you may have heard too much sodium leads to high blood pressure a leading cause of heart disease and stroke while using the salt shaker less may often help with reducing sodium there are even better ways to help reduce the amount of salt you consume especially since over 70 percent of sodium you eat comes from packaged and restaurant foods tossing the salt shaker may not help much but trying new approaches may have a bigger impact instead cut back on foods high in sodium deli meats pizza burritos and tacos soups and savory snacks to name a few if you are ordering a standard menu item at chain restaurant ask to see the written nutrition information and choose an option lower in sodium before you buy check the labels to compare the sodium content of different brands of the same types of products you may be surprised that there's a fair amount of variety among similar foods aim to stay under the recommended daily value for sodium as a general guide 5 db or less of sodium per serving is considered low and 20 dv or more of sodium per serving is considered high add more flavor to your food try no salt seasoning blends and herbs and spices instead of salt for more information check out our website