How Much Coffee Should I Drink in a Day? | How Much Coffee is Too Much? | MFine

As coffee is one of the most popular drinks
people consume nowadays, are you one of them? Let’s know more about your coffee. Coffee contains antioxidants, flavonoids,
and chlorogenic acids that help us in treating diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and many
others. The more antioxidants we have that help us
in neutralizing free radicals, which is the main cause of inflammation, and as we all
know, the more inflammation we have, it leads to medical conditions like cancers and so
on. It has a tendency of protecting our DNA too
so that makes it a super anti-aging drink. Coffee boosts metabolic activity, so that
helps us in burning fat and increase our performance during exercise. The caffeine present in coffee, when consumed
in the right quantity, increases our neurological activities too, so that makes it a super drink
for our brain as well.

Now what are the things we should be careful
of? Too much of caffeine consumed can lead to
anxiety, dizziness, restlessness, loss of appetite, loss of sleep that increases our
blood pressure, and makes our body acidic. When our body is acidic, the leeching process
happens, that means, extraction of minerals from the bone, which leads to osteoporosis. Further, few things to keep in mind: We should
not add milk to our coffee, because that reduces bioactives, so better to have your coffee
black. Do not have coffee with your meal or just
after your meals because that contains tannins and tannins hamper the absorption of iron
from the food that we’re eating. So, always make sure that you’re putting
a gap of 45 minutes after your food to have your coffee. So, here’s your answer: You can have 1 to
3 cups of coffee every day depending on your present health condition. Thank you!.

As found on YouTube

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