Supporting A Thai Girlfriend And What’s Involved In Jomtien and Pattaya

Good morning Lamporn and Pun Merry Christmas Bye-bye Good morning and welcome to the channel. I'm 
Heath, Lamporn is over there eating, and I don't   know if you just saw I caught a guy on the video 
there who just walked up to Lamporn with a hundred   baht to take her photo, and she said no, but I 
just thought it was really funny. He said how   come you get away with it, I said well, that is my 

Funny things happen here all the time   anyway, it's Christmas Eve, and it's a beautiful 
morning; actually no it's cold and snowing and   it's terrible here. No it's a beautiful day and um 
yeah well, I thought I was going to do this video   that I'm still not sure if I'm 
going to post this or not. I'm gonna   make sure I approach this subject correctly and 
I'm going to play the video and do the video,   then I'm going to play it to a few people 
and see, to make sure I've done it right,   because I have to be really careful because 
this is quite a difficult subject to cover.

This video isn't for people that are coming 
in here on holidays. It's for people that   actually live here and they like the idea of 
not living alone and having a girlfriend here.   It is one of those questions that it depends 
who you talk to. Everybody is different here   and the ladies that live here. They have different 
needs now; believe it or not, not every lady   that comes to Pattaya is looking for a partner. 
You have to understand quite a few things here   before you can get a good idea 
of what it is really like.

Now where do you start? It's 
really difficult okay. I'm   going to pause the video and have a 
think about what I'm going to say. Lamporn 100 baht to take your photo Okay, I was filming this on the beach but my phone got really hot
and it cut out, so I've come to this new little coffee   shop on Soi 19. Now you can miss it if you're 
going down Beach Road, but if you turn into Soi 19   it's actually the only business here and it's 
a small coffee shop, open two days ago, and it's   opposite the seafood restaurant. I'm not even sure 
what it's called but I find out and I'll put it   on the screen there for you but I've just brought 
an Americano for 45 Baht where in Pattaya yesterday   I paid 90 Baht so it is worth checking out these 
small coffee shops and also supporting the local   businesses.

You know, if you go to Pattaya, don't go 
to Starbucks, just go to one of the smaller coffee   shops and try something different. But anyway,  
I was talking about people that want to live here   and they don't want to live alone. As long as 
I've lived here in Pattaya, I've only met two   people that were born here. Everybody 
comes here for the work opportunities   if you meet someone here and you spend some time 
with them and you like them and you don't want to   live alone, it really is a real relationship 
where you have to put in the effort and so   do they. There's some real male chauvinistic 
people that live here that have the attitude   that they're paying, they can do what they 
want. I don't agree with that, now I know   you know people that pay their partners 15,000 Baht a month
some people pay a little less  I know one person that gives his girlfriend 
45,000 Baht a month but there again, he's doing   quite well for money. He doesn't have to budget. 
You know but um, you also got to remember you   get someone that's going to take care of you. 
She's not only going to be your companion but   she's going to cook for you, she's your translator, 
she's going to keep your condo clean and believe   me, if you're a single guy living here, it's going 
to cost you a lot more to be single because once   you start going out and you have any 
short-term encounters they're going to cost you   a lot of money.

So having a girlfriend here is a 
pretty good idea if you're living here a long time Stay away from Pattaya if you're 
looking for a long-term girlfriend   You're not going to meet her in Pattaya. Pattaya is 
for tourists. Yyou might be in a go-go bar and you   might think oh that's the woman of my dreams. 
Believe me, she's not going to be the woman   of your dreams, she's going to be the woman of your 
nightmares, and stay away from a dating app called   Thai Friendly and also Thai Cupid. Both of these 
apps advertise themselves as dating agencies but   really they're just platforms, or they have become 
platforms, for freelancers working girls to find   customers.

So, there are dating agencies here but 
you'll find most of the women on those dating   agencies will be looking for marriage. So you 
might want to stay away from them as well okay another thing I should mention is it's 
quite common here for children to live with   their grandparents because when you get older 
there's no pension or anything to take care of you   and it's normally your sons or your daughters go 
out to work and they send money home to take care   of their parents and also of their children. So 
that's quite common here, so a lot of people come   here to work and send money home for that reason. 
Now, I hope this video has given you some idea of   what you would be expected to pay if you had a 
girlfriend here but keep in mind when two people   live together things cost twice as much.

If you 
go out for a meal you're going to buy two   You go out drinking, you're going to buy twice 
as much and also if you go out to buy groceries   you might find she might put a few extra things 
in the basket there there like hair shampoo or   hair colouring, or something, and you would 
be expected to pay for that as well   I do know some people that have had bad 
experiences here with girlfriends. I know   quite a few but it's not always the fault of 
the woman you have the same problems in the   west, you have a few more here. You just have 
to be careful and you have to stay away from   what I call professional bar girls.They're bar 
girls that have come here to make money, You get   to know who they are just by their mannerisms 
and the way they act around foreigners in the bars stay clear of them, be careful, and I'm sure 
you could come here and meet someone and you'll   be very happy.

So, I don't think you'll be watching 
this video today, and it's Christmas Day tomorrow   so I won't say Merry Christmas, but I will say 
Happy New Year if you're watching this in 2022   If you're watching this in 2023, I say what 
I always say which is, thanks for watching have   a great week or a great weekend, and I'll see 
you very soon in the next video.

Take care, bye.

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