Is Coffee Bad For You | How Much Caffeine In A Cup Of Coffee | Responding To Your Comments

L H Can I eat beaf please please please let me know, I'm 27 suffering from 2 days hey guys welcome to another episode of responding to your comments. What are we wating for? Let's dive in L H this is a great comment it's not the chickenpox video and I don't understand why you can't eat beef there's no problem eating beef in chicken pox unless you have beef with beef what the beef has beef with chicken pox yeah so unless you have beef with beef or the beef has beef or chicken pox then you can't eat beef but you can't eat beef beef is fine unless you've got beef with beef then don't eat beef I've got stop saying beef MC plays I have a question – is it bad drinking coffee MC plays thank you for your comment in question this is a really good question do I drink coffee I drink coffee do a lot of health care professionals drink it I'm pretty sure they do so generally speaking I don't really recommend children or anyone in high school is to drink coffee basic because you don't need it you've already got loads of energy and you're also going to build up a tolerance to it now how much is safe generally speaking 400 milligrams is said to be safe it's said to be a safe amount of 400 milligrams of caffeine is about 4 cups of brewed coffee but you need to be careful of this because a lot of coffee shops and big chains they make all these weird and wonderful coffees that have like extra expression of shots and them and six times shots in them all this sort of stuff and that's going to go way over the limit so you need to be aware of that also it's important to remember that caffeine does interact with a lot of medicines so levothyroxine is one of them so if anyone's watching this and it take meds of medicines or any medicines and the drinks a lot of coffee as well next time you're in the pharmacy just check with your pharmacist as well so they can give you some advice on this crystal st's why you keep moving around long great video and there's similar says gonna need is good old-fashioned hand trickery crystal thank you big comment I just moved back then when I said that I don't know I really don't know a lot of people have commented this it's just something that I do I've always been quite fidgety I always move around quite a lot and I can't sit down for too long either I always have to stand up and walk around I've just always been like this funny story actually when I was in high school cuz really good friends my English teacher and she always just say Abraham you need to stop fidgeting you knit stop fidgeting and you stopped moving and you stopped talking doesn't issue as you say and then she submitted cover Stan like it for the whiteboard it has done like this and she'd draw like an outline me and I it's like standing this little outline for like five minutes did it help no because I still thought to do this and walk around when I speak but it's quite an interesting approach Helena hammam G hello I'm Helena I'm studying pharmacy in Belgium I'd be grateful if you could explain your study methods Helena thank you a comment this is a good question so during the past ten years a pharmacy school university pre-registration and various different training and practice I've done I don't countless number of exams and I have kind of mastered it for myself I think the most important thing to remember these tips worked for me and everyone's different so something like work for you that doesn't work for me and something might work for me that doesn't work for you but the most important thing to do so tip number one is start revising early don't leave it so last-minute and I always arrive at thirty to five that's why I call it a thirty to five so 30 minutes revision five minutes break 30 minutes revision five minutes break it just gives you that nice little rest and a kind of nice little routine to follow cramming and all-nighters aren't ideal but have I done them yes I've done them at the Student Centre I'm sure loads of students have done them sometimes in pharmacy school there's not enough time to study so you have to kind of do this but again it's not ideal and also I would also advise you not to use your bed for studying a lot of people do this but it's good to separate – the bed is just for sleeping studying on the table etc and lastly probably the most important advice I can give you is understand what you're studying and I know that sounds very simple but when I was on my pre-registration training up guys are saying Thomas is my tutor was a massage is really well known in pharmacy and you taught me he always used to say to me Abraham why Abraham why why why why does that melodic him work like this why does paracetamol work like this why do you say this why do you say take methotrexate weakly all these different things and he'd always question me why and it's so important because when you understand why like I said in probably a few weeks ago in episode responding your comment it's going to take you to that next level who these patients will ask you why as well and so it's not just about kind of memorizing things and recalling it back when you understand you understand exactly how it works why it works where it works and it all just makes sense and you'll remember it for probably the rest of your life jcd my breath was taking away watching this video very well done JC these thank you for your comment thank you for your nice words this was on me how to use a spacer device video thank you I mean that's what I'm here for to empower you of knowledge on how to use your inhaler how to use a spacer device and various other health and medical topics so the fact that breath was taken away it makes me very happy I mean I hope your asthma is will control that hope it's not because of the apps merge just because the video was so good it took your breath away thank you for your comment Jacqueline Ramirez is hot to you with honey good to since you said not to drink hot drinks Jacqueline thank you for your comment there has been so much confusion about this hot drinks on my sore throat video I actually did an article recently for the Guardian where I contributed to it about sore throats that you mention this hot drink thing too so when I say avoid hot drinks I mean avoid SuperDuper hot water so once you Castle is boiled it's really really hot and you poured you drink don't start drinking at that point it's really hot it will make your sore throat worse let it cool down once it's cooled down a little then you can mix it with your honey like you said your tea whatever and drink it and that's the end of this week's responding to your comments episode I'm really loving the interaction that we've got going on on YouTube and if I didn't get back to your comment then leave another comment and I'll try my best to get back to your next week's episode please don't forget to subscribe subscribe subscribe and click that Bell button too because it tells YouTube that you enjoy my content and you want to see more see you next week hey guys thanks for watching this week's video make sure to click that like follow or subscribe button now to stay up to date with new weekly 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