I ate at SALT BAE, Here’s Why I’ll NEVER go back!

Thanks Dalstrong for sponsoring this 
video.    Today I am going to show you guys my experience dining in 
Salt Bae's restaurant. Here we go. Nick. -Yo. Holy $1,200 for two people? -When I saw that price i almost had 
a heart attack.-There are four of us sitting right   here if we get the gold covered rib cap for four 
it is one thousand seven hundred fifty dollars.   -Best cut in the house I can't lie to you. -Is 
it? -It is, it is. -So you recommend the rib cap.    -I do. -You're just saying that because I'm paying. 
-That's right.

Yeah i would not say it any other way. Right after that the drinks 
arrived. Nick ordered the Moscow.   That thing was on fire and they 
serve it to you with a paper straw.   You got a little bit of fire and everything Nick you don't play around, Is that a   paper straw. -It's a paper straw with a fire 
dangerous. -I like to live on the edge Angel. A few minutes after the $2 ,000 steak arrived 
and it was not what we expected. For 2 grand   I gotta say I thought it would be way 
bigger. Right after the tomahawk arrived.   That was rare even though we ordered medium rare. 
Now there's nothing wrong with rare steak but if   you order medium rare you should get what you 
paid for.

The gold steak was cooked perfectly   though, thank god because it was not cheap. 
Now the funny thing was as soon as I tried   everyone including the manager, the waiter, the 
chef were all waiting for my reaction, so the   pressure was on. But I gave them none I will 
say this, is it the best steak I've ever had?   Now overall here's what I thought about Salt Bae's 
restaurant. Is the restaurant beautiful? Yes it is.   Was the service good? No it's actually amazing 
one of the nicest and friendliest servers I've   ever met.

That i'll give a 10 out of 10. Now the 
biggest question is; was this worth it? Well instead   of talking about it let me show you. It's my turn. 
And these are the steaks i'm gonna be using for   today's cook. They do not cost two thousand dollars 
each. They are one and a half inches thick they   have great marbling on them and to be specific 
an australian wagyu marbling score seven. To season them I kept it real simple, a good amount of 
salt, followed by freshly ground black pepper and   garlic powder. And obviously always season on both 
sides. But hey we cannot just eat steaks by itself   we gotta have a side dish and I'm making one 
that looks extremely expensive, take a look. And to   make it it's super easy and here's how. Everything 
starts off by boiling some eggs to be specific 14   minutes this will give me a hard-boiled egg which 
is exactly what I'm looking for.

Once the time was   up I immediately took it out of the water and put 
it in an ice bath. However first we gotta separate   the egg whites from the yolk .There's a hard way 
to do it and an easy one. If you use a spoon it's   just a nightmare. The best way is to squeeze it and 
pull it out just like this. As you can see in the   end it is super easy to separate. Now to make the 
filling. Into a food processor I threw in all of   the egg yolks, followed by mayo, sour cream, dijon 
mustard, a little bit of sriracha, and finished   it off with salt, followed by freshly ground black 
pepper. Covered everything up and blend everything   together. For presentation purposes I'm putting 
it in a piping bag. Now the next step is to get   the egg whites fully breaded. First into the flour 
and remove all of the excess, followed by the egg   wash, and finish it off with panko bread crumbs. So 
I went ahead and did all of them the only thing   left is to go ahead and deep fry it.

I kept the 
temperature at 350 degrees fahrenheit went ahead   and fry them up until every single one of them was 
nicely golden brown. I mean take a look it is just   perfect to make it even better I also fried up 
some prosciutto. I only fry them up for about 30   seconds, The only thing left now is to put it all 
together. So first I added the filling into the   eggs, followed by pieces of prosciutto right on top. 
For some coloring and flavor I added some chives.   But hey we are trying to make this look expensive 
so a little bit of gold dust right on top. The gold   dust costs nothing, adding this much is less than 
a penny.

But hey in the end I was left with this,   the most beautiful and elegant side dish I've 
made so far. The big question is, does it taste   better than it looks? Well we're about to find 
out real shortly because remember we still gotta   cook those beautiful steaks. But not only that we 
need to use this; gold leaf. Exactly what Salt Bae   uses on his restaurant. As you can see it's almost 
24 karat it is $8.69. We will be wrapping one steak   completely with it and we're gonna find out if 
this is really worth it or not. Because we're gonna   be having one as a control and our second steak 
completely filled up with gold leaf. Because now   that I have everything ready the only thing left 
to do is to go ahead and grill them. I'll first   be putting a nice beautiful sear then cooking 
them in indirect heat until I reach an internal   temperature of 135 degrees fahrenheit and for 
that I'll be using my wireless thermometers.  So now i say it is enough talking and it is time 
to grill these beautiful steaks.

So let's do it! [rock music] Does that look good or what? And before moving 
forward I want to thank today's sponsor Dalstrong.   There's something to be said about 
the perfect knife. The perfect knife is the   one that you can afford. Even before Dalstrong 
sponsored any of my videos I use them for a reason.   They are not only great quality but they are 
priced correctly. Take a look at the background.   I love Dalstrong now like everything you gotta 
have the right tool for the right job.

Take   this one for example it is perfect for chopping 
vegetables and that's what I like to use it for.   This is the butcher's knife and used to be one 
of my favorite knives for absolutely everything.   However, nowadays I use it more for whenever I'm 
slicing big cuts of meat, the curvature right here   just makes the job a lot easier. This one is the 
slicer currently my favorite knife to use for   steaks. Yes for steaks! Even though it's nice and 
big it allows me to cut steaks to perfection. You   must have a slicer, and this one from the shogun 
series is just perfect. And with hundreds of knives   in their arsenal Dalstrong has one that will fit 
your needs, I guarantee you. So if you are ready to   get quality professional and most importantly 
affordable knives, check out the link on the   description click on it, and go get yourself some.
Because I promise you, you will not be disappointed,   I wasn't. Thank you Dalstrong for sponsoring this 
video but now it's time to get right back to it.   All right everybody here we got our beautiful 

What do you guys think? -I think you put in   maximum effort on this dish and the 
presentation of it and minimal effort here.   This looks like uh you got this at Walmart and 
this looks like I don't even know, it it looks   like Gordon Ramsay shipped it to you. -Maybe. 
-It looks amazing. -Maybe you're right maybe   you're wrong. Well let's let's find out which one 
tastes better. It's all about the taste yeah? -It's   about nothing else. -Are we starting here? -No 
we're gonna start with this one from Walmart yeah?   All right and then did you guys see the side dish? 
-It looks so good. -I wanna, I wanna frame it and put   it in my house. -Big shout out to Sony that dude can 
cook. This is quite incredible and I'm waiting for   you here sonny so we can make a video together. 
All right enough talking are you guys ready? I'm   very ready. -All right let's go right here please 
dig in Leo. -Walmart steaks it is.

-Oh Walmart yes.   -Now we got a very simple presentation here. -Doesn't 
look like Walmart when you look at it close.   -You know. -It doesn't look like Walmart. -I was about to say this
Walmart's steak is pretty damn tender.   I'm not gonna lie guys. -Let me know how 
you taste yeah. -I hope I don't eat my words.   All right well let's find out 
right now. Cheers everybody. -Cheers! Oh [ __ ]. -That Walmart steak is real 
good everybody. -That's not Walmart that's not   Walmart right there. -What do you guys think? 10 
out of 10 would recommend. -I, I completely regret   calling this steak a Walmart steak. You better Emilio is going to be real pissed at you. -Oh no!   -It is fair to say that never judge a book by 
its cover.

You guys agree? -Couldn't agree more. -I agree. -This one is my bad. -So that was really 
fantastic now we're going to go to this steak   right here let's go for it. -No let's do this. -Oh let's do the 
side dish? -It's in the middle. -Oh it's in the middle   yeah the jewel grab the jewel. Can you guys tell 
what this is? -It looks like uh like a baked potato   almost. -It's not trust me grab it.

-Oh my god it 
even has a little bit of gold on it. -Yeah it does.   You got to put the gold everybody today is a fancy 
day that's all I can say about that. -That's exactly   what I was gonna say today is a fancy day. -The 
wonderful thing about that gold is only cost   me five bucks, so that's good. -Some cheap gold. 
-Yeah that's right. Yeah cheers everybody, -Cheers. -Oh wow. -Wow -Wow. -Triple wow everybody. That 
is amazing. -Super delicious. -The flavors   just pop right out at you. The first 
thing that hits me the crunchiness of   the actual skin and now that I bite it I 
can taste that it's an egg.

-Yeah of course a deviled egg.    by the way. Here's the deal usually when 
you have deviled egg it's just one texture   and by deep frying the crust of the egg it 
makes it nice and crunchy, and then a little   bit of that prosciutto, it's not bacon by the 
way, on the top it's just perfect. It's a very,   very nice egg. You guys ready for the real deal? 
Let's go. Let's go for the real deal. -I thought this was   gonna be a bad steak, I thought this is gonna be 
an amazing steak which does look like an amazing   steak, but now I'm worried.

-All right let's 
give this a try and let you guys know cheers. -Cheers. It's a nice steak it's very delicious. 
-It's good but it's like the same.   It's the same as that one. -You know I'm with Angel on 
this you know. This one is presented a lot more   beautifully has gold on it but I can't taste 
the difference. -This is like when you eat with   your eyes. -What did I say everybody? You see you 
heard it from them not for me. That's the results   the gold does absolutely nothing. -Not at all 
it makes zero percent difference. -But what does   makes a difference is that now you guys owe me 
twenty five hundred dollars for the meal. Payout. -Angel, angel that's our ride. 
-Oh Guga thank you, thank you. -Come on! -See you later. -Anyway guys, those are the results I hope 
you guys enjoyed this video and you learned   something new.

If you did make sure you give 
it a thumbs up. If you're not a subscriber   be sure to subscribe for future videos. 
Remember if you are interested in anything   I use everything is always in the 
description down below. Let me run   real quick because I got to get my money 
back. I'll see you guys later take care bye bye..

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