Salt DOES NOT Cause Hypertension! (Here Is What Does)

in today's video we are going to be debunking the 
myth that salt causes hypertension and getting to   the bottom of the actual cause it has long been 
assumed that too much sodium in your diet will   increase your blood pressure and in turn your 
risk of heart attack and stroke but sodium is   also an essential mineral that's critical for our 
health it plays an important role in maintaining   fluid balance in the body and nerve and muscle 
function and especially if you're working to   reverse insulin resistance and keep your blood 
sugar more stable when your blood sugar is   more stable and more low consistently your body 
actually excretes more sodium so more intake is   required through your diet a healthy individual 
will have 16 grams of sodium circulating their   bloodstream at any given time so why are we told 
to limit our daily intake to less than 1.5 grams   per day we're going to answer these questions 
and More in today's video so stick around [Music] hey guys welcome back to my channel if you're new 
here my name is Kait I'm a certified health and   nutrition coach I post videos twice a week here 
on YouTube talking all things insulin resistance   weight loss sleep and more so if you're ready 
to take control of your metabolic Health make   sure to click that subscribe button and you can 
also find me on Tick Tock and Instagram whereas   your new posts every single day today's video 
is sponsored by Squarespace for everything from   websites and online stores to marketing tools and 
analytics Squarespace is the all-in-one platform   that does it all head to forward 
slash health coach Kait to start your free trial   today so we're going to start off talking about 
the basics what sodium is what salt is and the   role they play in our body and then we will get 
into whether or not too much salt is bad for you   first let's clarify the difference between salt 
and sodium because the two terms are often used   interchangeably basically all there is to it is 
that salt is made up of sodium but not entirely   salt is about 40 sodium and 60 chloride and 
that really is all there is to it now sodium   is essential to our health for a few reasons 
most of the sodium in our bodies is either   in our bloodstream or in the fluid that surrounds 
our cells and its present is required in order to   keep these fluids in balance and as I already 
mentioned sodium is required for proper nerve   and muscle function and this is why low sodium 
is often the cause when you experience muscle   cramps when exercising especially if the 
weather is hot and you're sweating a lot we   lose sodium through our sweat and when levels 
become low we can experience muscle cramping   and this is also why sports drinks are so popular 
with athletes these drinks are meant to replenish   electrolytes including sodium now I am in no way 
making a case for sports drinks including Gatorade   these drinks are packed with sugar and artificial 
sweeteners but my point is is that it is well   known that sodium is something we need especially 
when we're active so I think the campaign against   it is a bit hypocritical but the question is still 
there is too much salt bad for you and does it   cause hypertension the answer to these questions 
in most cases for most people is no so where does   the confusion stem from well the thing is is 
that salt can temporarily increase your blood   pressure but a temporary increase is not the same 
as hypertension which is when your blood pressure   is chronically elevated temporary increases are 
not a bad thing another example of something that   causes a temporary increase in blood pressure 
but that isn't a bad thing is exercise when we   are exercising blood pressure goes up but over 
the long term exercise actually helps to lower   blood pressure and improve hypertension there 
is another driver behind hypertension but it's   not salt it's poor metabolic Health stemming from 
insulin resistance over 50 percent of people with   high blood pressure also have insulin resistance 
and it's estimated that that number could actually   be as high as 90 percent Studies have found that 
essential hypertension is significantly associated   with insulin resistance and I think part of the 
confusion is that hypertension isn't actually a   condition as it's often referred to it's actually 
a symptom and a symptom of insulin resistance when   insulin sensitivity improves we see high blood 
pressure decrease further hitting on this point   is the fact that 80 of people with normal blood 
pressure do not see any increase to their blood   pressure when they consume more salt now there is 
a small percentage of the population who are salt   sensitive but again that's not most people and 
even in these individuals who are salt sensitive   when they decrease their sugar intake they're 
no longer affected as I mentioned earlier in the   video it is normal to have 16 grams of sodium 
circulating your bloodstream at any given time   and the kidneys are constantly processing 
sodium throughout the day they actually process   1400 to 1600 grams which is equal to 3.2 to 3.6 
pounds of salt every single day and taking into   consideration that the average person consumes 
about 8 grams of salt per day this is just a drop   in the bucket when you consume less your kidneys 
have to work harder to reabsorb what you already   have now I'm going to get more into the importance 
of salt in a minute and also why it's important to   consume more when you're trying to reverse insulin 
resistance but first I'm going to take a quick   moment to talk about today's sponsor Squarespace 
Squarespace is the all-in-one platform that   provides you everything from domains and website 
templates to email newsletter tools and analytics   no matter if you're an entrepreneur a photographer 
a restaurant owner or a blogger Squarespace gives   you the tools you need to build a beautiful 
website and run your business their style editor   makes it so easy to customize your website with 
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trial with Squarespace without having to enter   your credit card details or anything you can build 
your whole website see if you love it or not but   I think you will you can do that by heading to forward slash health coach Kate   and when you love it and decide to launch you 
can use code health coach Kate to save 10 off   your first order thanks again to Squarespace for 
sponsoring this video now I've already touched   a little bit on why salt and sodium is important 
but I really want to make it clear that there are   risks to under consuming it now of course most 
people eating the standard American diet are   getting plenty of sodium this is because sodium 
is loaded into processed food but what I see with   my clients is when they decide to change their 
diet when they switch from a processed food diet   to a more Whole Foods diet focusing on quality 
Protein healthy fat and non-searchy vegetables   and especially if they incorporate some form of 
intermittent fasting into their routine their   sodium intake decreases dramatically not only that 
but as an additional side effect of consuming less   carbohydrates the body actually excretes more 
sodium as well so they're consuming less and   their needs have actually increased side effects 
of low sodium can include headaches fatigue heart   palpitations muscle cramps as we already spoke 
about and irritability and the thing is is that   when we consume too much sodium our bodies 
just excrete what they don't need so if you   think that you're not getting enough sodium 
in your diet if you're experiencing some of   these side effects up your intake with a good 
quality salt I will link to some of my favorite   brands in the description box down below but two 
that I really love are Redmond and cell squared   because ideally if you are eating any variation of 
a low carbohydrate diet or if you're incorporating   any intermittent fasting into your routine you 
want to be consuming about four thousand to seven   thousand milligrams of sodium a day which is 
about two to three teaspoons of salt you might   need more if you're really active or if you live 
in a hot climate but start with that and adjust   from there salt your food liberally and also add 
a pinch of salt to your water to hit these intakes   and you can also use an electrolyte supplement 
such as sodi if you don't really like the taste   of plain salt in water anyways guys that's 
all I have for you today let me know in the   comment section down below if you have eaten a 
low sodium diet in the past did you experience   any of the side effects of eating low sodium did 
you experience any benefits to your health um from   doing this or did your blood pressure decrease 
anything that you have experienced in terms of   salt let me know in the comment section down 
below I love hearing from you and hearing your   experiences so even if you just want to come and 
say hi I appreciate that as well and also remember   to check out Squarespace before you go if you did 
enjoy this video you might also enjoy my video on   what causes insulin resistance you can check it 
out here if you want to catch up on my most recent   upload you can find it here and if you want to 
check out my coaching programs including my seven   day insulin resistance Master Class you can find 
that here thanks guys I'll see you next time bye

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