Russian Supermarket After 9 Months of Sanctions

hi everybody and welcome to traveling with Russell 
and welcome to a new video and welcome to Moscow   now I've come out into the suburbs for you I 
want to show you a very nice Supermarket it's   called Spa now it's right behind me just off in 
the distance but I want to show you here first   all the distractions before we even get to 
the supermarket so have a look there you can   buy some jackets some T-shirts sweaters and 
then have a look at the fruit market right   here we don't even have to go in Spa we have 
Supermarket right here have a look here we have   persimmons tomatoes cucumbers eggplant cabbage 
apples Galore of course we're in Russia apples   Galore grapes are currently in season look at all 
these grapes oh crazy mandarins are starting to   come soon now Christmas time is close pomegranates 
and then these are called toprid Torpedoes but I   call these raw like rock melons and have a look at 
the back there the Watermelons yes and of course   more Persimmons oh Persimmons everywhere and then 
of course we have the classic Russian Staples here   katochka or potatoes onions carrots so we're gonna 
head on into Spa Euro Spa let me get it right and   we're gonna go check it out now before I go inside 
I just want to thank my friend here my other foot   I couldn't tell it what Kazakhstan and this is 
your Market yes say yes thank you thanks for   letting me film your market and thanks for being 
an expert cameraman thanks now as I walk down to   Euro Spa here I've kind of been stopped by the 
next Market man the recipe oh hello hello and he   wants to show me his pomegranates from Uzbekistan 
look how nice they look they always have them   cut open and ready here so you can uh prepare 
yourself and he has some more Persimmons as well   or lots of nice fruit have a look at all the 
grapes at the back there now the supermarket   I want to go to is in this very brightly colored 
building right here now this is actually not on   a main street it's kind of around the back 
of a couple of different markets right here   uh it's kind of really out the way once we go 
inside you'll see how nice it is and how much   stuff they've got I've been here a couple of times 
before so I know this area pretty well but it's uh   it's very cold today that's why I'm a little bit 
short of breath it's only like minus one Celsius   it probably feels like minus five today so yeah 
extra cold now this is a place we want to go to   it's called eurospa now it's actually in this sort 
of small shopping center here and it's open seven   days a week 6 a.m till midnight how's that for a 
supermarket 6 a.m to midnight now we're really not   kind of close to housing here we're really out 
of the way a little bit but let's head outside   and check it out okay so we found the entrance of 
Euro Spa here now depending on where you live in   the world some of these places are called Spa and 
this one is called eurospar now the coolest thing   about this Supermarket is it has a kind of it has 
a kind of built-in Cafe right here you'll see here   all this seating here on the left hand side is 
seating for the cuff or the cafe but there's   actually no counter here so it's just basically 
tables and chairs it's nice and well set out   there's plenty of places to sit it's actually 
really warm in here too but basically you buy   your food in the supermarkets which we're going 
to point out they've got microwaves here utensils   somewhere to wash your hands and everybody 
just basically hangs out here and has lunch   breakfast lunch dinner whatever you want to do but 
simply you kind of buy the food in the supermarket   and come out here and and eat it obviously so 
yeah let's go on inside now I've come here on   a Saturday afternoon now it's just about 5 p.m so 
there is going to be some people around shopping   now this is a pretty hidden away Supermarket so 
there is a ton of uh like small markets outside so   not necessarily people will come here to do their 
kind of shopping when you can buy all the fruit   and vegetables on the market outside there's also 
a big rinic or a fresh market as well literally   across the uh the way from where we walked in here 
so let's go check this out now walking on in I   must admit it's probably the brightest Supermarket 
I've been to it all of Moscow they've got lights   Galore I'm not sure if it's a a spa thing or 
what but it's very bright oh well look fresh   flowers right here in the entrance if you want to 
find a way to keep your about a half on the side   get us some flowers look they've got a nice little 
display right out the front here how cool is that   and then all the fruit and vegetables now we're 
not really going to do too much pricing in here   just want to walk around and 
show you the kind of choices   have a look at the strawberries there blackberries 
raspberries all sorts then we've got little uh   mini florists right here with all the plants how 
nice is that so yeah let's have a walk around so   they do have baskets here but again these are 
kind of like miniature baskets there they're   like children's size ones have a look at all 
the the leaves here and all the stuff for salads   we've got the water sprayer there you can see 
how cold it has got the steam coming off it   and then all the usual uh seasonal fruit and 
vegetables here cucumbers Tomatoes these are   Big Tomatoes too by the way kind of like hand size 
ones there's some Road capsicum my wife's favorite   yeah look there there isn't lots of fruit 
and vegetables here because there's so much   out on the street you don't need to worry 
about it now not too sure how many takes   we're going to take here but let's do a 
bit of a walk around you can get the fresh   uh seeds here and there's some candy and sort 
of nuts and different things and this would be   kind of part of the healthy section I guess 
but there's all the sunflower seeds as well   and it's sunflower seeds these are pretty popular 
my wife's always got some of these at home also   and then here's the classic vegetables here the 
unwashed carrots we talked about these a fair bit   40 rubles versus 15 rubles if you don't want to 
wash them and then there's some beetroot there   and onions so yeah there's a lot of choices 
now the whole reason I want to come to this   place is we're going to see a little bit later 
on in the video their fresh food section here's   some of the uh meats here this is all the 
chickens chicken chickens chicken section   they do very well here they like to spread out 
the the meat sections quite well uh and look   this is their extent of their frozen section it's 
three little small fridges one there with Palmetto   I'd say this one has fish looks like yes lots of 
frozen fish and then this one has all the pay by   weight Seafood here so basically you get yourself 
a bag and a scoop and you can get yourself some   Frozen shrimps or prawns depending on where you 
live there's all sorts of different sizes here   this is kind of a cheaper way to get them rather 
than the fresh ones obviously these aren't local   so the frozen ones are kind of the go yeah there's 
a very small kind of butcher section here it's not   very big again I'm going to stress a fair bit 
where we are here this is tropolistan this is   a region in Moscow in the kind of southwest 
of Moscow where outside the shopping center   there is so many markets it's kind of unimaginable 
especially if you're not a Russian or not a local   the amount of places you can buy food here look 
my favorite I'm going to wave to the camera at the   same time my squarium right here with some fish El 
Dorado El Dorado I want to say El Dorado after the   the electronics store and here's some salmon 
and some fresh fish as well I like how they put   little add-ons at the front here the lemon and 
the the salts it's always nice so yeah there's   quite a fair bit of Supermarket to cover we're not 
going to sort of see all the different aisles but   you'll get a good idea here of how nice the 
supermarket is uh there isn't that many of   these around Moscow and around Russia generally 
they're kind of few and far between in the center   of Moscow they've got a few convenience store 
versions of these but the full range supermarket   isn't uh there isn't that many of them have a 
look at the Pickled vegetable section right here   and over here here's some canned Foods canned 
fruits there's a little bit of honey here as   well not too much some jams then they do have 
a little caviar section here too which is kind   of neat because you can get it by weight so you 
can just get a little small tub of it you don't   have to get the whole container they've also got 
all of the black caviars right here as well but   it's kind of nice you don't have to get as much 
it's what they sell by the the can or the tin   if you like here's all the prepared fish the 
uh this reconstituted crab I don't know what   crab meat they call it right salmon it's kind 
of neat there's even a small Asian section here   with all the different sauces and I guess 
if you want to make your own Sushi as well   there's some options there's all the pastas 
and then here's all those Heinz flavors now   I've talked about this before about the Heinz 57 
and I think that Russia has the 57 varieties okay   there's a couple of different other brands here 
but have a look at all the choices of ketchups   so if we have anybody that likes to do home baking 
there's a section for that as well have a look   at all the choices of flour here on the left and 
then all of the the oats and cereals and porridges   there's a whole kind of half well 
about half an hour's worth of it but   plenty of choices and then we come down here to 
the different uh races and if you want to do the   cook at home soups all the different ingredients 
for Soups right here plenty of choice of rice   and then sugar plenty of sugar in stock full 
and then even the salt section over here   now this video I didn't want to make it too much 
about the pricing of things now Spa typically is   a higher priced Supermarket than a lot of the 
more let's say average or if you want to call   it typical supermarkets in Moscow I really just 
want to show you the assortment and selection   again this place won't always be too busy 
because there's so many food markets around   here to shop before you even walk into the 
supermarket so let's go check out some more   Spa also has a very nice wine selection here 
as well you'll see the amount of choices here   on both sides the actual Spirits are here in the 
middle too so as usual plenty of vodkas and then   all the red wines over here on the right hand 
side the coolest thing here too is they've got   the country flags here so you can actually kind of 
signify which country all the wines have come from   I think it's really neat so if we have a look at 
Absolute vodka here we know it comes from Sweden   and then we know Gray Goose comes from France 
so how cool and then here's quite a few of the   Russian ones as well of course but how neat is 
that that you can sort of choose the country   here's Georgia if you want from Georgia 
and then over here from that's Argentina   you guys can do spot the flags there's a lot of 
Italian wines here and then have a look at that   there's the Union Jack there but of course they 
don't have the Scottish flag on Johnny Walker but   that's pretty neat isn't it monkey shoulder 
yeah so all of the kind of scotches we've got   the Union Jack on them and we'll have 
a bit of a walk along the dairy aisle   here so you'll see all the mayonnaise 
choices plenty of choices of mayonnaise   and then yogurts again I don't really want 
to focus on pricing I've done that in quite   a few different videos if you guys want to 
see kind of like a pricing kind of video I   could do that separately and make a specific 
on where we point out some of the prices but   have a look at all the yoga choices here wow 
that's a lot of choice of yoga this is why I don't   come out to the supermarket with my wife a lot 
by the way because she loves this kind of store   because of the amount of selection now I'm trying 
to shoot some of the aisles here where the people   are walking because I'll always get in the way of 
people here is sour creams if you guys have Bosch   typically you put a dog put all of a sour cream in 
there or Smith Tana in your soup here's the milks   plenty of choices of milk and then we come down 
here to different types of Butters margarines   and then there's some cheese here's like the 
uh craft singles but it's neutraland singles   what's here there's more than enough choices and 
then have a look at all the cheeses here this   is like a little separate section where they do 
the uh sort of pack their own cheeses where they   basically cut the blocks and then reprice them 
individually so yeah there's plenty of Swiss   cheeses again we'll see that Swiss flag on a lot 
of the signage and there's some Russian cheeses   of course so some different brands have left 
the market but you've got a lot to choose from   I really like how they've got their beer set out 
here too so on this side they've got all of the   room temperature beer so you just basically buy 
it off the shelf everything again single cans   or bottles but over here they've got all 
the refrigerated ones so you've got a big   choice too of refrigerated ones so if you want to 
basically take it and drink it now or I don't know   I guess drink it on the way home look at all 
the choices plenty of choices of Bud right there   and then a lot of different I guess you call 
them Boutique beers so again yeah I've pointed   this out as well too in Russia you buy them 
singly so you just buy how many you need so   if you want one or twelve or three just choose 
them like that have a look even more on this side   full so right at the beginning of the video you 
saw me there showing the pomegranates outside the   fresh ones and you can buy the juices here this 
is actually the in-house brand here the spa brand   now somebody did say to have a look underneath 
and look for the packaging which is Tetra pack   so somebody did mention in one of 
the comments that Tetra pack had   changed hands in Russia or left the market but 
pretty much everything here is in Tetra packs   and I think safely this is the largest selection 
of lays I've seen anywhere in Moscow as well   they have literally every flavor possible of 
Lay's chips so someone did point out that lays is   part of Pepsi so I'm curious now what's going on 
because there's no shortage around any store that   I go to but have a look at all the flavors now 
the one I like the most is the spare rib one here   this one right here this is my favorite spare 
rib flavor but if I'm really really hungry   that's the ones here with the different 
seafood one there's a crab flavored one as well   now there's no sign on the top of this and display 
here or off location as we call them in Australia   but we can pretty clearly see Pepsi right here 
so we know this is Pepsi and then we see on one   side kind of like the cola on the other side the 
Miranda and then if we look closely somewhere   right here is the Pepsi logo right there Wally 
Pepsi website so yeah and in Miranda or Pepsi   I just come forever and then a few people have 
also mentioned in comments about the health food   aisle so there is a health food aisle now I'm not 
particularly into any of the health food items in   the stores but they do have one entire side of 
the aisle here they dedicated to health food   or maybe gluten-free items I guess so there's a 
lot of choices now I wonder if anybody's watching   from Spain have a look at all the different uh 
I guess sliced hams here like prosciutto Crudo   I'm not too sure the names I've just known them 
as Italian but authentically Spanish and this   one here says product of San Marino but uh if 
you need the kind of anti-pastas I'm not sure   how they call this like the sliced meats that you 
put on the table you know lots of them now we've   almost made it over to this fresh food section 
that I want to show you here now it's just off   on the left ear but here's all the different uh 
hams and Salamis uh a lot of choices have a look   and then these ladies back here will basically 
slice it how you need it and it's essentially   pay by weight typically a lot of things here are 
by 100 gram weights but have a look at this food   section here at the end of the uh Supermarket here 
here's some more different salamis and Bolognese   sausages a lot to choose from and then have a look 
at this fresh food section did I show all the hams   I've actually found another small section of 
them as well see quite a lot of these brands   are in other supermarkets but they do have some 
sort of different odd uh I'm gonna say odd for   me but maybe if you guys watching uh are into the 
different hams and uh sliced hams I guess salamis   there's a lot of choices and then over here is 
this first section here where they've got all   of the prepared salads have a look at that 
nice shrimp salad right there oh very nice   and then different uh salads these uh I don't 
know all the names of these like potato salads   coleslaws here's the beetroot salad I like to 
eat I know that oh and here's pickled mushrooms   as well which are very nice also yeah there is 
a good selection so you can see basically what   happens is you basically just grab and go these 
so you grab them take them to the self checkout   and then go sit in the cafe so over here is one 
of the kitchens here where they're doing all the   prepared food and then check this out they've 
got all the different pill menes right here   so they're basically you kind of boil them is the 
way you kind of cook them so they boil them in in   hot water then they've just got them here kind of 
warm I guess and then you just buy them by weight   there's a couple already prepared so you just grab 
them and put them in the microwave and off you go   and then we've got the lady over here doing the 
sheep pastry for you how neat is that now just   walking around a little bit more here they've got 
Fresh Soups as well so you can get it basically   for take away there's different sizes but have 
a look the lady just sort of Scoops it into the   containers they're already hot so you just eat 
them right out of the packet or out of the bowl   a lot of people will take these home save us a lot 
of time cooking at home the soups buying them like   this then they've got fresh sushi oh green sushi 
I'm used to these ones over here the regular ones   as we come around here you'll see more 
salads now this is the really the highlight   of coming to this Supermarket by the way 
I wish I had one closer to where I live   all these fresh salads over here lots of 
them have a look more tomato salad there   I think I'll just call it tomato salad I'm sure 
you guys know the different names of them but   so many choices keeps going and going so 
you just basically let them know which uh   size container or how much you want and they'll 
just wait out for you and off you go so right   here by all of the cooked food they've got a 
kind of like a grab-and-go drink section I was   kind of interested here because I just saw some 
Coca-Cola and this is the ones from Kazakhstan   so yeah they've got the actual gold lid ones 
which we know and then these are the red lid   ones which are basically all from Kazakhstan 
now not really talking about pricing but   110 rubles now that would normally before 
everything was going on it'd be probably about   60 rubles so if you really want Coca-Cola you can 
get it but you're paying a fair bit more for it   so the cook food keeps on going now if you did 
think that we only eat all healthy food here   you might be wrong look there's some fried food 
finally some chicken nuggets fries onion rings   so let's have a look here though lasagna oh so 
nice and there's even like a cottage pie there   but oh I might have this lasagna for lunch myself   and here's some classic uh I guess potatoes they 
have this in every Supermarket that's got takeaway   food and you can get some grilled fish here and 
then there's even different pastas mashed potato   spaghetti all sorts look the elbow these are 
the bow tie pasta over there the with the pesto   sauce so it kind of started out as a supermarket 
Vlog and it's ended up as a food Vlog so I wonder   how many people actually come here just for the 
food to do take away or to eat in the cafe versus   actually coming to do their supermarket shopping 
have a look at the different sushis here as well   so many choices of sushi and some 
potatoes some cooked vegetables   and potatoes more potatoes and here's 
something else that I like in this place   too they've got the chicken wings you don't get 
the chicken wings and chicken legs everywhere but   you can get them uh here is also the spicy ones 
as well and then even potato wedges so you'll   just see in the back there the kitchens where they 
make all the food there's quite a selection here   there's one of the chefs right here he's got 
the chef's always going to go with the tallest   hat on that's how you always know who the chef 
is uh and then there's even the takeaway sushis   and here's some more salad choices here 
olives different choices a lot to choose from   it's uh here's one of those little miniature soup 
little trolleys here looks like a children's size   oh and here's the billini it's basically 
pancakes with Savory stuffings inside   here's some different Meats there's some pork 
roast chicken everything so this is again it's   all basically made here in store and you can 
see the kitchen in the back here with them all   actually they're doing some cut fruit over 
there in the back and here is the pancakes   oh look at that you basically just let them know 
how many you'd like and you've got the different   sauces here you can get the chocolate sauce if you 
like or just regular sugar but and this guy here   is doing shashlik all right well look at chesh 
liquor right here a shashlik in a supermarket   now in all the different times I've been here I've 
never fully walked around and sort of took my time   having a look at the kitchens and this is where 
they do all the bakery things in the back here   just see all of the uh ovens and different things 
and they've got some of these pastries here so   these are basically uh deep fried pastry 
with they'll generally have either potato   inside or meat or pork and they just basically 
put them in the hot oil and good to take away   it's even got hamburgers here as well and then 
this guy over here is doing stir-fry noodles   so yeah there's these little signs here which we 
can kind of have a look at the what the different   choices are but he's doing the wok noodles check 
that out how cool is that and I really want to   see the shashlik guy again he's just walked off 
there but he's got all the different plovs as   well this is basically a kind of like a rice 
dish with different vegetables inside carrots   meats and then you can see at the back there 
the barbecued pork or chicken so you can either   choose them that are pre-cooked right here well 
they'll do fresh ones for you right on the grill   and if that wasn't enough Pizza now right at the 
beginning if we saw all those people sitting in   the cafe you know that they've come here and grab 
something so you've got pizza by the slice here   so they'll basically uh put them right in 
the oven and warm them up again if you want   them like that or they'll box them to 
take home they're very big slices too   now just as I'm walking around here I kind of went 
right past these uh baguettes here or French bread   I guess sticks straight out of the oven now again 
if you've got smell-o-vision at home turn it on   because that's basically right out of the oven 
right now and they've got a little cafe here as   well so if you want coffee to sit down and take 
away or eat in the drink in the cafe and they've   got a few cakes so this is all basically 
by weights you just let them know how big   a slice you want and off you go and then there's 
already the pre-sliced ones here as well if you   want something a little bit bigger but yeah just 
keeps on giving this place it's really amazing   so the bread section in this store is 
not particularly big mostly because   everything's done fresh in store and they just 
want to basically just cook as they sell it or   you know make it and sell it within sort of a 
few hours and they just keep making some more   and that's why they've got the big stand right 
here so you can see they're just about to refill   all the breadsticks but these are only 41 rubles 
so about 70 or 80 US cents for a nice baguette   but you can see there's all plenty of people in 
here I guess where these are all the lazy people   who don't want to cook at home so they come and 
get all the pre-made stuff are we all lazy if we   do that I guess it's kind of the ultimate Russian 
fast food if you get everything kind of freshly   prepared and then just take it and eat it in the 
store or go home and have it for dinner tonight   and coming around here to 
the tea and coffee aisle so   still a lot of choices I mean there is a bit of a 
thing about some of the brands of left Russia but   you know considering how many choices there are 
in the store you know the shelves are fairly full   then here's one of my favorite sections I'm 
sure everybody knows I like chocolate I'm   pretty sure you all do but I wonder if my dad 
knows about this one here Tony's chocolates   uh from France how's that and there's some 
German chocolate there as well and I think   a lot of the other Russian chocolates but there 
is a lot of choices and they do have a small   kind of pay by weight section here and all 
the sweet and sugary candies on the other side   so I think the whole idea when you come here 
is you come straight away first and buy some   cooked food go sit in the cafe fill your belly 
up and when you come back shopping you don't   buy as much I wonder if that's the thing is 
that what you guys do at home if they've got   a cafeteria in your Supermarket would you shop 
first or do you shop after I think I I know I've   done it a couple of times where I've walked in 
hungry and we bought far more than we need but   if you go to the cafe First full belly you 
get a much smaller basket at the checkout   now when I was here the other day I'd actually 
come in here just to grab a drink on my way home   I come out to this area to go to another store 
and I came across these uh Bourbons here now   okay we know that they're from America 
they're from Kentucky but Billy bong   uh I find it's very interesting uh but you 
can see here Woodford Reserve Maker's Mark   Jim Beam Double Oak these are all 
very well known American whiskeys   uh all the different Jack Daniels and then 
over here from South Africa Amarula Sheridan's   Bailey's Coco Jumbo it's like coconut rum 
it looks like Malibu but it's another brand   then we got tequilas and then some of the age rums 
now if anybody knows me you know that I've been   working on cruise ships in the duty-free shops and 
they actually have a very nice rum selection here   uh this Bacardi eight it's kind of 
interesting they've got the British flag here   but this is actually made in Puerto Rico uh so 
I wonder uh how they've got the England flag   I think that's maybe the Importer and then uh 
Havana Club from Cuba brugal Dominican Republic   but some of these look 15 year old Eldorado and 
then that's the zakapa 23 Solara here which is   considered one of the top five rums in the world 
uh but yeah all the different uh bacardi's Captain   Morgan's and there's a few of the other Devil's 
Island down there I don't know where that's from   but plenty of choices now I couldn't kind of walk 
past the wines and not look for the Australian   ones but firstly here for Ben if you're watching 
there's some New Zealand wines here in Moscow   and then our flag is not too diff similar but 
these are the Australian ones here lindemann's   Ross and Retreat these are actually 
pretty well known Brands right here   take root I've not heard of before Old Coach 
Road oh this is New Zealand here that's why but   yeah a couple of Australian ones here in the store 
now although you do see not too many people in the   aisles I do try and avoid you know filming right 
in front of people there is quite a lot of people   in the store although it does look maybe less on 
camera but plenty of different uh washing powders   and all of the cleaning products here my wife's 
other favorite domestos and I'm forever buying   the wrong color bottle I need to always remember 
which color bottle to buy when I come and how many   types of washing up liquid do they have here oh my 
gosh I didn't think there was that many available   now as I've been pointed out a few times now so 
I've finally could have put in my place that there   is far more cats in Russia than there are dogs of 
course we all live in apartments so cats are more   practical of course right they dogs you've got to 
take for walks you've got to take them out to the   Garden if you live in an apartment in this in the 
center here or close enough you know that's why   there's so much cat things all the way down that 
we finally get to the little dog section down here   so yeah all the biscuits dry biscuits but no 
canned dog food pretty sure you guys around   the world if you've got a dog you'll probably 
typically buy canned dog food I wonder let me know   we're slowly coming to the hand so if you're 
getting hungry I'm sorry but I'm gonna have   to show you the donuts here they've got 
their own in-house donut section I guess   and pastries and there's a lot of honesty about 
this you just basically grab the plastic bag   and the tongs and put it in there and 
obviously go pay at the register but   these are the ones over here 
they've got jamming or raspberry   uh very nice these and then there is a normal 
bread section but it's very small so this will all   be the ones that'll be brought in from a bakery 
in some form these aren't made in the store but   how small is this compared to where you guys live 
around the world but I did notice up here Harry's   is in the store here's this very famous white 
bread with the uh incredibly white looking uh   loaf there's like a brown bread version there 
do you guys call it white bread and brown bread   um yeah there's uh I think most people 
tend to focus all on the fresh breads   rather than these pre-packaged ones 
okay everybody so I thought I'd finish   the video here in the cafeteria and I got 
myself something to eat I got the lasagna   like I was pointing out and I've just 
had a little taste but it's very nice what I'm really curious about is they didn't 
put a sticker on it when I went to pay for it   so normally depending on where you go 
they'll put a white sticker on there and   you pay at the register but when I went to the 
self-checkout I literally put it on the scales   and it must have some sort of 
camera in there I don't know who   how or what they did to figure it out it basically 
charged me so I got a portion of lasagna I got a   slice of pizza so I've got kind of like a ham 
and tomato pizza and I got myself some Dobra   well this is not dobrokola this is the Dobra 
orange which is basically Fanta so this is   exactly what Fanta would be it's actually from the 
exact Factory where Coca-Cola and Fanta products   are made which is called molten Partners these 
were the original guys that set up the factory   then they sold it to Coca-Cola and then they've 
now acquired it back so yeah Fanta Pizza lasagna   thanks everybody I think I found Russia's best 
Supermarket now I'm not sure how I'm going to   title this so if you're watching it uh and you can 
come up with a better title uh I'm sorry you're   watching a bit of a long ending but uh I I was 
I I did intentionally come out and have lunch at   the same time as coming here but just the amount 
of choices you kind of almost spoil it with what   you want to have walking around in this section 
of the it's almost like a half of the supermarket   but have I found Russia's best Supermarket now 
let me know in the comments what you think I'm   sure there's a lot of Russian people watching as 
well so yeah please let me know what you think   of uh you're aspiring by your opinion and do you 
have a Euro Spa where you live somewhere else in   the world we don't have them in Australia so we 
don't really have anything like this at all this   uh food concept where you can basically just come 
in the cafe like this I just basically put it in   the micro for about a minute just to warm it back 
up again because it was already heated but just to   make it a bit hotter but yeah thanks for watching 
Everybody give it a thumbs up if you liked it   I'm sure I'm gonna get a few thumbs down probably 
because of how long it is and if you've made it   to the end thank you thank you to all the new 
subscribers to the channel as well we've got   probably nearly 10 000 new subscribers in 
the last 28 days which is just phenomenal   so thank you everybody for watching traveling with 
Russell I'm not sure how far we're traveling but   so far it could be like the supermarket King 
Channel I wonder if we should change the name   Supermarket shopping center King but yeah I'm 
gonna enjoy my lasagna now post a comment let   me know what you think and then I'm 
gonna head off on another adventure   I've got another video planned for today right 
after this it's going to be dark by the time I   get home because it's already getting dark 
outside now now it's coming to winter here   it gets dark here 4 35 P.M every evening 
so yeah thanks everybody see you later   so just leaving now I thought I'd just 
add this on right at the very end so   I couldn't leave without getting another slice 
of that lasagna to take home so I called my wife   and she said bring home me a [ __ ] bring home a 
slice for me too so I got a slice of lasagna and   I got some Rita sport chocolate as well which 
we don't buy very often so yeah I'm gonna get   on the Metro now actually bus first then the Metro 
then another bus and about two hours from now I'll   be back home so sorry for adding on a little bit 
extra to the video catch you later everybody bye

As found on YouTube

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