Salt Shocker – Canned Vegetables – Is There Too Much Salt? –

excess salt consumption can be harmful to your health even if you never pick up the salt shaker you may still be consuming too much sodium salt is hidden in many places you might not suspect like canned vegetables canned vegetables can be full of sodium for example a half cup of plain canned corn or green beans can have about 375 milligrams of sodium if you eat two servings of canned corn or another canned vegetable in a day that equals around 750 milligrams of sodium and that's before adding up the sodium and the rest of your meal it's recommended that you should not consume more than 2,300 milligrams of sodium a day for older adults African Americans and people with high blood pressure the limit decreases to 1500 milligrams this simple side dish can have a large impact on your sodium consumption but the real problem is that the average person consumes more than two times their recommended daily amount of sodium vegetables are an essential part of your healthy diet get the most nutrition and cut the sodium out of canned vegetables by choosing low sodium and no salt added varieties and rinse the vegetables under water to wash off excess sodium be sure to pay attention to the sodium content on nutrition labels to keep yourself on track

As found on YouTube

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