that thick and sticky substance that sometimes
hangs around in the back of your throat when you're sick is known as flim since you're
here watching this video you probably already know exactly what i'm referring to with
that said this substance lines our mucous membranes and actually serves an extremely
important role in the respiratory system by limiting the number of allergens bacteria
and even viruses that can reach the lungs however if too much phlegm accumulates in the
back of your throat it can be a very discomforting feeling especially if you just can't seem to get
rid of it thankfully there is one technique that is easy to perform that instantly helps
get rid of this uncomfortable feeling and that is what we are going to discuss in
this video so if you're ready let's get into it the phlegm removing technique that i'm
referring to is to gargle warm salt water not only does it help get rid of phlegm it can
help eliminate germs and soothe a sore throat as well all you have to do is mix one cup of warm
water with half a teaspoon of salt the reason that you need to use warm water is because it
helps the salt dissolve more quickly and the warm water feels nice on the back of your throat
as well take a sip of the mixture and tilt your head back slightly so that it can wash the back of
your throat then try to gargle the mixture for at least 30 seconds without drinking it and you can
repeat this process as needed the sodium helps break up the mucus and phlegm so that you can spit
it out more easily and the water provides humidity and lubrication so that your secretions aren't as
thick and sticky which helps with removal as well we have several videos on our channel with other
techniques to help get rid of mucus and phlegm so definitely be sure to subscribe and check those
out if you want to learn more real quick guys do me a huge favor and hit the like button it really
helps support the channel and i greatly greatly appreciate it and while you're down there go ahead
and click the subscribe button as well because we have a ton of other videos on our channel that i
think you will enjoy just a quick reminder we are not doctors this video is for educational and
informational purposes only and if you want to dive deeper and learn more about this topic you
can go to respiratorytherapyzone.com where we have a ton of free study guides practice
questions and other helpful resources i'll drop links to everything you need right below
this video down in the description thank you so much for watching all the way to the end have
a blessed day and as always real easy my friend you