How Much Caffeine Do YOU drink? How much caffeine in coffee, tea & more

Hey everyone, Caffeine Man here, and I want to know how much caffeine do YOU drink in a day? Don't know? Well, I'm here to help you find out. Today, I'm going to go over how much caffeine
is in coffee, such as Dunkin Donuts, Starbucks, Tim Hortons and several more. I'm also going to go over how much caffeine
is in tea, how much caffeine is in energy drinks, how much caffeine is in soda and much more. All of it coming right up. INTRO: C *THUD* M*THUD* *LIGHTNING STRIKE* Hey everybody, thanks for joining me. Today I am going to go over the heart and
soul of what my channel is all about. I'm going to go over a majority of coffees,
teas and energy drinks, and their caffeine count. And before I forget, if you like what you
hear be sure to click the like button and if you want to stay informed on all things
caffeine related, hit the subscribe button.

We have a lot to go over, so no fun, no games,
no non-sense, let's get right to it… okay, maybe a little non-sense. In general when researching coffee, you'll
find that 8 ounces of coffee has about 80 to 120 milligrams of caffeine in it. Now, I'm from the east coast and the biggest
chain we have is Dunkin Donuts. In Rhode Island, you can actually buy a large
iced coffee, leave, walk down the street and hit another Dunkin Donuts before you're even
done with the first iced coffee! Now I know a lot of you, who aren't from around
here, are going to say, "Oh, this guy is exaggerating a little bit," but no, I'm not! It's true. Don't believe me? Go ahead and Google it.

Type in Dunkin Donuts, Mineral Spring Ave,
Rhode Island, and you'll see. *BOOM* I told you so. In Massachusetts, there is actually a rotary
where 3 out of the 4 exits have a Dunkin Donuts on them. Then again, they were founded in 1950 in Quincy, Massachusetts, therefore they are biggest closest to home. And as of today they have a little over 11,000 stores worldwide. Therefore, let's start with them and get right into it. Now get ready for some information overload, there is going to be a lot! Here we have all of the sizes of the Dunkin
Donuts hot coffee. A small… heh, heh, who drinks that small
of a cup… anyway, a small is 10 ounces and it has 150 milligrams of caffeine. The medium size is 14 ounces which has 210 milligrams of caffeine. The large is 20 ounces which has 300 milligrams of caffeine and if you decide to go for The Great One, that is 24 ounces and has 359 milligrams of caffeine in it.

If you use dairy products you are looking
at about 15 to 35 milligrams less from small to extra large. Here, we have all the sizes for their iced
coffee. A small is 16 ounces and has 198 milligrams
of caffeine. A medium is 24 ounces and 297 milligrams of
caffeine. The large is 32 ounces which comes in at 396
milligrams of caffeine. If you use dairy products you can subtract
20 to 40 milligrams from small to large and if you drink the cold brew, you can also subtract another 25 to 50 milligrams from small to large. Next, on to Starbucks. Starbucks opened in Seattle in 1971 and they
started out just selling whole coffee beans. It wasn't until 1986 that they started to
sell espresso. Since then they have continued to expand,
not only their stores, but with the amount of drinks that they sold.

As of 2017, had over 27,000 worldwide. Here we have all the sizes of their hot medium
roast. A tall 12 ounce cup is going to be 235 milligrams
of caffeine. The next size up, the grande is 16 ounces
which has 310 milligrams of caffeine. Lastly, their venti, which is the 20 ounce
option, has 410 milligrams of caffeine. If you go with the dark roast, you can subtract
25 to 60 milligrams from tall to venti. If you use any sort of dairy products in your
drinks you can subtract about 20 to 50 milligrams from tall to venti. Here we have all the sizes for their iced
coffee. A tall is 12 ounces and has 120 milligrams
of caffeine. The grande is 16 ounces which has 165 milligrams
of caffeine. The venti is 24 ounces and has 235 milligrams
of caffeine.

The trenta is 30 ounce option which has 280
milligrams of caffeine. If you use any sort of dairy in these, you
can subtract between 30 to 90 milligrams from tall to trenta. Next we have all the sizes for the Tim Hortons
hot coffee, or as I like to call it, Timmmmmyyyy. Their small cup is 10 ounces and has 140 milligrams
of caffeine. Their medium is 15 ounces which has 205 milligrams. Their large is 20 ounces which has 270 milligrams
of caffeine. Their extra large is 24 ounces which has 330
milligrams of caffeine. If you use dairy products you can subtract
between 20 to 40 milligrams from small to extra large. Here are all the sizes of their iced coffee. A small is 16 ounces and has 130 milligrams
of caffeine. A medium is 20 ounces and has 170 milligrams
of caffeine. A large is 32 ounces and has 285 milligrams
of caffeine. If you use any dairy products, you can subtract
about 25 to 55 milligrams from small to large. Timmmmmy!!! Next is the McDonalds McCafe. Their small is an 8 ounce cup which has 109
milligrams of caffeine. Their medium size is 12 ounces which has 145
milligrams of caffeine. Their large is 24 ounces which has 180 milligrams
of caffeine.

Similar to the other ones, if you use dairy,
you can subtract about 20 to 40 milligrams from small to large. Here we have the sizes for their iced coffees. A small is 16 ounces which has 133 milligrams
of caffeine. A medium is 24 ounces and has 200 milligrams
of caffeine. Their large is 32 ounces which has 320 milligrams
of caffeine. If you use dairy products you can subtract
about 25 to 55 milligrams from small to large. Now I understand I didn't go over all the
Starbucks drinks and all the Dunkin Donuts drinks. That's because there are far too many of them
to go over in this video. But like I said, feel free to subscribe because
I do plan on doing a full video on all the Dunkin Donuts drinks and another video on
all the Starbucks drinks. As well as when they have new product releases. So, let's talk iced tea.

I'll start with some iced tea from the big
guys, Coke and Pepsi. Coke has the Gold Peak line. Their sweet tea, unsweet tea and extra sweet
tea all come in at 23 milligrams and it comes in an 18.5 ounce bottle. Their Slightly Sweet Tea did drop to 17 milligrams
though. What about their green tea? That comes in at 20 milligrams. Pepsi has the Brisk line and this one here
is the Lemon which comes in at 14 milligrams, and actually, all the lipton iced teas; peach,
lemon and green, all came in between 24 milligrams and 26 milligrams. Pure leaf is also owned by Lipton, a Pepsi
company, and their 18.5 ounce bottle come in with a little bit of a higher caffeine
count than the Brisk. Their sweet tea comes in at 69 milligrams
and the unsweetened green tea comes in at 44 milligrams, which is a little bit high
for a green tea. Next we have Snapple. Their regular flavors all come in a 16 ounce
bottle and range between 37 to 38 milligrams of caffeine. What about the diet? Doesn't matter. They all have the same amount, between 37
and 38 milligrams of caffeine.

Their green tea (not shown here) has 23 milligrams
of caffeine. McDonalds also has an iced tea, it's their
sweet tea. It comes in a 32 ounce cup and has 100 milligrams
of caffeine. Starbucks also has some iced teas as well. Their shaken sweet tea comes in at 23 milligrams. Their shaken black tea has 28 milligrams. Their shaken green tea comes in at 28 milligrams. Their Teavana mango black comes in at about
55 milligrams of caffeine. Last on my list for iced tea is Arizona. This Arizona can is a 23 ounce can and has
about 23 milligrams of caffeine. For all of the Arizona teas, Arizona claims
that there are 15 milligrams per 8 ounces in their black tea and 7.5 milligrams per
8 ounces in their green tea. When it comes to soda, I'm going to stick
with the 20 ounce bottles because it seems to be their most common size out there and
according to Coke and Pepsi, one of their best sellers, coming in second to only their
2 liter bottles.

Third places is their 16.9 ounce bottles,
which I am actually going to be using for visual purposes only. Once again, the bottles that I am showing
are for visual purposes only at 16.9 ounces but the numbers for caffeine count are going
to be based on the 20 ounce size. First we have Coca Cola classic, which comes
in at 57 milligrams of caffeine. Next we have the Coke Zero which comes in
at 57 milligrams as well. It's also a slightly healthier option because
it has no sugar and no calories, if you can even consider soda healthy. Next we have the Diet Coke which comes in
at 76 milligrams of caffeine. Lastly we have Sprite and Fanta, which actually
don't have any caffeine in them. GET OUT OF HERE!!!! Next we have Pepsi. Pepsi comes in a 63 milligrams of caffeine. Diet Pepsi comes in at 59 milligrams. Next we have the Mountain Dew and Diet Mountain
Dew, both come in at 91 milligrams of caffeine, which isn't a shock to many people because
we know it has a lot of caffeine in it. The big shock is actually Pepsi Zero, which
you would think would be the healthier option similar to the Coke Zero.

That's not the case. This Pepsi Zero has 115 milligrams of caffeine
in it! Which is a decent amount more than the Mountain
Dew. Lastly, not a Pepsi product, we have Dr. Pepper and Diet Dr. Pepper, have 68 milligrams of caffeine. Now, let's move on to energy drinks. When it comes to Red Bull, they have their
8.4 ounce size which is 80 milligrams of caffeine. Next, they have their 12 ounce size which
has 114 milligrams of caffeine. This also includes all of their special editions, like coconut, blueberry, cranberry, tropical and more.

If you'd like to find out more about those
drinks, check out my Red Bull video. I'll include a link down below. Lastly for Red Bull, we have the 16 ounce
which is 151 milligrams. Next we have Monster. Their 16 ounce can has 160 milligrams of caffeine. Their low carb can has 140 milligrams of caffeine. Zero Ultra by Monster, which has zero calories,
has 140 milligrams of caffeine. Not shown here, is Rehab Monster which has 150 milligrams and is sort of their flavored tea brand. Their coffee brand, Monster Java, is a 15
ounce bottle that has 180 milligrams of caffeine. Rockstar, 16 ounce can, is on par with the
other energy drinks and has 160 milligrams of caffeine.

Next, we'll talk a little bit about tea. If you make your own tea at home, each company will have a different amount of caffeine per teabag. One of the more common teas is the Lipton
black tea. One teabag makes about 8 ounces of tea which
has 55 milligrams of caffeine. Bigelow tea has about 30 to 60 milligrams
of caffeine, so it's slightly less than Lipton. One other competitors, Twinnings, also has
about 50 milligrams in their black tea. Next we have the green tea. Lipton green tea has about 35 milligrams of caffeine per 8 ounce cup. In general, most of the green teas have between
30 to 35 milligrams of caffeine in them. Lastly, we have white tea. White tea, this one here is Tazo, but many of the white teas don't have much caffeine at all. They come in between 12 and 18 milligrams
per 8 ounce cup. So let's talk about homemade coffee for those
of you who like to make your own coffee.

An 8 ounce cup of Folgers coffee is going
to have about 95 milligrams of caffeine. When it came to Maxwell House, it was a little
bit hard to find the information, and I searched pretty hard, it was between 80 and 100 milligrams
for the original roast. Next, 8 O'Clock coffee. They claim that their 5 ounce cup of coffee has between 70 and 155 milligrams of caffeine depending on how long it is brewed for, making it one of the highest caffeine counts of all the homemade coffees. Now, I do say ONE of the higher ones, but
it's not the highest. For those true coffee lovers, and true caffeine lovers, the number 1 on the list is Death Wish Coffee.

When it comes to Death Wish coffee, they actually
measure their caffeine content, not in 8 ounce cups, but by one ounce at a time. Just ONE ounce of Death Wish Coffee contains
59 milligrams of caffeine! That's right, one ounce, 59! So, what's that mean for an 8 ounce cup of
coffee? Thats' right, 472 milligrams in an 8 ounce
cup. Death Wish Coffee! Now, as for Keurig, Keurig has been on the
market for several years now and the longer that it's been out, more companies have been
producing for it. Therefore, the caffeine counts are kid of
all over the place with so many different companies participating, but on average, they
range between 75 and 125 milligrams, which is close to your standard 8 ounce cup of coffee. PHEW! So, that's all I got for now.

Now, a lot of you may be asking, "Where did
I get all this information from?" The truth is, I have a photographic memory,
therefore everything I've ever read, I've remembered. *laughing*
I can't believe I said that with a straight face. The truth is that for every company, all the
information is public knowledge, so you can find it on their website. I went to each companies website and got the accurate information so that you don't have to. In a few rare cases, I couldn't find any information, such as Maxwell House coffee, but I did go to several different websites to confirm that
information because I always want to provide you with the most accurate information.

One of those websites is caffeine informer
and I'll include a link down below. Question of the day! How much caffeine do you drink? And, did you know you drank that much or that
little before watching this video? Let me know in the comments below. Now, don't be shy. If you don't want to let me know what you
caffeine content is, that's fine, but feel free to leave a comment below to let me know
what you thought of this video, if you found it informative, I'd love to get your feedback.

Once again, thanks for joining me. If you want to keep informed on all things
caffeine related, feel free to hit the subscribe button..

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