What if we Drink too much Water? + more videos | #aumsum #kids #science #education #children

It's AumSum Time. What if we Drink too much Water? Water is super Cool. Drink as much as you wish. Wrong AumSum. Drinking too much water is not the problem. But drinking too much water in a short span
of time is. If we drink water beyond the processing capability
of our kidneys. Then they are not able to eliminate the excess
water. As a result, water level increases in our
blood and sodium level goes down. This condition is known as hyponatremia or
water intoxication.

Sodium is an essential electrolyte. Which balances fluids inside and outside our
cells. The imbalance caused by water level going
up. And sodium level going down causes the fluids
outside our cells to move inside. As a result, our cells begin to swell. This swelling can cause multiple health problems. Also, if swelling takes place in our brain
cells. Then we can get headaches or nausea.

This condition can also prove to be fatal..

As found on YouTube

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