I Found Out Why These Carnivore Experts Eat These 5 Foods Every Day

the most asked Carnival question in all of my 
videos is what foods should I eat for weight   loss the ants are from the best Carnival expert 
is just five foods beef lamb eggs bacon and butter   and that's it and if you're busy and you need 
to go well I'll see you next week for a meal   plan with these five foods but you know what I 
would actually stick around because I'm going   to show you why you need to eat these foods 
and how much you need to eat and by the way   if you're going please share this video with your 
vegan and your vegetarian friends the very first   food is all things beef and even our OG carnivores 
Dr Anthony chafee and Kelly Hogan love beef well   I did exclusively beef for the first probably 
seven or eight months when I started beef is   usually the best I'll eat the same thing no 
matter what but what type of beef do these   experts actually eat or have big steak we have 
lunch 45 ounces of steak and I have a steak for   dinner eat lots of fatty steak I really don't 
like steak but if you like it that's okay and   if you've been following me on YouTube because 
you're a carnival fan or even on the five minute   body club which really shows that you're an OG 
Carnival and the link is down below you'll know   I love my beef patties and thank goodness Kelly 
Hogan thinks the same way almost exclusively   burger patties for the majority of a decade and 
you know on this channel how we validate things   with deep clinical research well I just went 
on Tick Tock to check out some beef videos hmm well that was a waste of time I think gen 
Z gets the wrong information from Tick Tock   well I'm gonna go the old school way Google and 
PubMed to get the right information about beef   and here's a quick highlight so beef has loads of 
iron zinc selenium vitamin B12 and B vitamins and   biologically useful proteins but that was a bit of 
a mouthful but you can find all the links for all   these studies down in the description now when it 
comes to the portions of beef that you should be   eating well Kelly Hogan had this to say they're 
still used to eating very small portions of what   probably would have been appropriate steak before 
carnivore you see when you cut out the carbs you   have to increase the portion of fatty beef and 
I know what you're thinking how much beef should   you be eating well I'm going to cover that in 
a minute but you also have to add in some fat   like butter which just happens to be number two 
Carnival food that all of these experts eat and   butter has some special benefits the other one is 
CLA conjugated linoleic acid you may have heard of   that it's actually very protective against cancer 
and actually help people helps people with weight   loss you've probably seen CLA supplements you can 
just get it by eating butter so if anyone asks you   about supplements well you actually don't even 
need any except for this one thing which is not   really a supplement and more of an option and it's 
not the one supplement that you may be thinking   that you use in the gym but I'll talk about that 
in a bonus number six but what about the vitamins   and minerals in butter well Dr Berry says this 
vitamins and minerals are bound in butter the   most common of which are all the fat soluble 
vitamins vitamin A vitamin D and it's actually   D3 in butter vitamin E and vitamin K2 yeah that's 
the good vitamin K that you've heard about that   that probably protects you from osteoporosis and 
from cardiovascular disease now I know what you're   thinking all that butter is going to make you fat 
well that's a big fat lie and even Dr Elizabeth   bright says fat doesn't make you fat it's your 
body holding on to energy because you're there's   a stress issue and there are so many studies 
showing that butter contains butyrate which   lowers your stress hormone cortisol and I'll leave 
all the links in the description for your Dior   or should I say d y o are now how much butter do 
you need to be eating well why don't we just let   Dr Elizabeth bright tell us we start the morning 
with decaf with several tablespoons of butter I   snack on butter during my appointments and before 
I go to bed I have a piece of butter I know most   of you can't just eat straight up butter but I'm 
coming out with a meal plan next week showing you   delicious snacks so make sure that you subscribe 
and turn on the notification Bell to check out   that video and butter is not just the only Miracle 
food we also have eggs especially the yolks not   the whites and I know that might seem a bit of 
a shock but even Dr chafee says this some some   people that have autoimmune issues they're going 
to be more sensitive especially when they still   have leaky gut and they're still healing from 
that and so they quite often will have problems   with egg whites in particular and there is a way 
that you should cook your eggs to minimize hair   loss for you men and promote shiny Hair Skin and 
nails for us women but let's first chat about the   nutrients in the yolks because it has more than 
butter it has all of the fat soluble vitamins   which are vitamin A vitamin D E and K are in the 
yolk there's none in the white whatsoever tons   of calcium almost all the zinc and selenium are 
in the yolk choline which you may have heard is   is a lipotropic which helps you burn fat that's 
in the yolk that's not in the white so how many   eggs should you have in a day well Dr Sean Baker 
Dr Kim Berry and Kelly Hogan eat loads of eggs and   thank God I caught that one because I dropped it 
ten times dozen a day 16 a day I scrambled eggs   for my family every single day so I just throw 
in five extra for me six eggs a day that's about   my routine and if your goal is Fat Loss well 
this tip is for you if out of my six eggs I'll   probably throw two of the whites away because I 
don't want to eat too much protein because it'll   raise my insulin level and it'll make me try 
to hold fat around the middle and now probably   the most important part how do you cook your eggs 
to make sure that you maintain all the nutrients   you shouldn't ask me because I have no idea how to 
cook clearly because I always spill my fatty latte   but Dr Ken Berry says this which is game changing 
you want to have the white completely cooked okay   because the vegan which is a protein in the white 
if you don't cook that completely inactivate that   protein it will bind up the biotin that's in the 
yolk and you won't really be able to absorb it   so you won't get that biotin and so the best way 
to cook your eggs so that you have the minimize   minimal hair loss and you have the maximum amount 
of biotin available for your hair your skin and   your nails is over easy so the conclusion is eggs 
are pretty awesome but do you know what's even   better bacon and eggs what the hell I told you 
I was clumsy oh no okay I really promised that   I'm gonna clean this up but you probably may have 
thought that bacon was really bad for you maybe   because of the saturated fat All you thought it's 
going to give you cancer or maybe the nitrates but   did you know that bacon is so good for you and so 
is nitrates in fact it's been shown that nitrates   can also help lower blood pressure and angina 
and even Dr Ken Berry says the same thing your   salivary glands your spit glands in your mouth 
they actually secrete more nitrates into your   mouth per day than you could get from eating a 
pound of bacon a day nitrates are not bad for   you they're good for you we saved the egg and this 
one is going to my neighbor's dog so there is no   wasting but Carnival Food number five is lamb now 
listen if you have a beefer version sick of beef   or you just want to switch it up lamb is awesome 
and even Michaela Peterson loves lamb people are   like you just eat just beef for breakfast either 
no breakfast or yes or lamb dinner beef or lamb   lunch beef or lamb and did you know that lamb 
actually has high quartal calories protein fat   and higher quantities of healthy CLA so you can 
choose lamb as a better option maybe than beef   but I would always choose beef sorry now do you 
remember right at the start I was going to help   you figure out how much meat you need to eat well 
I eat one pound of ground beef every single day   so for you you could try 0.7 grams of protein per 
pound of lean body mass but if you need help on   an individual level we also have the five minute 
body club we have so many programs and meetings   Carnival 101 the 60 day fat loss program and that 
is going to help you understand how much protein   you need to eat and now for the bonus number six 
which you can pair with any of these Carnival   foods and it's iodine have you ever tried iodine 
because Dr Elizabeth bright recommends it so much   but let's see wash recommends it most people 
are iodine deficient well it's an essential   mineral that will obviously give you also the 
raw materials for your thyroid to make thyroid   hormone which is essential it's the first hormone 
made in the fetus it also provides iodine for the   breasts ovaries uterus and women and the prostate 
in men so there's never enough because water is   contaminated by fluoride Plastics are contaminated 
by phthalates and bromides and bleaches everywhere   so these are substances that are the same molecule 
is iodine A variation of the same molecule so the   body won't take in a tiny amount of iodine 
that is in our diet so Dr bright recommends   two drops of five percent of iodine every single 
day and I'm so excited because I'm speaking to Dr   Elizabeth bright about two videos carnival diet 
for women and carnivore diet for men so that's   coming out in a few weeks and if you've made it 
this far you either love me you love the experts   or you're just really bored either way I'll 
see you next week for the meal plan video bye

As found on YouTube

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