Is Salt Not As Bad as Previously Thought?

I'm secretly happy that James is here to present this part of the research because I'm one of those salt shaker people I love salt people laugh at me and they said I should walk around with a Salt Lick like a ragout I mean it's so yummy and so I know that recently my dragons so good it makes food so good and so anyway all I'm saying is it's interesting to see the debate it's interesting to see the other side and to kind of see what other components of these studies are really driving the research and so I like comforted by the fact that if I'm eating less processed foods maybe I can solve them there's no question the Association salt and hypertension and a certain group of people well I'm going to point out something to everyone here the salt from the salt shaker represents only about 5% of our salt intake seventy-five percent of the sodium that we take in in our bodies is determined by the food industry and restaurant and processed foods and if you just cut back and tell them in the restaurant to put salt of the sauce on the side you can actually reduce the sodium in your meal and cutting back on processed foods dr.

Goldberg we know how you stand but James so what are you telling us what I'm telling what a day come for us in terms of the salt that were that there were so many disease states that caused salt efficiency okay there's 20 million Americans with sleep apnea and they don't know it and they lose twice the amount of salt in their urine at night that's why they're waking up at night peeing all the time they're getting flushed out of salt there's 20 million Americans with hypothyroidism which causes salt deficiency there's millions of people with inflammatory bowel disease where they don't absorb salt well I treat patients with celiac disease Crohn's disease ulcerative colitis and they're there cramping and they're having all these issues and fixed when they up their salt intake and so what I'm saying is is salt is an essential mineral and your body controls its intake and we should be listening to those those cravings and when you don't that can lead to serious negative health consequences we got to be very careful here and and the reason is because I actually agree with some of what both of you are saying I think we have been way too fearful of okay put a little table salt on your dinner for most of us unless your cardiologist tells you not to is fine I'm more than fine and so being afraid of the saltshaker to the point where you throw it away there are there I've told people you get iodine in table solving if someone's long I don't okay it's a good source for it but but I do worry that people are going to get confused here because there's such a big difference if only 5% of our salt is coming from table salt and 95% is coming from these processed meals people are gonna start reading these processed meals and be like God James told me it's all good even though this is you know 150% of my sodium for the day I'm gonna get three of these so that that's worth it because to me it seems like too much is bad too little as bad and in in my book what I say is people need to eat real food and consume real salts and I'm not advocating eating processed food insult allows people to eat real food my kids they're not gonna eat their bitter vegetables not seeds without salt on it so use salt as the gateway to eating healthy and exercising luckier than and I think dr.

Goldberg would you agree like eat real foods you need to eat real foods because in fact and one of the diets that we propose to people to eat is the – diet which is a Mediterranean style diet it's low in meats sweets processed foods and has healthy fats we're not telling people to eliminate nutrients particularly treants from food groups we want people to eat healthy amounts of nutrients from all food groups I'm a cardiologist I take care of people and in fact when you take in a high-salt diet you bring more fluid into your butt blood vessels so it's like turning up a water hose full force with high pressure you're increasing the pressure in your arteries and damaging them because then they're gonna bill to have that waxy buildup of cholesterol leading to a heart attack salt does not cause an over attention of water the kidneys will just get rid of any salt it doesn't need what my book shows is that the reduction in blood pressure isn't even necessarily a good thing you're just dehydrating the person almost every single study shows that a low salt diet significantly increases heart rate it increases the arteries stiffening hormones which is why almost all the studies show that if you're not getting enough of this is central mineral you're at the highest risk of heart disease and early death is is when you look at all the studies is the very low-salt diets and the very high salt diets both have increased risk but the risk is much higher at the what but why keep so my whole takeaway would just be talk with your doctor we are every one of us as an individual we have unique physiology this debate is not going to end any time soon but I always say be cautious with these things because you don't want to just start chugging salt and then you go see dr.

Goldberg and you don't and your blood pressure is through the roof and you're having odd heats got to be aware takeaway is this is an important debate that's not going away anytime soon I want to thank both of you so much for [Applause] you.

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