What does Soda do to your body? + more videos | #aumsum #kids #science #education #children

It's AumSum Time. What does soda do to your body? It makes my skin glow. No. Sodas contain high amounts of sugar. Within 20 minutes of drinking soda. The high sugar content enters our bloodstream
and sends our pancreas into overdrive. Thus causing it to produce a burst of insulin. However, overtime, this can lead to diabetes. Also, as we drink more and more sodas. The high sugar content tricks our liver to
convert this sugar into fat. Which gets deposited around our vital organs,
thus causing them to dysfunction. Sodas also contain various acids. These acids combined with the sugar can erode
the tooth enamel, thus damaging our teeth.

Phosphoric acid present in sodas is specifically
believed. To interrupt the process of absorption of
calcium by bones, thus making them brittle. Besides this, overconsumption of sodas is
also linked to kidney and heart-related diseases. Why don't we drink seawater? Simple. Because it tastes salty. You are right. But besides taste. We don't drink seawater because it contains
extreme amount of salt. Which can have dangerous effects on our body. Really. Indeed. Now, normally in our body. The amount of water and salt, inside and outside
our cells is the same. However, if we drink seawater, the amount
of salt outside our cells will increase. Making the outside region much more concentrated. Hence, to dilute the outside region and maintain
balance, inside and outside the cells.

The water present inside the cells starts
flowing outside, causing our cells to shrink. This can really have dangerous consequences,
right? Absolutely. Moreover, to remove the extreme amount of
salt, our kidneys will produce more urine. Making us urinate more water and thus, causing
severe dehydration. How much water should you drink per day? 68.273564981 liters. No. Upto 60% of the human adult body is water. But everyday, we lose some of this water through
sweat, urine, etc. So, we need to replenish it. Now, there is a popular 8 by 8 rule which
says. Everyday one should drink 8 glasses, each
containing 8 ounces of water.

Whereas, the Institute of Medicine suggests
that. The total water intake including all beverages
and food. Should be 2.7 liters for women and 3.7 liters
for men. However, no single formula fits everyone. But our amazing body itself tells us when
we need water. For example, dark-yellow urine is usually
a very good sign of dehydration. Exercise, climate and conditions like diarrhea,
vomiting, etc. Can lead to additional water loss. So, our body makes us feel more thirsty. This brings us to the conclusion that. The water needs vary from person to person
and situation to situation. Topic: Osmosis
How do fish drink water? That's easy. Using a straw. No. Fish take in water usually through their mouth
or gills. Depending on whether they live in freshwater
or saltwater. Freshwater fish takes in water mainly through
its gills. But Why? Because it has less water and more salt concentration
in its blood than the surrounding water. Hence, due to osmosis, water from the surrounding
flows through the gills into its bloodstream. However, as the fish is continuously taking
in water. It urinates a lot and removes excess water. Saltwater fish takes in water through its
mouth. Oh really. This is because its blood has more water.

less salt concentration than the saltwater around it. Hence, to maintain the balance, the fish gulps
saltwater through its mouth. Filters the water for its use and expels excess
salt while urinating..

As found on YouTube

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