Maisie Williams Accidentally Drops a Major Spoiler in Game of Thrones’ Final Season

-Everyone's probably asking you the same questions
about "Game of Thrones" and it's the final season.
but I was gonna ask you, do you have a top five maybe iconic moments
of your character, of Arya's moments on the show? -I do.
I mean, there are so many. But in terms of things
that have really defined her, I think number one would be
Ned's beheading in season 1. That was what
spiraled her whole arc. -Yes. -And then she was with the Hound
for a long time. I think there was a line in
maybe season three where she was like, "One day,
I'm gonna stick a knife through your eye
and out the back of your skull." That was, like,
a pretty defining moment when you realized how —
[ Laughter ] how messed up in the head
that she'd become.

-And in season five, I think she threw away
her original costume. And I was in that costume for
like four years or something. So, she threw that
into the water, and it was
a really emotional moment. I guess last season,
she reunited with Sansa again, so that was a pretty big moment. And then they both united
and killed Littlefinger, and that's pretty —
-That's like kind of — yeah. [ Cheers and applause ]
That's not bad. This is the final —
the final season. Everyone's been waiting. Can you tell me anything? Are you allowed
to talk about anything? -I've decided to just keep
a tight lip on everything.

HBO have sent out a lot of memos
recently about just say nothing. -Yeah.
-So there's really nothing that I can say.
They would absolutely kill me. -You couldn't give —
You couldn't give one little spoiler,
one little hint of a a little —
a crumb is all I ask. [ Laughter ] Milady. Just a crumb
is all I'm asking for. [ Laughter ] -Um…I don't know. Like, during shooting,
the final days were really, like, emotional, saying goodbye
to all of the cast. Because when I found out that
Arya died in the second episode, I was —
[ Audience gasps, laughs ] -What? Are you kidding me? That's a spoiler.

[ Laughter ] -Is this live?
-No. -We can edit that out.
-Are you serious? -Yeah. -Dude, yeah, totally. -They're still
gonna tweet about it. -No. Don't worry about it.
Are you serious? It's fine.
-I'm really sorry. -No, don't worry about it.
No, it's fine. -Okay.
-We can edit it, right? Yeah.
We can edit it out. Don't worry about it.
-Okay. -Yeah.
Don't worry about it. No one's gonna —
It's fine. It's cool.
Let's just start — Can we do applause,
and I'll just go from the applause
and go into it again? [ Cheers and applause ] Let's talk about, uh… Let's talk about the final — Let's talk about
the final season. -I'm…

-Um… Is she okay? Is she okay? We'll just go… -April Fools! [ Cheers and applause ] ♪♪ -You were so good!
Oh, my gosh! We got you guys so bad! Maisie Williams, everybody!.

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