What’s my life purpose? (Coffee with Jesus)

please tag people in this please participate in the we would actually just love to to have a conversation we call these nights coffee with Jesus and the aim is for us us to become personal with Jesus. It is to actually sit in your House and make make for a coffee for you and the coffee Jesus and to make our. With him, physical and and especially in this time, I feel like it's so that when we can't can't a way forward, it's it's needed needed to see physical even if if it's just making a manifestation and inviting him onto a table and say you Jesus I have no clue what I'm going to get through this but I trust that You do yeah the. Hallelujah. Hey Adrian. It's so nice having you guys here so if you've got any questions if you've got anything to say, please start it in the comments below and so Lee Jones says.

Please pray for my mom's friend that is what will be will be done she was moved from the to to Ward where needs to pass on now the cancer is is eating her body up inside They can Whoo. Whoo. Okay. And he's got such a heart for now we wanna come and speak impossible we are not accepting anything outside of God's will and oh Jesus. If you could do miracles God, you can do it again. Lord and we thank you for this God and we just thank you that you learn hold the power and so we wanna come and speak to that body right now. if you wanna go and speak to that body wherever you are every single cell aligned with the word of and we we thank you Jesus that whatever you decide is manifesting right now we thank you Jesus.

We thank you. Oh. Absolutely so nice. it is so important to declare victory. You are right we need to live in a place of victory you're right and You know I'd like in season Trying to drink and what it would almost and that's why if he leads us beside peaceful rivers because because you a sheep actually very peaceful and calm to drink from so that the water doesn't get into the nose and the other thing is when it's easy to us slime Green pastures, it's actually because would go wandering off the heat heat of the if the Shape It didn't force it to lie down so you would bend the legs give the sheep is made to lie down and that's why he makes us.

Ja ich denke Like there's some it's actually get get to the basics of purpose is and and then please ask us some questions and or if you need just need prayer, please pop in or if you just wanna be be. it's also okay and beautiful I wanna say hi. Adrian say say hi Shima Mila and then Anna Hey Anna. How are you doing? it's awesome having you guys on the please share with your people and if you don't don't, it's also yeah. so right now. I think just before we start we we can do We wanna play again. Yeah, you can yeah okay. Lord. I just thank you Jesus you are taking other. Now, you're taking words God and you're turning it into whatever you want it to be. and I just thank you that you are releasing purpose inside inside of every single one watching God and Lord I wanna wanna pray and your words is that the of the ministering spirits to those who are the ears of salvation and I wanna Thank Thank you God that are you are sending out the Angels words of Knowledge peace love and purpose, and I wanna call on those.

Okay, so throughout season I've been asking myself what purpose and what what is it really mean to be purposed cuz cuz it's a word, but if it's not tactical for me, me, it means nothing so do you wanna talk about what you feel? I think think it's also something I ask myself a lot because so actually. For a years, but especially over the last few months it's something been asking like where am I going? am I here and I I love like I that we have children and get get to bring up because that is obviously one of the most most purposes we we can the it cuz we never know who we we are raising and to like we often say to each each other, You so much from a child, but you think you need to teach them and guide them and but that was a teach us so much valuable lessons about the Kingdom of God.

To live out this this huge magnificent purpose if I even love the security guard at the share with someone if you're not faithful with and and so just been discussing about what other practical the practical things of our purpose is actually looks and how it sounds in and so something that I was saying to him is that when you find what you're passionate about when you find things that you love you found with your passionate and then if you find what the world needs and what need you find your mission. And that place passion and mission we your purpose is established and that can look different in many ways and and it's so vast, actually it's just it's just based on willingness to surrender and how much are we prepared to lay down because all want the the huge purpose. want the huge calling, calling, but we don't know the cost cost that it's coming and how much it actually cost you in the process and the cost is also based around how willing to surrender.

While he is. I for that's also true like if you look at word calling and purpose to the two words the difference is that purpose means to to take something and put it forth to aim something and So much of a conversation with and God God is all about Lord Lord Lord this and this is the season where God is calling us and a means that he has placed a calling to his feet. to his presence to his heart and so much of the things that is actually sharing with us is not to speak to others. Yeah. but it's actually because he wants a conversation with as a parent like. I but I trust that You do know. and just sitting on his feet And being totally vulnerable and totally honest. That is that is calling us in this season. and then from from there on the totals totals to surrender he can send us and can purpose us. I don't believe we just get purpose, but but I do believe he purposes your life, which means that he can save you time.

But he only send us if we are willing to give him the. If we broken in enough to actually make all about if are gonna get the glory. Econ with it it and that we've been chatting about a lot as as well as we God reveals to us who gives us Dream of pictures and like along as long as we are so quick to wanna run with people and say, Oh I experience this added this or I see this over this person person and I don't don't know if that's necessarily what God wants so we always challenge each other other to actually pray about it and if God permits us to to share what do, but it can't just be all about. To people to make ourselves look good and make ourselves spiritual in, we've kind of lost it, but often think back to like better reward on Earth if if we are knock tell people what you're doing the whole time that's our the extent of our world and so it's rather than just to keep things up between us and God and actually grow that relationship with him not just the spirit all over the world cuz can we wanna share God's love with people and who he is and give people saved and and just sadly.

With God with him, but we don't necessarily wanna always just go around and tell people absolutely everything that we experience God because that's that's not the intimate places in our hearts We it's between us and God in our relationship with him. and I love one thing one thing that you're said this week and she said that. it's like a married couple actually what they do in the bedroom is very private and it's not. To start asking God to enter the as he wants to. notice as we want him to and. that is true true like the most of we we Okay, Jesus but you've given me me this Dream and I need you to do it like this this this this this this this and I could you give me a Silver Chair and not a pink one I think it's actually so funny but I wanna I wanna tell you guys that I do believe.

Believe that it's in the surrendering like are you willing to surrender biggest Dream? You are you willing willing to sacrifice because if because if you're willing to sacrifice that God can use you in it. and I think it's at the end of day purpose is all about about and we've made made actually we've made it an ugly thing and purposed things and and we've called and at the end of. ourselves because that ends up stealing away, Firstly the the present in it steals away our steals our focus. It's just it breaks breaks us that we often say to each other comparison is one of of the biggest thieves not just the thief of joy and firstly it your joy because the words says that the joy of the lord is your strength and and so if you have joy if you lose your joy, you kind of lose your strength. Anybody else achieves and making you like it is all your fault and I wanna tell you that the enemy is a a liar.

He's a thief. He's a liar and all he can do is speak in his his mother tongue, which lies and there is so much purpose on your life and the heart of God goes out out to you because you are an inter self and says for I have chosen you to be close to my heart. and in this season. To show you beautiful how much you love her. Thank you Jesus that you're touching it right now.

Fronte Every lie right now in Jesus name. And I hear Jesus say I'm doing a new thing. I'm doing a new thing. And then now he's doing a new thing. when the the Israelites came into the promised land, God stopped giving them food same way that he did for years. because he was doing a new thing. He gave them new ways of and so right now I come and speak that God is is providing a ways he's like you have never seen before. We love you and we know God has got such a purpose for you. Thank you. I share with are you still there? To me, you can just comment. if you're still there. Alu think give her the word. anyway, so I actually have had you on my quite a bit the last few days and I just when we're sitting now I just felt like you've got this beautiful story inside of you but you see with a story and you see yourself with that nothing to.

Royalty to you, but do you see yourself in but but you're actually not wess. I just see you like this beautiful people involved at the feet of Jesus if I could so beautiful and just like that he saying to to you, he's infatuated with with you and spending time with you and you've got so much to give to people and there's so much that before and you just need to step into and just grab a hold of of it because joy like every single tear that.

Is just be completely like you're gonna have abundance of joy for the tears that got in time time to come I like also to see you at the feet of Jesus washing his feet with tears, but it's such such a it's such beautiful and and vulnerable place, I feel like God is God is busy giving you a break and contracts which is beautiful in the eyes of Jesus and so even that. What has but look forward to what what God is doing and even if can't see that that's because God knows exactly where he's taking you.

So just wanted to say that for you. And then we we wanna say hi to hello and yeah, so also one thing that I wanna share is There's this I read this blog from Mark and it was a profound. He's not even a Christian. Christian. I think he is he, he was was kind of blatant on the being. No God but but he something with vision and and he was so profound that God through him on his and I actually wanna read it to you guys and it says when people feel like they have no sense of direction no purpose in their.

It is because they do not know what is important to They don't know what their values are and when you do not know what your values are, then you are essentially taking taking on other values and you are living other people's priorities instead of your own. This is a one way ticket to unhealthy relationships and eventual misery discovering one 's purpose in life, essentially boils down to finding those. Things that are bigger than yourself and bigger than those people around you. It is not about some great or merely finding a way to spend, but it's merely finding a way to spend your limited amount of time on Earth They well. And now you must get get off the couch and take and beyond yourself.

Think greater than yourself. and imagine a a world without yourself kind of was so beautiful to beautiful to me I've I've realized that if do not cause vision for ourselves we take on other vision. so I I wanna tell you write down the vision. Says write down the vision so that everybody can that can see it can run with it so season, it's very important that we write down what God is saying to you and it's so important to first first of all go and sit God sit God without talking to him. just allow him to talk to you times in worship like we we often have this that like we are very we. Just sits and receive from him. Those people who are willing to just sit and receive all those people that God loves you and when Bethel was in South Africa they had one of the worship leaders had a Dream the and God showed her a lot of of things he wants to do for Africa and the the next day go on stage.

She's like Lord. How do I How do I say this to the people and he stopped and he said no my child I. Show you these things so that you can tell them. I showed it to it to you because I love you and I wanted to have that bounce off of you. chat with you and to me that's such a beautiful and it's not it's not an easy way to get out because we live in this ratt. of the life life where we have do this and then we need to get to this and we need to get to this and And Yeah, so I feel like this week is the the week us just listening to that. and getting to know what he sees us it's easy to know what we want for us purpose is not about and eventually the possibly last night you wanted it hit me that at the end of the day we are gonna stand before the throne of God and every single thing was not initiated by God. Every single thing that was initiated by God. will burn away before his throne.

You cannot say hello, I'm doing this for glory and you're living in a place worst than you found it. It's gonna away before his throne and it would be very horrible for us to stand before the throne of God before a loving father who who has given everything and stand with 20 minutes of minutes of your It's actually shocking that statistics show that the average prays 21 minutes a year. That's like praying for your food included. That is that's hectic. Yeah, so you wanna wanna add on I would just like I what we often also chat about this but actually even in purpose, are you for an of one or or are you living for the audience me And it's something that I ask myself continuously throughout the day and we often laugh I found actually locked down. I really enjoyed it because I think I'm so used to just being being with me Jesus that if I'm with other people. Okay, it's just that place of just like is good enough for you you if you never had to do anything else for him.

But if just be what you still be enough or are you living for the applause and the approval of men? it's just something to always to ask yourself in everything that we do am I doing this for the audience of one or am I doing this for the audience of and you know. Hum. Not there to even stop that but we are starting this coffees because we actually want a community of people that want to have coffee with and so if have coffee it a coffee but also make an extra extra coffee Jesus. he likes his with more and two sugars. Alida. Hello. You just drop some or comments whatever you think around the topic of purpose if you've got something to say, please do that as well. and a little we love you too.

Thank you for that coming. Thank you so we've actually been asking questions about how do we know that we actually losing side of purpose cuz it's easy to know that purpose is. all about about God it really sounds beautiful we talk about it but making it making it. You have been in this season it might be because of overindulgence to we were just having a conversation with one of my brothers and. God reminded me that God has called us people. He's called us people. He's purposed to people.

So if we we are stuck on the whole time we're missing it because God is not called you to your computer screen. If it. Uses it as a transition to people if it as a way a gateway yes, but he does not call us to take things cuz he is the God of the So if you feel like you have been you're stuck in this world where you are just on your phone all day or you're just your computer, the whole day or even if you're escaping just through games. we might have lost sight of what purpose is and God has called us. And Comparison. Full sentences like they say is actually a a it's the I says he is keeping your eyes fixed on Jesus. We often often get distracted by life and the the enemy we to be intentional about keeping our eyes on him to reveal purpose or to groom us for it. So so true. It's very true and we love love you I think it's so important that to be intentional Intentionality is very key and in this season like it is easy to forget where we are.

It's easy to forget the importance of community I'm we've been so secluded from people we've been so. Is with with that Cannot necessarily give you a reward or those that don't even know how to say thank you Ioc Caan It's awesome having you on Darren. And then the other that I also wanted to say maybe you know you've purpose is if you have become very critical of people because and I actually sit in the other day, I noticed that these two go hand in in hand being critical of people but but you'll notice the that criticize complacent ones so so complacency and criticism almost go hand in hand together and I'm just gonna throw it out, but I have been completely shocked. To say say about how doing something it's it's because I'm missing what the real focus should be, which is always but yeah, So So that's always place that I gauge if I stop stop being like something is with my focus it's it's very easy to see the things that are not being done but it's not easy to see the things that have been done for a of years.

So if you find find the perfect run. Because the best teacher in life is acted out and I was Pope Francis said that I preach gospel by all means and if necessary, use use and I think that's such such a great to be in acting out Jesus. so This season. is the season of the open but it's also the of. The mouth cuz we if a season where where God anointed, the voice the enemy wants to us, he he wants to muzzle us with having to weigh mosques all the time having to say like in church, it is it is to to worship with a whole congregation that that has lost the passion to worship because standing there and you can't even see them nothing. There's. It's but Also become engaged what's happening inside of their hearts, but this is a season where we need to start speaking and and we need declare but it's very when all all we see is the that we have to to because the physical manifestation that we we put sometimes leads to our spiritual manifestation and in this season I wanna come break that off of you right now every single person.

The sound of my voice and watching here you and your families. I can't believe the blood blood of Jesus you and we break that in Jesus name every single shackle that has has been tied to mouth. Your Your throat Your I break that off in Jesus name. the enemy is a liar and he's the lord. He's a a so please leave us a comment I actual ly wanna talk about how. We can find purpose. I'm just if you wanna say something about how how do you like I can't Yeah, we also often have this conversation as well. but for me. the price black with the enemy always targeted me when serious' targeted me but try to silence me or that's been like a constant struggle is with the area of your anointing laws will.

We focus this lies so but for me I obviously what you should but as you guys know. But for luck from a young and we actually often speak about conditioned as well, well, but sometimes you're of thinking conditions to the point that it paralyzes you and like so for me from a young age, I think my voice was always my biggest struggle and it was from me back and so I decided even as an adult I had to get delivered from having spirits because I just I struggled to talk to people and I would never sit and do something like this ever know what I wanna.

In the is most likely the area where your poop. I am just a personal testimonial as well, like I've always had a thing against my own own voice and I've always felt like would wanna hear me like why would why would they actually listen to me? I've had a thing against. Actually seeing because I felt like I've I've I've never been that difficult man with this this very deep and it's very manly and instead. instead am very. animated and. but. God like just say just came to say you know what I don't want you to be different cuz I was asking him Lord like you need to tell me why did you you make me like well? I struggled struggled to even love like myself like I I struggled to look at myself in the mirror I struggled to listen to my own voice and he just said to me every single person's purpose for something else.

But. He has purposed me. for my voice. and his me me to actually the father's heart. and that's why he's made me softer than other He purposed me to actually show God instead of the God father so many times we think of God as father, he's standing in the corner. he's constantly like offended. he is, but that's the opposite of what he and Just know that God has made you perfect. he says, and I love that scripture. that's just says for he made like fearfully and wonderfully, and that's scripture means that once you went in to start making you no waiting. There was no moment of doubt inside of him for he he knew exactly he was making inside of you, He knew exactly what he's gonna get inside of you and he knew exactly why he made you but.

Like the enemy also knows that because once God speaks something he doesn't, he doesn't talk behind your back, He releases it in the atmosphere around around and the enemy. is very vigilant in looking. anyone he sees what is on your on your He sees what's on your life and for those people who like I don't know like I struggle with this like I feel. It comes again down to that place of surrender. It's not about us are we willing to put our face to the side and stay out of out of the way so God can be glorified in the situation and it's not like sometimes it's difficult and sometimes people will even know the cost that comes in, but it's so worth it and every time we deny our spirit gets stronger. and so that's something that continuously this about me and the answer is always no it's never ever a bad ??? it'. Always a bad another thing that I God works is the things things that bother us sometimes I get so upset when people do certain stuff and then I'm like God why am I so upset you need to fix you need to do something right now because I'm so upset and then God says to me I've created that inside of you so that you can actually.

As the act that you're put behind behind and purpose is actually fire that that makes stand up and actually go into that thing. So if you feel like you need need to spend time with orphans you don't like it that people throw away kids do something about it and the other thing a-b as well as. you can so easily in the world that I do what makes you happy and like that purpose is meant to make you happy and do whatever makes you happy. And it's such because actually most of of the time it's painful, sometimes Sometimes your purpose and your calling painful because because it actually costs you something.

And that's where are like. No. I'm not gonna get too involved because it's too messy for me and it costs me too much. but actually your purpose can be painful. It's not necessarily just what makes you happy and also offer say to each other. Do what makes Holy? Yes. So. Like because let me me let me tell you this is a thought. Do what makes you happy is demonic thoughts and I just upload that right now. The word of God does not say what makes you happy, happy? it says.

Do what makes Holy? Do what makes you our number one purpose in life is to actually become better lovers for for if we do what makes us happy if to preach what's on my heart. And his word so I just wanted to say that and then hello, Amanda and and Hello Carlin I just wanna say hello to everybody and probably because I actually had a quote and I love quote do you actually wanna like me just quote? It's so beautiful. Yes that it says the meaning of life is to find your gift and the purpose of life. To give it it away and you. I was just gonna say so often we hold the idea to to do the things that that we have and to what we have inside of us and we think it's all for ourselves, but it's actually just getting the place of like We often you know it's actually such a blessing to be able to give to people and to actually see the joy that over them when you actually give an important to them so even.

That was so I don't get emotional very easily I do. Actually read this it's such a beautiful book and the the book's name is seeking a life finding and it's about this guy who grew up as a Muslim and he was seeking Allah was seeking Allah and the more the more he tried to all the more he found Jesus but one of the that he said in his his book was that when was a little boy he was sitting in class and. the everybody was. Very much out of our comfort zone. purpose is is the in which God moves moves outside of you so that it cannot be you. Yes. so that the only one that can carry you with the only strength can be Jesus.

So that once you leave there and once you know that you've left the giving something that you do not have have that person can only God cuz I sitting. Hold on like everything he has just to the ground and the land that he buried the on because he knows the worth. It's you something is only worth something that you're willing to pay for if I'm willing to pay 50 Grand for this Jersey, worth 50 but if I'm not willing to pay 50 Grand for it, it's not worth it to me the next. And it think. he doesn't. even take a moment and he says I'll give because it's you. And Jesus was willing to pay the very life force of God.

Because you are worth the life of force of That is the beauty of purpose. Beauty is not that that we get to do something, that God allows us to carry him into a place. To run a couple of things that how we can actually find purpose first thing surrender and and Ladd so having you on first surrender and they say there's no like God can only use us in the areas where we actually willing to surrender him. this is like Misty always says that this is the upside down inside out where if you wanna go higher, you have to bow down lower.

Jesus didn't I great all the Masters, No, he said Great, though who great is he who actually gives his life for the greatest gift you can give is laying your life down for somebody else and I think true purpose is are you willing willing to lay down purpose? Your dreams your hopes and desires so that one person can get to know Jesus. but the baptism part is actually laying yourself down. and so there's a scripture and I am when I read it read it to you guys, it in Luke Seven verse 13. and it says. That speaks faith get community that actually lives the lifestyle that you would would like them to if acts says.

that they they see the raising of the dead if the Bible says in Jesus, said that greater things you will and we read in Acts. so the day will raise the sick were and the lame like the lame walked the mute spoke. That a digital code does not keep you warm. When Calls are together, they keep each other warm and so a fire can burn longer and the word does not say do not let your father because it says do not quench the fire so it's up to you. so the next point is praying in tongues. you wanna something about praying in in tongues? I know you can do that. so like Frank Ints is so important because it cleans cleanses our and if the word of God says. Like I love that in Romans eight verse verse 26 to in the passion translation, says that once we speak in spirit we we do not speak for our mind brus, but the spirit speaks through us. so many many times we use scripture. We say things out for the best of those who love him, but we do not read the whole Scripture.

Yes he does, but you read the whole context of the story and just before that, he says Holy Spirit passionately. Before God for us, his holy ones in perfect harmony with God's plan and our purpose and then after that, it it says they need it so this this whole scripture is about if we start speaking spirit spirit and start praying in in tongues and that looks like to If If you start in the spirit, spirit, us with His will inside. and then he starts us but then he aligning our life as well because the spirit in Christ. Us things that we need. even don't know of it. so the last thing that I was thinking is writing down the as as says that that write down the vision so that that can see the vision can actually run with it If do not know where you're going to you will go wherever somebody else tells you to if you do not know if you do not know what your vision is, you will follow somebody else's vision.

And it. To very very it will lead to destruction. Say yeah, maybe just knock off I walk into places and obviously every place has got a different and so so like whoa and other times. times. It's a peaceful it, but but I'm just thinking if you're atmosphere around you like if you're thinking, I don't know what my purpose is atmosphere is this and this or whatever. we just start worshiping randomly and out of the blue and our behavior when things are answered and.

With that is, it's a that the word says that he in Ara, he abides in praise and if think of heaven like what makes makes is heaven because the presence of of God is there without the presence of God without God, he would not be hidden. and what what happens in now that we know the the presence of God actually makes heaven have you noticed that like? es Healing, he says for Kingdom of God is at hand. and he says go and let the day be raised. the lame Let let those who who like don't have healing because the Kingdom of God is at hand Jesus sent him with with his presence with his Holy Spirit and that is is something we which means that we're Holy Spirit is heaven must. A place, but I do not believe that heaven is just up there. I believe that heaven is where the presence of God manifests so when come, maybe it's not about.

All you guys still there. Maybe it's not about. us. so much doing maybe it's about being given to those who have health right now. Maybe about. being. heaven to those people who are having right now. so if your atmosphere is not changing. your authority. is to release. heaven because because heaven is Jesus where Jesus is. the presence of God manifest in his glory and. Well, I can as I used to. because I had an experience where the one time I got sick sick and I my vocal cords were and in that moment, I really thought I was on my way out of it.

So I actually had an encounter with Jesus and just staring in to us and the complete peace and love and acceptance that I I can can never explain people and A lot of people would ask me about how was experience and how was the content and I can actually tell them cuz I don't know what to say say it bothered me because I started thinking that I really experience it and then I just realized that things of the spirit you you can't put into words stuck in a physical world because it's so like you say so close to like the physical and spiritual that you leave this close to each other, but we can't lack record or our fruits and our mind on things of the Spirit Wise's inside. That experience actually just saying to someone like completely shifted the way way that I things in life and just you're like I can't even explain it that completely changed my focus on how I viewed life and like many manifesting the presence of God.

Like here on Earth and into situations, so I do believe things can be different and the other thing is we don't just have one in encounter with God and that encounter. So So we should challenge ourselves. A beautiful and we the opportunity of seeing one so coming into the into the kingdom because we were willing to stop for the one and then that Sunday he actually found us and said no come in because of of him and his when it come to church with us and we have the amazing opportunity of actually taking them to church and serving them all way and that that was worth.

In the accolades given to any anything else because in that moment, I found Jesus more on then I did on any stage and I'm something else as well that we often share about like Oh it's so easy easy to get worked and did for a a while at but it's not easy to get it works at the but like the busyness of life or the streets of laugh or I didn't do. I I just wanna know rell that still here right now. Hello. can I share a word with you? I just wanna? I just strong that God is a beautiful word for you.

And I feel he is saying that. he to take you into a season where were willing to give up everything so that you can come to your knees. He's love for you is so amazing that he's he was willing to to give the very force of God for you. And he says, I need you tap into that.

I need you you to tap in because whatever display your child is gonna manifest whatever you are displaying in gratitude, whatever you are doing whatever you are living out. is the testimony. for generations and God is saying that he's building up he's building for generations. He's saying that that he's allowing floodgates now to come open again So right now I come and speak to every single Floodgate opened in the name of Jesus Christ every single thing every single every single thing that has been keeping you away. We bonded. Issue with the knowledge that Christ is that you hear for such a time as as this that been purposed that you've been called to the feet of Jesus.

and every single thing that does not God has no place and authority in any emotion or decision making I wanna come and bless you with the knowledge that Jesus is lord that provider. Out give God you can try. that you cannot out, give God. whatever you wanna see manifested. You need to sew that. I wanna come and purpose every doubt get up and get out right now. Thank you for just her with purpose. purpose. You are beautiful, and we just seal it with the blood of Jesus. I wanted to tell you that. And then Kaitlyn Caitlyn are you still there? Marcos Yes you go Beyonce. so Kaitlyn I just wanna speak over over you right now and I feel like this season has been such a an season where like I I feel like you've had so much of the future and what it it holds and you've you actually didn't know where you're going what the future holds.

It's like. With his family and then had separate him again, but. And the same with David. God did not see him as. Or Austin, and and he said, who's and he said it's my sister which which was or it was all the truth because it was his sister, but it was it was out of fear that he say say it's my sister that wasn't but God changed his name as a sign of faith and and then living up towards it and I wanna tell you today. God God is calling you and he's calling you out. And he's hey, can I'm calling you for purpose. I'm you to change this world as we know it. I'm calling irrespective of you. And God God has purposed so he's put so much on your plate that it is not your job to see it happen.

It's job to see to see it become is your job to love Jesus and he will do the rest. You do not carry the the anointing of God carries you and it will carry you to places that you would sometimes be what am I doing here? How did I get here? It was maybe you to with it was the was the anointing of carrying carrying you into and I wanna confirm that you have got such calling you will not be family. We come and we.

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