Learn HOW TO MAKE Fermented Pineapple Coconut Habanero Hot Sauce (Part 1)!

hey everybody John McClellan here ATX hot 
sauce ATX hot sauce.com check us out online   and subscribe below if you like our video 
got tons of other videos on there today I'm   making one of my absolutely favorite sauces 
it's called The Juice won multiple Awards   here in Austin at the Austin Chronicle hot 
sauce Festival last year this year it Blends   pineapple coconut garlic onion Ginger turmeric 
cardamom and Habaneros and a great fermentation   I'm going to show you how to make it today all 
right let's get to making this hot sauce I like   to put my fruit not Peppers but the fruit like 
the pineapple at the very bottom and this recipe   and when we make them at the kitchen we use 
a five to six gallon uh buckets to create our   sauces and we'll put two whole pineapples in 
there today we're not going to need that many   we're going to need about about 12 ounces of 
pineapple but I'm gonna get this thing cut up   and it'll just check if you want to get the 
top off just twist it off another thing you   can do with this and I'll put an insert video 
or a picture here to show you what you can do   with this after a couple of years but this with a 
couple of toothpicks in it a little bit of water   let it root out then plant it in a planter for 
your house and check out the picture here that's   mine two years actually put pineapple out recently 
but you got to be patient with it put that aside don't worry about the core you can keep the core 
in there and we are going to need about 32 ounces   of that always weigh everything you want your rest 
to be recipes to be consistent 12 ounces actually   is what we want here it's a little bit over 13 and 
a half but that'll work all right now we want to   get our fridge cut up pretty good right big chunks 
are not gonna they're gonna take up a lot of room   careful with a sharp knife pineapples can be 
slippery and you don't want to take a finger off   next we're going to add the coconut in here 
coconut is three and a half ounces of coconut so let's steer this out like oh it's actually the perfect 
amount there get that loaded in all right we're gonna do three ounces of garlic there we go it's about three ounces of 
garlic there we're gonna put those in whole and we've got some turmeric now I like to wash 
this off so I'm going to wash it off real quick   hold on one second all right the reason we add 
the turmeric a lot of it's for color gives it a   great taste too but you can see the color on the 
sauce that's a lot of it comes from this turmeric   so I don't like to peel my turmeric I 
just like to wash it really really well   peel it you take all those good 
bacteria off instead of smaller pieces all right next we've got some ginger ginger 
we're going to need about one ounce of that a little too much about one ounce right there this has already been 
washed and ready to go we're going to cut this   little guy pieces too get that throw it 
in there next we have a little bit of   cardamom we're going to do about .5 ounces 
of cardamom these are whole cardamom seeds   I think you have such a great flavor on them next Habaneros now I do recommend wearing gloves I 
didn't need gloves until this point but I thought   I'd put them on anyway uh let's get these chopped 
up make sure if you see any ones like these that   have a little discoloration on it maybe a little 
bit of mold or a little mushy those are the ones   you want to throw away right you don't want to 
be using this let's get these chopped up now   here's an important part of fermentation some 
people are like well why don't you just throw   the whole thing in there well you want to chop it 
up because if you don't chop it up the brine that   we're going to put in a few minutes can never get 
inside so it has air pockets inside where molds   can developed you want to chop these up fairly 
well and you just want to get them all opened up   so that brine can go in there just cut them in 
quarters it's going to take it all right we've   got all the Habaneros in there push that down a 
little bit got all the pineapple the cardamom the   garlic uh the ginger in there now we're going 
to add uh one small onion to the top of it make sure you get all this yucky stuff off of it fun fact the reason you cry when 
you cut onions sulfuric acid   you're serving fresh onions that are chopped 
not cooked I recommend rinsing them off under   water in a colander if you're making like 
a pico de gallo or something like that   all right we've got that in there next we've got 
to add the brine let me show you how that works   all right so we're doing a wet fermentation 
a lot of people are like aren't you going to   weigh the the product and then put that ratio of 
salt into so whatever the vegetables and fruits   weigh that's the percentage of salt now we do a 
wet fermentation uh rough chop like that that's   a master's thinking about so what we do is we 
do three and a half percent salt to water now   here's an easy way to do that right so let's 
do a little uh history lesson from go back when   you were in junior high high school and you're 
learning about the metric system if you did four   liters one liter is a thousand grams in weight of 
water 1000 grams of weight and water is one liter   right so if I have four liters here right and that 
is 4 000 grams of water and I want to do a three   and a half percent well three and a half percent 
of a thousand is 35 we'll times that by four what   do you get 140.

So we're going to do 140 grams of 
salt for this 4 000 gram or four liters of water   all right 140 grams we'll get that right in that 
water now let's get that puppy stirred up kosher   Salt's probably the best sea salt works too you 
know there's some debate about this I probably   wouldn't use a uh iodized salt you know some 
Himalayan sea salt might be good I just like   your straight kosher salt you want to get that 
all mixed up Let it gets all dissolved in there   and then we're going to pour a brine into here all right we got our salt to dissolved in the 
water let's get it into this gallon container   jar remember three and a half percent of 
the weight of the water we got four liters   that's four thousand grams of water 140 
grams of salt is three and a half percent   if I did my math right now when you put the brine 
in you want to get it you want to have a little   bit of head space not too much head space because 
that oxygen get in there and they can create and   promote growth of mold so we're going to let it 
sit there a little bit put some of the bubbles out now what's going to happen when it starts 
fermenting is it's going to expand so you don't   want it too far up so about right there maybe an 
inch off the top right next we're going to have   one of my little fun things here I'll do that 
a little press pipe they make them in different   sizes what you can do is you can adjust this so 
when you put the cap on it holds the vegetables   down below that's why I put those onions on there 
to hold those down so we'll do a little bit more   yeah probably about like that 
take a clean and sanitized lid   have I used that term enough I'm gonna get that 
screwed down on there then we're going to use our   air lock now you don't need an airlock but you'll 
once the fermentation process starts you'll need   to burp it at least once a day or the thing will 
explode you don't want that probably wondering why   I have the Vodka here well you got to have 
some liquid in here water probably not the   best you could put brine in here that's salt 
water brine I like to put some vodka in there   kind of like what Julie child says a little bit 
for the airlock and a little for me not this early   all right we're going to get this on here we're 
going to get it labeled we're gonna go put it in   a cool dark place 30 days come back or we're gonna 
make a sauce of it listen I hope you enjoyed this   video make sure you tune in and check out for 
part two in about 30 to 40 days where I show   you how to make the sauce for this it's a gorgeous 
sauce it's called The Juice it's award-winning and   it's only at ATX hot sauce subscribe below 
and check out our website ATX hotsauce.com foreign

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