How Much Coffee Is In Nespresso Pods? | Original and Vertuoline

hey everyone, welcome back to a2b and 
today we're just talking about the weight   of Nespresso capsules and how much coffee you 
actually get in them because a recent viewer   left a comment asking how much coffee do you 
get out of one of these capsules and the reason   he wanted to know is because he wanted to know 
when you go to Starbucks or Costa   when they say are you get a 
venti coffee and they add three shots to it how   does that relate to a Nespresso pod? Do you get 
two shots out of a pod or do you get one shot   or three shots? So I just thought I'd answer that 
question and also I thought if you've come to   this video through search and you're thinking how 
much coffee is in it, you might also want to know   literally the weight how many grams of coffee come 
in a capsule because you might be comparing it to   say like a bag of filter coffee and how much you 
use in a scoop of that, or the other reason   I thought you might have been interested in is 
you might want to know the caffeine content and   so we'll just talk a little bit about that now, the 
first one how many shots of coffee do you get out   of a nespresso pod well your average nespresso pod 
say this one here, that will give you one espresso   shot some people try to run them through twice but I 
wouldn't recommend it, it tends to end up making   your coffee taste not very nice so that will 
give you like one espresso shot and so if you   went to Starbucks and you were getting the venti 
coffee and it had three shots in it you're going to   need three of these capsules and that's on the 
original machine on the vertuo machine they   do have a double espresso capsule so that's 
the only exception to that but in general it's   one per capsule however if you like a long 
stretched out coffee and that's the type   that you like and prefer then they do a lungo 
capsule as well and so, which one is a lungo?   I think is this one, yeah that's an envivo 
lungo and that gives you a 110ml coffee   instead of a 40ml coffee but that's not the 
kind where you would get a shot from Starbucks   that's a different type of coffee completely, 
so one shot equals one pod as a rule with   the OriginalLine machines, I'll just grab 
some vertuo pods now we'll just pop them on   top just to show you the difference so this is 
the double espresso pod but on the vertuo they   also do like mug size coffees and so that gives 
you a full mug of coffee a 230ml coffee out   of one pod but they're more expensive because as 
you can see, even on that there's more coffee in   them and so these mug sized coffees are more 
expensive than like a double espresso or a   single espresso on the vertuo and they are 
definitely more expensive than just the single   ones on the original machine.

So I hope that's 
answered the first part of the question of how   much coffee you get in relation to how many shots 
per pod. So let's go to the second part of the   question and we'll think about how many grams of 
coffee are actually in it, in one of these little   original pods here, if it's an espresso 
sized pod you get about 5 grams in that   of coffee if it's a lungo pod it's more like 
6 grams of coffee you might think that doesn't   relate to the difference in size of cups you might 
think that it should be at least double the size   or triple the size even for a lungo, well that's 
not the case because it's more to do with   the type of coffee that's in the pod which 
allows it to brew a 110 ml coffee with just   a small pod still, so don't worry about that.

so let's have a quick chat about the caffeine   content in these capsules then, so on the original 
range the caffeine content goes from around 40   grams of caffeine per capsule up to 130 and on the 
vertuo it's about 60 to 100 milligrams of caffeine   per capsule and I actually went online and asked 
nespresso a question about this because I wanted   to know the individual ones for say each capsule 
like how much was in a ristretto or how much was in  kazaar but they couldn't give me an answer for 
some reason, I don't know why but they gave me the   range but I did read online somewhere don't 
quote me on this it's probably the Kazaar that   has the most caffeine in it, just in case 
you're after one, a high caffeine capsule but   that's just something I read online so it could be 
true, it could not so how does that actually relate   in real terms to say a normal cup of instant 
coffee? Well they're saying that   an average 5 gram Nespresso capsule coffee 
will contain around 65 milligrams of caffeine   so how does that compare to other things? Well a 
cup of filter coffee this is from the Nespresso   website an average cup of filter coffee will 
contain around 75 milligrams of caffeine a mug   of instant coffee around the hundred milligrams of 
caffeine a cup of tea around 50 milligrams a can   of coke or a standard coke drink 40 milligrams and 
a standard energy drink about 80 milligrams of   caffeine and a dark chocolate bar surprisingly up 
to 50 milligrams of caffeine so that kind of shows   you how much caffeine is in each of these capsules 
so I just thought, I added that into the video   because I thought that might be something that you 
want to know and that maybe you were thinking   coffee and meaning caffeine so hopefully 
we've covered the three areas there where you   could end up wanting to know how much coffee 
is in a nespresso pod and so what I'll do   now quickly, I'll just make one 
for you so you can see the espresso shot coming through  so like we said, one of these capsules 
will make one espresso sized coffee I'm due   a coffee so we'll quickly make one now, I'll go with 
this is from the new Italiano range the…   I can't even pronounce it, ispirizione but I'll just run one through and you can see how big they are so there we have it, one espresso shot for 
one pod or capsule.

So just to quickly recap   five milligrams of coffee per pod, one shot 
per pod on average for an espresso shot they do a lungo capsule, for vertuo they also 
do a double espresso capsule, hope all   that information has helped you out and please 
feel free to subscribe to the channel, please give it a like if it's helped you and you'll 
get more tips in future going forward about   nespresso check out our playlist 
which I'll link to in a minute it's got   loads an espresso tips on there, thanks for 
watching this video and bye for now.

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