Salt’s Secret Powers!

[ Intro ] Squeaks and I love to cook. We’re making a type of vegetable pie for
dinner right now! Combining different ingredients, measuring
out the right amounts of everything, testing out different recipes and getting different
results — cooking can be a lot like science! We can add all sorts of different things to
a recipe: different liquids, like water or cooking oil; parts of plants, like zucchini
or carrots; and we can even add crystals. Take a closer look, Squeaks. I brought a whole container of tiny crystal
pieces to add to our recipe. You got it, Squeaks. The salt we eat is actually a type of crystal,
which just means that it’s very hard and is shaped in a special pattern. And it’s really important for keeping our
bodies healthy … as long as we don’t eat too much of it! You can get salt from the ocean, or crush
up a bigger salt crystal to make the tiny pieces that people can eat. A crystal’s special pattern can make it
almost see-through, like glass, and if you take a big piece of salt that hasn’t been
crushed into tiny pieces like these yet, you can actually see through it a little bit! [Squeaks suggests a silly idea] Could you eat a big salt crystal? Well … you could try, but it would probably
hurt your teeth, because crystals are so strong and hard.

That’s why most of the time, people eat
tiny pieces of salt. Like the salt that was crushed up and put
into this shaker. These tiny pieces are okay to eat, and won’t
hurt our teeth, because our bodies work to break them up into even smaller pieces. Our mouths are full of spit, or saliva, which
is mostly made of water. And when salt crystals touch water, they start
to dissolve, or melt away. Soon, the salt melts away so much that you
wouldn’t even be able to see it, let alone hurt your teeth on it. You can see this happening if you try licking
a cracker with some salt on it. Your saliva dissolves the salt, which leaves
you with just a plain crackeri! And salt is more than just a tasty crystal. We eat salt because it has special nutrients
that we ,need. Salt is made up of two ingredients: sodium
and chloride. Our bodies need both of these to help us move
around and stay healthy.

When salt dissolves in your mouth, it breaks
down into those two ingredients. And then the sodium and chloride go do their
special jobs. Sodium helps your body absorb other nutrients
from your food, which gives you energy. And it helps with all kinds of other things,
too, like with your heart pumping your blood. Chloride, meanwhile, helps your muscles move
around, and helps your brain get messages from all over your body.

So you can see why salt is so important! People all over the world eat it to keep them
healthy. [Squeaks squeaks] I don’t want to eat just salt, Squeaks. For one thing, it doesn’t taste very good. But also, if you eat too much salt at once,
you can get pretty sick. Having too much sodium or too much chloride
can be too much for your body to handle all at once. It makes people feel very thirsty, and it
can make it harder for their heart to pump blood the way it’s supposed to. You don’t have to worry too much about it
unless you’re eating a lot of salt every day, though. Luckily, we need just a little to make this
recipe even tastier. [Jessi sprinkles some into the bowl; Squeaks
squeaks] Salt might be a tiny crystal, but it has a
big job! And it definitely makes food more delicious! Thanks for joining us! If you want to keep learning and having fun
with Squeaks and me, hit the subscribe button, and we’ll see you next time here at the
Fort! [ OUTRO ]

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