Wim Hof’s thoughts on psychedelics, coffee, and more | #AskWim

There is stuff in the guitar Oh..that is okay. Yeah? It's just my cocaine… Welcome to Ask Wim! Any questions will be answered. But I am also very good in not answering questions. So, what languages do I speak? That's Japanese. What level? Hey man, enough to say BANZAI! So… Spanish. Italian. Dutch Sometimes, a little bit Dutchy German. French. English. South African Maybe some Hungarian, but I don't know… Portuguese, I can understand Brazilian If they talk slowly then I do I read books. Because of my Spanish… Then I got into Italian Into French, into Portuguese. Yeah, what else? Oh, Russian, a little bit. And a little bit of Arabic. You know, little bits of… Of a lot of languages. But the main language The most important language Is right over here. Talk from your heart.

And everybody will understand you perfectly. Do I ever practice other breathing techniques? Like Pranayama, Kumbhaka… Ujjayi Surya Bhari Tattva Pranayama Chandra Bhari Tattva And the Kundalini With the Nadis And the Pingala, and the Ida, and the Sushumna And the whole thing. And Hatha yoga And the Sushumna yoga Yoga is the silencing of the modifications of the thinking brain, then the Seer appears Yeah, and all the kabam I know them all All the levels, all the things But nothing worked Like when you go into the cold. And become alive. From there I began to really learn Inside. And now I learn and teach. I learn every day. Better ways to reach the people. And say "It's simple!" It's great.

It's powerful! The right way of breathing. No textbooks of like…scriptures. From thousands of years needed. It's right here, right now. Within 15 minutes, you can make the profound changes. That's what we have found. And then we brought it to science And that made it altogether believable, credible. For so many more people who are doubting. And now it's on! This works! As I eloquently want to say… Out of the old scriptures. This sh*t works.

My thoughts on psychedelics? Nowadays, I like… To be high on my own supply. Psychedelics? Man, if you're really far out you will be in need of psychedelics Because you ain't got ways to get out of there by yourself. So then you make use of Mother Nature's good psychedelics. And that is great. He moves my mind He blows my mind. This is my psychedelics. Look at this innocence. What the f… I mean. This is what I think Psychedelics…just PLAY! Just BE! Innocence is psychedelic. Psychechelic. Shychedelic. A ball. It's all in the ball. Who can motivate me? Anybody who talks from the heart.

Innocence. People healing from their diseases… Hey man, big fighters come here World champions come here to train. They become humble. That motivates me. To be soft. Also powerful, but also soft. Nice, wow! If a guy like that… Humble. That motivates me. There is always… Beautiful qualities in everybody That can motivate me. I'm always on the look for that. I'm looking for the soul. The soul is what motivates us. The soul is love. Where there is love, there are beautiful gestures. There is humbleness, there is tenderness. There is care. There is "egolessness" And it's beautiful. The innocence of being, that is what motivates me. Do I drink coffee? Yes, I do, in the morning.

I like it. But after the breathing exercises. And nowadays I get some Athletic Greens, or something… They say it's good. I think it's nice. Okay. But my coffee, yes, it's absolutely part of my day. Yes. What kind of testimonials stick out the most? And for what reason? People who have been in the darkness, like depressed for 20 years… Suddenly they are completely out of there. And happy. Isn't that amazing? Or people who couldn't be treated and have cancer and now suddenly they can be treated. And within a month they are healed. Or something like that. People with chronic diseases, really nasty diseases… Their quality of life is like very low. Suddenly it's gone And then you know… The flower comes out Those stories, when they come to me That make me go "more, more, more, I want more" I love testimonials.

It's also, the functionality of testimonials is That other people get to know and hear what they have to say. What they have experienced. It's a hospital. Cuz we cannot depend on the existing system. There is much more to be found. To be displayed. To be known For that, any testimonial is… I'm grateful for any testimonial We have to heal the world.

Let's do it together. Right. Thank you very much for the questions. And if you have more questions, get them into the comments. And I'll be back! I'll be back!.

As found on YouTube

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