Is too much Salt Bad for us? + more videos | #aumsum #kids #science #education #children

It's AumSum Time. Is too much Salt Bad for us? No. Too many questions are bad for us. Oh AumSum. Salt is basically sodium chloride. It is important for various bodily functions. Such as transmitting nerve impulses, digestion,
etc. However, too much of something is never good. Firstly, when too much salt enters our blood. The water content in our blood rises. Increasing the volume of blood. As a result, our heart works harder than usual. Secondly, as more blood flows through the
blood vessels. It puts strain on their walls. Overtime, this causes the walls to grow thicker. Narrowing the vessels and thus, increasing
our blood pressure. In addition to this, narrowing of blood vessels
means. Less oxygen and nutrients get transported
to the cells. Increasing the risk of dementia, stroke and
heart attacks.

Lastly, to remove excess salt. Our kidneys use more water and we urinate
more frequently. Thus leaving us dehydrated and thirsty. Can gargling saltwater cure sore throat? No. It produces soooothing music. Oh AumSum. Gargling with saltwater is a common method
to treat sore throat. But it is important to note that it doesn't
cure sore throat. It just provides some relief. A sore throat is usually caused by bacterial
or viral infection. This infection activates our immune system
due to which. Immune cells, blood and plenty of fluids reach
the site. Causing redness, swelling, pain, etc. But how does gargling with saltwater provide
relief? By osmosis. Osmosis is the movement of water from. Lower concentration of solute to higher concentration
of solute. Through a semipermeable membrane. Now in saltwater, the amount of solute, that
is salt. Is relatively higher than the salt present
in the tissues of our throat.

So, when we gargle, the excess fluid rushes
out of our tissues. Reducing swelling and thus, easing out the
pain. Why are tears salty? Because our eyes forgot to add sugar to them. Oh. Just listen. There is no way that our tears cannot be salty
because salt. That is, sodium chloride is very essential
for various bodily functions. Sodium in salt conducts nerve impulses, helps
all the muscles to contract, etc. Chloride is an essential part of our stomach
acid. According to research, there is about half
a pound of salt in our bodies. Now, if we have so much salt, it makes sense
that our bodily fluids. Including sweat, blood and tears naturally
have some salt in them. Besides this, it would take a lot of cellular

To make sure that our tears were 100% pure
water. Moreover, as some tears are continuously produced
to lubricate our eyes. It is believed that salt in those tears inhibits
the growth of bacteria Thus preventing infections. Why does salt make food taste better? Wait. I will explain. Salt which is basically sodium chloride makes
almost everything taste better. Whether it is French fries, certain fruits,
curries or even cookies. We like at least a little salt in all these
foods. According to researchers. We have evolved to like salt maybe because
our bodies need salt for survival. What. Salt for survival. Indeed. Sodium present in salt, maintains our blood
pressure, transmits nerve impulses, etc. Whereas, chloride is used to produce hydrochloric
acid in our stomach.

Hence, to obtain salt, we have gradually developed
a taste for it. Thus, salt in food makes it appealing and
tasty. In addition to this, it is found that salt
suppresses bitterness better than sugar. Researchers aren't sure how. Some researchers suggest that salt neutralizes
the bitter tongue receptors. While some suggest that on adding salt, the
brain interprets the taste as less bitter..

As found on YouTube

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