   i actually make a lot of vietnamese coffee or at 
least sweetened condensed milk my version of it in   this pot so this is all blue for me please don't 
make fun of it it's my trusty little saucepan   but gonna just turn the heat on here to medium 
on the just on a regular burner we're going to   add our evaporated milk you can use any brand 
the board and stuff it doesn't really matter i like the kirkland i like the costco 
version i buy it by the case because i do   make a lot of vietnamese coffee we're going 
to put 12 ounces in there into our pot here   let that kind of heat up a little bit now you'll 
notice that when you get sweetened condensed   milk at the story compared to the evaporated 
milk the sweetened condensed milk is going   to be it's like slime you know if you've ever 
seen kids like make slime and stuff like that   super super kind of gooey gets everywhere it just 
runs forever it has long strings like mozzarella   cheese almost evaporated milk's not going to be 
like that but technically that kind of thickness   that you see in a sweetened version it is the 
sugar it's kind of also been reduced down so   that's why it seems a little bit different but 
you're using the same thing just without the sugar   so the way that we're going to make this sweet 
like sweetened condensed milk as i said we're   going to take our monk fruit sweetener 
here like hanto and we're going to take   eight heaping tablespoons i know it sounds like a 
lot it really does but it's not that's two three four five six seven eight nine ten oops eleven twelve yep i may have skipped one i don't know i 
think i got 12 in there pretty sure i got 12 in   there so 12 in there i like to take my handy 
old red see i got a battle scar on all red   from cooking with this guy so much a 
good silicone spatula you can use wood   or spatula i should say you can use wood 
as well i just i i prefer not to use   any kind of metal utensils on anything 
that is nonstick like old blue here   and so we're going to make sure that we dissolve 
this if you don't dissolve this all the way   obviously it's not going to work right for 
you and what you also want to do is get it   not only to the point that you don't 
have any more granules in the bottom   but you also want to make sure that you 
are heating it and you're reducing it slightly okay so here's where we're at i 
took my eight ounces of evaporated milk   put in 12 tablespoons of my monk fruit sweetener 
in my saucepan old blue and reduced it down   slightly so i got it to boiling reduced the heat 
a little bit left it on there constantly we're   not constantly stirring it but just stirring 
it every once in a while making sure i don't   scorch it burn it whatever you want to call you 
can take whatever you don't use and put it into   a tupperware it will keep in the refrigerator 
for three days or so i would recommend using it   within three days because you will start 
to have these kind of crystals forming in   the bottom of your tupperware where 
it starts to kind of recrystallize   i guess it's because of the either the 
monk fruit or the additive that's in there   becoming less effective and it just starts 
congealing or clumping together again you can   always redissolve it if you reheat it but it's a 
little bit of a hassle in the morning when you're   trying to make your coffee if you want to make 
this in the morning and put it in your thermos so   i tend to put it in this tupperware i'll put it in 
the fridge and i usually use it within three days   so i'll have three more days with coffee 
four total days of vietnamese coffee with   a container about this size with one 12 ounce can 
of evaporated milk so i've put two to three ounces   of the evaporated milk mixture that i've i've 
done my zero sugar sweetened condensed milk i   also have my fin here so what we're going to do is 
just put that on top so it goes there on top we're   also going to take our inside filter out of our 
fin which is right here we're going to take our cafe dumont and we're going to make sure 
we get about two tablespoons in there   and this is where you don't want to 
necessarily be heaping you want to be about   right on as possible and this is also 
the preference as well what i like to do   if you're putting something in here like this then 
you know obviously it's kind of a cup i know it's   going to be really hard to kind of see that on 
camera but i like to make it as even as possible   like make sure i get all the coffee grounds off 
that screw in the middle and this is the tricky   part so i finger kind of tighten the middle the 
the filter down and i kind of spin it so as soon   as i hit a little bit of resistance i'll kind 
of back it off a little bit and i'll just kind   of fling it forward righty tighty lefty loosey um 
because you know if you're putting coffee grounds   on the bottom of this just theoretically speaking 
is going to be kind of lumpy and that filter is   going to spin down and try to flatten it very 
evenly so you're going to have some lumps as   you kind of make it even and that's what that 
first resistance is i like to make sure that   i flatten it all out you don't want to tighten 
it all the way down you want to get it about   finger tight to where you start to feel the 
resistance where it's not going to go anymore   there is kind of like a phillips head or i'm 
sorry a flat head screw kind of thing right   there in your filter if you can see it it's kind 
of kind of hard the light at the filter um with   the um the focus but you can kind of see there 
and use that to gauge that you're going to want   to back this off about one full turn so whenever 
you get it to basically you've kind of stopped   stamped down your your grounds you know you have 
it all even you're not getting resistance just   because it's lumpy on the top you want to back 
it off one full turn again that's also preference   but if you have that too tight your water 
is not going to be able to permeate through   your coffee grinds and get into your your cup 
here so that's what we do for that now this   these fins come in a couple of different sizes 
four ounces six ounces eight ounces typically   most common ones you'll find are six and eights 
this is a six ounce fin i do like to put about   eight ounces in my coffee usually but sometimes i 
will do six you know or less if i don't have a lot   of the condensed milk left so we're going to put 
eight ounces in here and you want to heat it to   just below boiling so you don't want to take it 
all the way to 12 and beyond you want about 210   at the most 190 200 is probably ideal it's in a 
sweet spot i've kind of dialed this in i don't   have a kettle an electric kettle with a thermostat 
on it so what i do is i use this pyrex kind of   measuring cup i put eight ounces in here and i put 
it in my 1000 watt microwave for a minute and 45   seconds and it gets it just about perfect for 
me so i'm going to do that real quick okay so i   got my water see here it's not really boiling it's 
like right below boiling but it's pretty steamy so   kind of a i don't know if it's a crucial step 
but it's definitely a way that i like to make   this coffee is that i don't necessarily just 
douse the the fin with this liquid as you saw   there's like a screw head there in the middle 
so i like just pouring it right on top of that   i feel like it's a gentle way to put stuff in 
there and or put the i feel like it's a gentle   way to put the water in there some reason i 
think that matters but i put about a quarter   of an inch of water in there and i kind of 
let it sit what you want to do is is let the   the little bit of water you put in there kind of 
infuse those dry coffee grounds you'll notice that   if you kind of watch it and i'm kind of a weirdo 
i stare at this stuff in the morning maybe because   i'm half asleep but you can see it slowly start to 
kind of go down and get absorbed into those coffee   grounds below the filter and you will start to 
see a couple drips of coffee come down just like   that after a few seconds at that point i go ahead 
and put the rest until i get to the top of the fin and yes as i said i got a little bit of water 
left over i poured eight ounces into here this   is a six ounce thin or filter and because i'm 
probably mispronouncing that i'm my vietnamese   my vietnamese side is going to be so mad at me but 
i like to let it go down just a little bit and i   put a smidge more coffee in there just because i'm 
a coffee nut but i also don't like it to overpower   everything in the glass so you have this little 
cap here i mean it is nice to have a good   hot water in there as you're brewing your coffee 
now generally speaking you're going to see this   start to drip very very fast relatively fast i 
should say when you first put the water in there   that will start to slow down 
overall it's going to take about   five minutes maybe more for the six ounces 
of water to pass through these grounds   and you'll see it is slow it gets slower and 
slower towards the end you can open this keep   opening it and checking on it it's not going 
to mess anything up but a word of caution like   right now looking at it it's like oh it's gonna 
take forever and if you keep checking it like   this i swear the more you look at this coffee it 
never or the water i swear the more that you look   at this water you will swear it does not move at 
all if you stare at it like that so a good piece   of advice is just to close it up and not stare 
at it and let it do its thing like i said it's   gonna take about five minutes unless you have your 
filter too tight in which case if it is taking too   long you're gonna have some stronger coffee you do 
run the chance of making it better if you let it   over brew and so what i like to do if i've noticed 
that my coffee is not draining as fast as i'd like   usually when i notice that the top of the screw 
head or the filter head is showing even if it's   not is just below the surface of the water it's 
hot so i usually take a butter knife and i'll just   open it back up another half turn sometimes three 
quarters of a turn and that will give it enough   opening to get the rest of the water 
through not let it pour out but let   it just brew and not become better 
so let's give this a couple minutes okay so here's where we're at in the process 
we've got all of our coffee to drain from our   six ounce filter into the bottom here you can 
see there's no more drips or anything like that   so i'll go ahead and take the fin off you have 
to be careful if you have like i said they do   make some of these that are one piece for this 
cup and the saucer is one piece mine is not   so if you have it's a two piece like this you 
want to make sure that as you're pulling this off   be kind of careful hold down the bottom piece take 
that off you'll have some residual coffee in there   it kind of creates a vacuum and if you pull that 
off sometimes like it'll just go flying and the   coffee go flying it's not a cool thing at all um 
to do now you'll see some places some restaurants   it'll look like this and they kind of just keep 
it like this until you order they'll throw ice   in there and then they'll give you a really 
long spoon to kind of like mix it up with the   ice to kind of mix the sweetened condensed milk 
together i don't tend to do that what i tend to do   is actually use it i'd sip this with a straw so 
i'll use a straw to mix that up let me grab one   voila so we're going to take our straw here 
just kind of this is just the way i do it   i like to kind of mix it up it's generally 
about the color you get if you've reduced your   evaporated milk a lot you're going to want to make 
sure you kind of scrape the bottom because it will   start to kind of stick on the sides and the bottom 
of your your glass and then the last thing to do   is add your i use crushed ice but to 
add your ice to this usually do this   over the sink for the video i'm trying to 
do it here just right here on the counter i've got a big chunk there we go there we go   so what i like to do is kind of mix it up 
usually i get it just right there on the   money where it doesn't overflow kind of like 
here and i do like making big old glasses of   this coffee because it is really delicious i 
like to sip it throughout the morning this is   not something you would down it is relatively 
strong coffee i get it kind of mixed in there i need to see what it tastes like so that is perfect very strong but it has 
sweetness it takes the edge off this that   kind of strong coffee taste you can taste 
a little bit of that chicory in there   you definitely taste the sweetened condensed milk 
but it's not overpowering either so it really kind   of balance itself out so i'll make sure i put 
the recipe um description in the description   of the video one thing that i want to make sure i 
clarify in the video is that evaporated milk does   have a little bit of natural sugar so all in all 
if you look at the the nutrition facts of this   evaporated milk for 12 ounces each serving which 
is a one ounce serving has three grams of sugar   none of which is added sugar so in this case this 
vietnamese iced coffee is zero grams added sugar   but you will have a little bit about six grams 
of natural sugar just from the evaporated milk   that is a dramatic reduction in the amount of 
sugar that's normally in a vietnamese iced coffee   so if you like this recipe if you liked how simple 
it was to make give me a like subscribe comment   it's all right so i'm going to leave you with this 
it's a holiday season about to take a two week   road trip to the east coast with bertha be taking 
plenty of snacks with me maybe some banana bread   zero added sugar banana bread as well maybe 
i'll do a video of that of course watch out   for my next videos my road trip to the east 
coast over the holidays until next time you

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