[YTP] Too Much Fiddling With The Coffee

🎵 Just believe me, don't watch! 🎵 Yes Mr. Jones, it's a new kind of coffee Roasted by a new KIND OF process Hence, this new KIND OF coffee has a different KIND OF flavour a KIND OF flavouour preserved by vacuuming the flavor (US) after the jar has been opened In every jar, you'll find coffee. JUST FUCKING TASTE IT YOU CAN'T TASTE IT A flavor that sucks balls Yes you can't miss that DICK aroma, that clean mellow yellow taste! A flavour preserved by coughing into the coffee 🔊 [Tourettes Guy coughing rather violently] In every jar, you'll kind of taste no flavour. [stutter loop] In every jar, you'll find three special methods of making methamphetamine YES! A new secret process…

Yes yeS YES YES YES! The waytotyaw waytotyaw The way to a man's heart is most of all through the hard cock! Yes Mr. Jones, you're kind of gross… Try OnlyFans! TryYyYyY new NUN'S COFFEE now! Use half the jar! If not 100% satisfied, use 100% of the damn jar! Just waste it! If not 100% UN-satisfied, use the JOJ! (don't use that) Just GET OUT Your money is non-refundable Harvey? Want anything special for your birthday? Just the D WoW! Just a decent cup of coffee… You're kidding! I'm seriERS! Honey you're coffee's… UNDRINKABLE! >:( That's pretty harsh… Well, SOS! 🔊 [mug slamming against plate repeatedly] You know the girls down at the office make better coffee in their underwear …well…

Cya later… …rlelee later… …NOTHING REALLY HAPPENED You know if I could just RELAX, I could RELAX! So RELAX! Why don't you try Instant Relax? Tastes good as Folgers! Yes, it's a new kind of pot! 😉 HeEeEeEeYyY… GrReEaAT cOFfFeEeEe! Better than those girls make at the office? [blowing out a candle, glitched] Honey their coffee's… UNDRINKABLE! >:( (that's pretty harsh…) 🔊 [pitch-shifted percolation noises] THIS is STUPID This cup of coffee smells like my ass and tastes and taSTES AND TASTES as good as a broom! The coffee that's Harder…

Better… Faster… Stronger! Smell the honest coffee smell! Ahhh… ahhhh… ahhhh AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Ahhhhh… SMELL IT! (Smell it!) good coffee … eeffoc doog goodcoffeeeeffocdoog lel goodcoffeeeeffocdoog If you like to drop acid- AaAaHHhHHhhHhhhh you lul You like to look at tight buttsex because it's XXXwell House! Taste Maxwell's strong COCK every time! Harold? Is the coffee alright? Tourettes Guy: "NO!!" You've got to tell me what's WRONG with the coffee! Tourettes Guy: "NO!!!!!!" Harold, don't just shake your head… It TASTES like SHIT… …naaaaAaAAaAaAaAaaAAaAaA! 🔊 [loud, predictable explosion] Listen, help me out will ya… Harold hates my shitty coffee. What kind do you use? (male voice:) TRY NEW INSTANT FOLGERS Tastes good as fresh jizz! THAT explains why the coffee's so GOOD! OH! OwO This coffee is… A NEW KIND OF COFFEE 🔊 [MY EYEEEEES] Honey! You'll kill the petunias! (pitch-shifted in song-like fashion)
then THEN then THEN then THEN then THEN Then you admit it! Your coffee really IS coffee! …rer… Papa Eddie, my coffee…

It's coffee! Try OLD coffee! Mountain grown for fountain flavor! Y'know… this is CRAP (thanks Gordon Ramsay) 🎵 [sad music which is of course Chamber of Echoes – The Way Out (The Rebirth)] 🎵 My coffee… it's UNDRINKABLE! >:( Try "Folgers" "mountain grown for richer flavor" 🔊 [LOUD CRASH] My CO-O-O-O-O-O-FFEE IT'S MURDER! Your coffee really IS murder! (echo continues) 🔊 [sound of prison door closing] 🎵 [percolating coffee poorly pitch-shifted to the HoH SiS theme song] YES MR. JONES IT'S A NUKE Roasted by cooking the coffee pot! Roasted by cooking Mr. Jones. PlususSuSuSPluSuSuSus Roasted by SHARTing into the Charmin Yes Mr. Jones, just get wasted! Yes Mr. Jones, get roasted by cs188 😉 Want anything special for your birthday? Just the GIRLS DOWN AT THE OFFICE i'M SeRiOuS hOnEy, YoUr CoFfEe'S…

uNdRiNKabLe! >:(.

As found on YouTube

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