hello my friends I'm at ocean and I want to do 
a video I want to get real ocean water I got a   bucket and I want to take it and boil it and 
see what happens there is smooth sea salt in   the ocean and so I want to go ahead and see how 
much salt I can actually get now all right and I   did get a bucket to handle it so this might be 
a problem so I want to go ahead get some water   and I want to boil it in the image so again I'm 
not sure exactly how much maybe I'll end up with   like four down to one let's see what happens 
let me go ahead and get some water I want to   kind of go out I want to take it let it settle 
like let me see um kind of like if there are   Vegas can let it settle and maybe take some water 
out and then later boil I don't know how long I'm   gonna have to probably let it sit maybe a day 
or whatever let's go ahead honey we watch the   camera for the victim in the camera if I if 
I get out of the camera focus plz its tummy I can tell Oh okay goodnight okay let me show the people here what it   looks like I went on to the ocean 
and gathered some more let's guys that's what it looks like now we want to let this 
sit actually I go for instance lit up in the ocean   and I want to put the lid on and now let's go 
ahead and so here's one thing I want let it settle   hopefully not have kinda let it soak a while but 
in a maybe try to pour into a different container   Navy scoop some stuff out and boil it and see 
how much salt I get we go rinse the lid off and I'm coming I think it'll be cool to 
get like real sea salt so on there we go maybe for you leave thank you all 
so much for watching I want to go   ahead and boil this and let's go 
ahead and see what happens be kind   of cool to see how much salt we 
can get so I love y'all he was all right my friends um the saltwater is there I 
want to go ahead and boil it and this using this   right here the fire is not lit right now I want to 
go ahead and try to keep track I want to see how   much salt I can get out of saltwater so I kind 
of want to keep track of it as I'm doing it who   knows how much water all actually in the boiling 
out of this but um it should be interesting to   see what happens so I don't really know how long 
this is going to take but let's go ahead and start   putting saltwater in and see what happens so let 
me go ahead and take this lid off this is kind of   a cool thing to do let's go ahead and let's put 
that right here I might um okay so it does look   like there's a little bit of stuff that's settled 
at the bottom even though I try to go out kind   of ways it does look like there's some stuff 
down at the bottom so let's go ahead and um I need to keep track where's 
my paper there so here we go we're gonna keep track of this as I'm going 
okay so this is 32 ounces I have something   over here this is uh it says 8 cups 60 ounces 
see here we go 32 ounces 4 cups okay let's go   ahead and get started I don't really want 
to stir it all up as I'm doing this so I   kind of want to do it gently okay we just 
kind of good like this I just kind of want   to have like a precise measurements 
so that's about 32 ounces right there what's that buddy just want to kind of have 
a measurement of it as I'm doing it okay you know I might be easier if I just go 
ahead I'm just kind of do this to just   here we go I have a smaller container I can use 
a scoop out of as well okay so let's see here what's up buddy with that oh yeah okay trying to be accurate 
like poor back-and-forth want to go ahead and   get this right but on let's go ahead and 
want to keep on measuring keep going this   and I want to light it and by that I don't 
know how long it's gonna take I wanna try   to keep track so I'll be right hi my friends 
the fires going I got about 16 cups in here   so far I'm gonna go ahead and keep adding 
more water to it and see what happens let's   go ahead and keep adding work well the fire is 
definitely going to be boiling in a little bit oh wow it's hot all right so that's about a total 
of two gallons and they're so far   let's go ahead and let's let that boil away 
see what happens yeah let it keep on going hi my friends and there you go nice and fire 
underneath and I want to go ahead and put a   cover on it I don't really want leaves or whatever 
to get in I'm gonna go ahead and do that hopefully   it'll help keep other stuff from getting in so I'm 
let's let it go go ahead and keep on boiling and   Sue out once I have my friends so we got a pretty 
good boil going on here you can see it's doing   really well really doing healthy boil so when 
you go ahead and put this back on and just go   ahead and let it do its thing alright everyone 
that's been going for a while here looks like anyway pretty well all right so let's go ahead and look at 
it again it's like the salt and besides   I think I'm going to go ahead and add 
some water to it looks like I can see   yourself down here I want to go ahead 
and alright so there we go it's about   done here for that that pitch but I'm I 
want to go ahead and like put in some more ah excuse me trying to this another they want to stir the water up in the 
bucket much okay so here's another roughly   four cups doubt oh wow that's incredible 
is that me go ahead and get some more so this is not like an exact exact science but all right alright hey this should be 12 cups in 
addition to what we've done already this should be 16 something in there I might get a spoon to try 
to scoop out but um so there's like another   gallon saltwater oh no I don't want to do 
it go ahead do it this way and put it in I may or may not add some more water to it after 
this let's go ahead and let this go so there was   a couple things in there that I would like 
to take out look like I could see like some   specs or something so um if I see anything and 
I don't think it looks a good salt water maybe   I can pick it out I thought I saw something 
earlier but maybe right there okay yeah it's   like something you're looking for it looks like 
an ant so let me try to get some the salt water I don't know what okay how to get the an out okay there we go all right got the 
end right there I don't think what   the ant and lo look at that it's a 
bunch of stuff okay I might be able   scoop it out like this but it's 
boiling up like that go ahead and punch a dark stuff right there just scoop it out get rid of that okay all right it's actually a hot holding it even with   this puts off a good amount of 
heat I'm just trying to get this well I actually just put that on 
my ankle that burned okay go ahead okay I can get some of those little 
black specks out all right I a little too much water I don't want to all   right that looks pretty good mostly 
good so I couldn't put that back on okay yeah yeah that looks pretty good maybe that right basically is seeing like little speck 
so it's trying to get out like dark specks alright here we go my friends just go 
ahead and give us some more time alright   my friends I think about done with this 
let's see what it looks like whoa look at   that that's really interesting ok I want 
to go ahead and um okay this may need to there's not like probably the exact exact 
but it's pretty cool that's pretty amazing ok that needs to like cool off there's 
like salt on the spoon it's like pretty   amazing that like the water it really didn't 
look like a hell all that in it but man love   salt so on and this may not be the exact 
exact proportionate but I'm it still it's   about three gallons roughly give or take and 
I might take the salt and try to weigh it on   a scale maybe put any like see if it's like 
a quarter per cup or something but um let's   go ahead this thing needs to dry it's pretty 
hot right now and let me see how much salt   hi my friends so here we go let me go ahead 
and start trying to get the stuff loose here so we've actually gotten quite a bit see right 
here so I mean this is this is significant who   knows why though burn looking stuff is there I 
didn't really look like that before I need to   put this like and break up the salt see what looks 
like maybe try to get some more off and maybe I'll   wait or something so I was able to get most of it 
out of here and I went ahead and I have a Blendtec   blender which is amazing okay so I put it on my 
blender blender kind of got it blend it up it   looks really good want to go ahead and weigh 
it no this is not exact I may have lost some   transferring it here and there you haven't seen 
like every single thing I've done but it should   give you a pretty good idea it's roughly three 
gallons of water and I can tell you I that's a   lot of salt so let's go ahead and do the scale 
here we turn off here I want to put the plate on   so it'll be zeroed out let's do this Oh since 
you moved it let me do this hi let's do this   let's turn on and it should be zero it out okay 
so zero grams let me go ahead and put this on whoa   look at that this is amazing that's a lot of salt 
whoa okay I just lost them we got some right here okay all right so there is some here this is not exact 
but um okay this is 370 grams I think it was a   little bit more than that but that's this should 
give you an idea roughly three gallons of water   and we go ahead and hit um a different unit over 
here okay 0.37 0 kilograms one point no thirteen   point one ounce 370 grams this is a cool project 
to see um it's kind of shocking actually how much   was actually able to come out of the ocean so um 
they go my friends if you'd like this please give   it a thumbs up please like comment subscribe 
share please turn notifications on please let   me know what you think in the comments I love you 
all god loves you and you are amazing my friends   I need to taste it let me go ahead and taste it 
whoa yo yeah so alright I just had to do that bye

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