Hey there, welcome to Life Noggin. Roughly 60% of Americans drink coffee everyday. I usually only have 2 or 3 cups, but what
would happen if you only consumed coffee? How will your body react? Could you overdose on coffee? Well, as with any other wacky hypothetical,
we here at Life Noggin wanted to find out. We have our friend Craig AKA Wheezy Waiter
to help us! Also please don't try this at home. Thanks. Yeah! We’ll be putting my clones through this. Nothing bad will happen to real me…isn’t
that right Blocko..
Oh. He’s already in the next screen. This is cup #1 of the day and for the sake
of this scenario, we’re going to consider one cup of coffee as 8oz. Craig won’t be consuming anything else. After the first sip, the coffee is quickly
absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract. Caffeine is a central nervous system stimulant
and as it spreads throughout the body, it boosts production of certain chemicals in
the brain, making Craig more alert and energized. If you’re one of the unlucky 30% of coffee
drinkers who poop more from coffee, you’d probably be needing a break from whatever
it is that you’re doing. It’s thought that, for these people, coffee
prompts increased acidity levels in the stomach, speeding up the digestive process. At this point, I’m feeling super alert and
focused. Work is a breeze, since coffee boosts serotonin,
dopamine and adrenaline levels. But I’m also feeling the negatives: a quickened
heart rate, raised blood pressure, increased respiratory rate and eye twitches.
My motor learning is diminished, meaning motor
skills like typing are more difficult. And my brain is experiencing decreased cerebral
blood flow. It’s not getting the blood it needs to function
at its best. I’m also feeling super anxious and jumpy. So don’t sneak up on me! Let’s say Craig had 8 cups of coffee so
far, equal to about 800 milligrams of caffeine. The FDA has noted that up to 400 milligrams
is a fine amount of caffeine for the average person, which isn’t really that much, especially
if your diet only consists of coffee. Craig’s excessive caffeine consumption has
lead to headaches, nausea, restlessness, and muscle spasms. Plus, each cup of black coffee only has like
5 calories, so he feels like garbage and he’s starving. Isn’t this fun Craig!? By what would be bedtime, I’ve drank 15
cups of coffee and will definitely not be sleeping tonight. This is waaay over the recommended daily intake,
which leads to the question, could I overdose on coffee? Could i?…Blocko can I do that? Never mind, I’ll answer this.
Caffeine overdose can induce comas after about
5 grams of consumption, but, one study found that just 1 gram a day significantly increases
your risk of sudden cardiac arrest. Less severe effects include fever, trouble
breathing, convulsions, and cardiac distress. What about longer term effects of coffee? These are often debated but regular consumption
has been linked to reduced risk of Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s Disease, Type II diabetes, and
even some cancers. It’s also been found that moderate, daily
intake cuts suicide risk by almost 50%! But the long-term effects aren’t all great.
You could experience cardiac malfunctions,
ulcers, hallucinations, infertility, and maybe even diminished function of your prefrontal
cortex. No one knows for sure how much coffee is deadly. One 30-year study found that drinking more
than 28 8oz cups of coffee per week leads to a 50% increased risk of death in young
men and about a 200% increase in young women. So, keep that in mind on your daily trips
to your favorite hipster coffee shop that gets your name wrong. Oh come on! It's not Greg! It's never Greg! So how much coffee do you drink? Is it a normal amount? Let us know in the comments below! Thank you so much to Wheezy Waiter for helping
me with this episode! He’s been making consistently amazing video
here on YouTube and i’m sure you’ll love his stuff. Go check him out and tell him Blocko sent
you! as always, my name is Blocko This has been Life Noggin! Don't forget to keep on thinking!