Hypercalcemia – Too Much Calcium, Animation

Hypercalcemia refers to abnormally 
high levels of calcium in the blood.  Dietary calcium enters the blood through the 
small intestine and exits in urine via the   kidneys. In the body, most calcium is located 
in bones, only about 1% is in the blood and   extracellular fluid. There is a continual exchange 
of calcium between blood serum and bone tissue.  The amount of calcium in circulation is mainly 
regulated by 2 hormones: parathyroid hormone (PTH)   and calcitriol.

PTH is produced in the parathyroid 
gland while calcitriol is made in the kidney. When   serum calcium level is low, PTH is upregulated. 
PTH acts to promote calcium release from bones   and reduce calcium loss from urine. At the same 
time, it stimulates production of calcitriol,   which promotes absorption of calcium in the small 
intestine while also increases reabsorption in the   kidney. Together, they bring up calcium levels 
back to normal. The reverse happens when calcium   level is high. This feedback loop keeps serum 
calcium concentrations within the normal range.  Hypercalcemia is generally defined as serum 
calcium level greater than 2.6 mmol/L. Because   the total serum calcium includes albumin-bound 
and free-ionized calcium, of which only the   latter is physiologically active, calcium levels 
must be corrected to account for albumin changes.   For example, increased albumin levels produce 
higher serum calcium values but the amount of   free calcium may still be normal. On the other 
hand, in conditions with low blood pH, albumin   binds less calcium; releasing more free calcium 
while the total serum calcium may appear normal.  Most symptoms of hypercalcemia can be 
attributed to the effect it has on action   potential generation in neurons.

High levels of 
extracellular calcium inhibit sodium channels,   which are essential for depolarization. 
Hypercalcemia therefore reduces neuronal   excitability, causing confusion, lethargy, 
muscle weakness and constipation. In most cases,   excess calcium in the blood is a direct result 
of calcium release from bones as they break down,   becoming weak and painful. As the kidneys 
try to get rid of the extra calcium, more   water is also removed, resulting in dehydration, 
excessive thirst and kidney stones. Extremely high   extracellular calcium may also affect cardiac 
action potentials, causing arrhythmias.

Typical   ECG findings include short QT interval, and 
in severe cases, presence of Osborn waves.  While hypercalcemia may result from a variety 
of diseases and factors, hyperparathyroidism   and cancers are responsible for about 90% of 
cases, with the former being by far the most   common cause. In hyperparathyroidism, 
PTH is overproduced due to benign or   malignant growths within the parathyroid gland.
An existing cancer elsewhere in the body can   cause hypercalcemia in 2 major ways. First, some 
cancer cells produce a protein similar to PTH,   called PTHrP, which acts like PTH to increase 
serum calcium. Unlike PTH, however, PTHrP is   not subject to negative feedback; consequently, 
calcium levels may keep rising unchecked. Second,   cancers may spread to bone tissues, 
causing bone resorption or osteolysis,   and subsequent calcium release into the blood.
Hypercalcemia treatment consists of lowering   blood calcium levels with a variety of drugs, and 
addressing the underlying cause. While treatment   outcome for hyperparathyroidism is generally 
excellent, prognosis for malignancy-related   hypercalcemia is poor, possibly because it 
usually occurs in later stages of cancer..

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