Is Coffee good for Health? + more videos | #aumsum #kids #science #education #children

It's AumSum Time Is Coffee good for Health? No. Cold Coffee with Whipped Cream is the healthiest. Oh AumSum. Coffee definitely has some advantages associated
with it. Coffee contains caffeine, it is a stimulant. Which after consumption reduces tiredness. And makes us feel more alert. Coffee is also a strong source of several
powerful antioxidants. Some studies have shown that. Coffee is linked to reduced risk of a number
of diseases. Like Type 2 Diabetes, Parkinson's & Alzheimer's. But too much of something is never good for
the body. Consuming too much coffee, that is caffeine can lead to anxiety & stress. In some extreme cases. It may also lead to heart palpitations and
panic attacks. Lastly, caffeine present in coffee can be
very addictive. If heavy coffee drinkers try to abstain from
coffee for a few days. They may experience irritation, headaches,
etc. How to stop a sneeze? By saying Cheeeeesssee. Oh dude. At least once think of a sensible answer. A sneeze is controlled by the trigeminal nerve
present in our face.

When irritants like dust and pollen enter
our nose. The trigeminal nerve triggers sneezing to
expel them out with huge force and pressure. Now, many people close their nostrils and
mouth to stop a sneeze. But this can lead to transfer of force and
pressure inside their heads. Thus damaging their eardrums or other tissues. Normally, sneeze should not be stopped. But in exceptional situations. A relatively safe way to stop a sneeze is
to press our finger above our upper lip. Since the trigeminal nerve is also present
above our upper lip. Such pressing action also sends a signal through
that nerve to the brain. This interrupts the sneeze response and distracts
the brain. Thus helping in stopping our sneeze. Why are giraffes so tall? Because they pull each other’s necks and
legs. Naaahhh. Some scientists believe that. Being tall helps giraffes feed on leaves which
are present at greater heights. As shorter herbivores are not able to reach
those heights. It decreases the competition for food. Another study suggests that a giraffe’s
long neck is evolved to compete or fight for females.

Male giraffes whip their neck and swing their
heads violently into each other’s ribs and neck. This is called necking. The giraffe having longer neck tends to win
and hence, is preferred by the female giraffe. A study also suggests that as the legs of
giraffes got longer. Their necks also gradually got longer. So that they could easily drink water by bending
their necks. Some people also think that being tall helps
giraffes spot approaching predators. While some others believe that being tall
gave them a larger surface area.

Thus helping them regulate their body temperature. Why do ants walk in a straight line? Because they never drink alcohol. Naaahhh. Ants live in big colonies and are very organized. When an ant finds some food, it picks a small
piece of it and while returning. It leaves chemical scents called pheromones
along the trail. Each colony has a unique set of pheromones. This trail of pheromones helps other ants
of the colony to reach the source of food.

Now, as these pheromones evaporate easily. Every ant which is carrying food. And returning to the colony leaves additional
pheromones. so that other ants behind it can follow the
smell and return to their colony. As the ants follow the smell, they tend to
walk in a straight line. In addition to this. We even see ants bumping their heads or colliding
with each other while walking. They do this to identify their fellow ants.

When two ants collide, they smell each other’s
pheromones. If the pheromones don’t belong to the colony,
the outsider ant might even be attacked..

As found on YouTube

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