Easy painting engine lettering in any colour – Ferrari engined Alfa 105 Alfarrari build part 149

hey guys welcome back to home built and in this   episode we are going to reassemble 
the our Ferrari and flow coat it all right guys well I just want to take a quick 
second out to thank today's video sponsor uh I   know I don't do them all the time but these guys 
are really helping the channel out and they have   something that I think you guys and myself will 
find very useful and that is a jump starter pack   now I have been using jump starters for quite 
a while I have this massive lump that I have   to carry around all the time it is really heavy 
a really awkward and particularly with old cars   they're black batteries going flat all the time 
and they're not always on charge you forget to   charge them and they don't get used that much 
and I get stuck in the middle of nowhere so I   always try and have some sort of jump starter 
with me but it takes up a lot of space it   clunks around and that's where there's topped on 
Chargers actually fantastic this little thing is   almost twice as powerful as my big lump that I've 
been carrying around comes in a small convenient   pack that's easy to Chuck in the car I've got 
an example right here the rockster which always   needs jump starting because the battery 
is dead so uh let's show you how it works   so this one little unit can jump start up to eight 
liter petrol engines and six liter diesel engines   it can also do up to 25 jump starts 
on a full charge this also has a light   it has a flashing function and it also has an 
SOS flash which hopefully you never need that   one but uh it has it and it can do it so the 
rockster has been a real pain owning and uh   yeah every time I try and crank it yeah there's 
nothing this is simple and convenient it's also   got a built-in surge protector so if you get the 
polarity wrong which you should always check but   if you do it will cut out and uh we'll save your 
car and the battery so uh I'll just connect it up   and let's give it another try foreign like butter that works great so quick and easy 
much less messing around than the big The Big   Unit so along with being just a jump starter it 
also has some USB ports in the end so you can   plug in a phone or use it to plug in something 
like a air compressor to pump up some tires   it's quite a universally handy bit of Kit to go 
in the car particularly those of us with old cars   that aren't always the most reliable this will 
definitely be coming with me in Harry wherever   I go so so check them out I'll put a link in 
the description and let's get back to the build   all right guys welcome back and those who've 
been watching will have seen last week that on   the our Ferrari I painted a whole bunch of bits 
and pieces of the car most importantly all the   hinges and bolts and things like that so I could 
start reassembly so that I can do the final flow   coat on the car um there were lots of comments 
about that so let's move back into the booth   and I just want to cover some of the uh the most 
common things that were kept being said all right   so one of the things that I did paint last week 
was this which was the plenum for the Ferrari   engine and there was lots of discussion about the 
Ferrari lettering one of the main ones that people   kept saying is why didn't I just paint it yellow 
and then sand back the face so that the polish   aluminum would show through and the reason I 
didn't do that there's a couple of reasons really   is uh for one you will actually you would see the 
primer you'd get a little Halo all the way around   all the letters of the primer first and also the 
polished aluminum would not match the silver of   the rest of the car and one of the things that 
I I chose and the reason why I went the silver   lettering I did consider doing black lettering 
for example the reason I chose silver is mostly to   match in with the subtle stripes on the car subtle 
in inverted commas lots of people were suggest   that they're too subtle and they could do with 
a black pinstripe around the edge or something   like that and that's not what I was going for if 
you have a look at how I've done the stripes on   how Harry my 911 the outer stripes are actually in 
the highlight color of the purple and the inside   is black just to give that differentiation I 
could have done the outer stripes in black or   done a pinstripe or whatever uh on this but that's 
the way I like it I like that they're they're on   there but they're not as in your face as they 
could be if they were black or if they were   trucker laurae or whatever um so yeah so that's my 
thoughts and the reason is this silver is going to   match in the colors are going to match in with the 
stripes but it will still stand out because you're   going to see this from the outside of the car 
through the Bonnet window and I think that's uh   the way I like it as for other comments um there 
were lots of comments about these torsion bars   that I painted these and uh because they twist 
the paint is going to crack and that is possible   the paint is thin and it is reasonably flexible so 
we'll see how it stands up it was painted before   um but ultimately this part is all completely 
covered the only bit you see is this bit here   this is going to be coming up and touching 
the Bonnet and this bit doesn't twist this   pit will more than likely keep its paint on it 
it's just this portion of the uh the torsion   bar that the actual torsion part it's covered 
up it's got a I've built the uh the cover that   goes over it so you're not going to see it 
anyway so I'm not too concerned about that   thing I need to do now is start reassembling the 
car so putting the Bonnet and the boot on and   the doors and one thing that I did mess up with 
the door hinges is there are obviously left and   right side door hinges which I had written on 
uh with marker and I painted over that didn't I   and I've got my little alignment holes on 
them and I don't know which one's which   so I'm just going to have to guess and see if 
I can get the right one and hopefully they're   different enough that it stands out and I can 
imagine line them up so let's see how that goes foreign a silly amount of time wrestling 
around with this door trying to get it to   a line perfectly and then I actually realized 
that I don't have the rubbers into anyway and   I'm not putting the rubbers in it for now 
so of course this is sitting in a little   bit and it's not quite perfect it's pretty 
good but uh it's not as perfect as I wanted   and it doesn't really matter because I've got 
to put the rubbers and stuff in later anyway so   after a bit of playing around all the panels are 
back on the car and it's actually starting to look   like a complete car again so now it's time for 
my favorite part which is sanding what I'm doing   now is I'm going to be going over the whole car in 
800 grit and with the sanding I need to pay close   attention to these bits where I blended in the 
uh a repair so here I repainted the yellow and   then blew in and you can see there's a gloss 
difference here uh between where I'd sanded   previously and where I'd re-cleared so I need 
to get rid of this the step Edge on here also up   around the roof and also I want to get rid of any 
uh step on the stripes they're pretty good already   because I just laid the clear on heavily here 
so it shouldn't take too much but it's time to   be very careful and sand out these edges so that 
we can get ready to fly coat the car yay sanding all right well that was an entire day pretty 
much of sanding trying to get this thing back to   800 grit nice and flat getting rid of any of the 
transitions so places where I didn't do the clear   coat uh over the whole thing so where I didn't 
want to respray the entire car there were some   of my soft Edge masks on the front of the Bonnet 
up here on the a-pillars and the B pillars just   so I didn't have to re clear all these bits so 
I I can clear it again later and when I rubbed   it back there are a few rub throughs and a couple 
of Errors so I'll take you through now and just   show you a couple little spots where I mess it 
up but I might just give it a quick clean up   again first just uh wipe off all of this white 
residue so you can see what I'm talking about okay so I'm going to take you around now and 
show you some of the bits where I stuffed up   so I did show you earlier that there were issues 
you can't even really see it the way I've sanded   it back here but there were some issues with 
some uh places on the Bonnet here where the   paint reacted and uh and sort of was a little 
bit messed up so I'm going to just blow that in   uh before I flow coat it I knew that was going 
to be the case uh coming over here where I did   my repair you can actually see a line I don't 
know how much the camera is going to pick it   up so you can sort of see there's a line there 
that is actually you can't feel it but that's   actually where the yellow where I didn't blend 
it out well enough and and also a couple of rub   throughs again it's rubbing through the yellow 
but there's clear and more yellow underneath   so so basically I'll just uh blow that in 
lightly and touch it up and it should be fine   uh other places that I messed up I rubbed through 
over here I actually damaged the door when I was   putting it onto the car and uh and made a little 
Dent here and rubbed it out so again I can blow   that in the only other place I can think of is 
on the back here I run through a little bit of   the silver so again I'll just blow these bits 
in and it won't be a big drama so one of the   reasons I was going to flow coat the car anyway 
was because I knew I would have messed things up   in the uh these these stages and it's just what 
I do I mess it up but uh they're all fixable it's   just paint and that's one thing to always remember 
now the the reason for flow Coating in the first   place is often you have a lot of build up all the 
way through the uh the process of your paints and   any sort of inconsistencies can just sort of 
get there from all of the color and all of the   uh the clear coat so it's it's nice to be able 
to sand it back get rid of the edges from things   like these Stripes get that stuff out of the way 
and then when you flow coat it it will just it   basically means just just flow on the paint get a 
nice good flat glossy uh final coat only a couple   of coats are clear I'm not going to go to town on 
multiple coats because obviously it's already got   um a few cloaks of clear on it already so it's 
just laying that clear on to get that nice glassy   finish and then it makes the uh the last final 
bit of buffing and everything nice and easy and   in my case it gives me a chance to 
go through and fix all my mistakes   but that's looking pretty good now so uh let's 
head back over to that Ferrari plenum foreign guys we can see that I have now sanded back 
the Ferrari plenum and you might be wondering   why I went to all the trouble of painting 
silver and then sent it back but there is   method to my madness so we're going to get 
everything in the booth now we're going to   start masking the car up getting everything 
masked up ready to go so that we can get   everything finalized finish paint and hopefully 
it's all neat and tidy the way we want it foreign we're all masked up I've wet the floor 
I've cleaned I've cleaned again I've   tack ragged once I'm gonna go around 
now and everywhere I need to touch up   I'm just going to leave a little bit 
of tape so that I know where all the   little touch tops are and I can go 
around and not miss anything I hope I've just gone over the car and checked all of the 
little spots and there's lots of little touch-ups   that I need to do and it's actually getting late 
it's the last day I've got before I need to post   this video and I feel like I'm about to rush it 
and I don't want to rush it because it's just   gonna make a mess so I think I've got it in a good 
position to leave it and continue on this bit next   week what I will do today is I'm going to cover 
this up and I'm going to do that Ferrari plenum   and let's at least get something done this video 
but uh I know I've shown you basically nothing   because I've just been sanding and uh masking and 
sort of doing stuff you've seen many many times   so let's at least do something interesting 
and get this throw up when I'm done foreign okay so now we are really coming to the reason 
why I painted this whole thing silver first and   then I've gone over it in the yellow after like a 
lot of you mentioned I could have sanded this back   and got the plain aluminum polished up and been 
showing the Ferrari that way I wanted it to match   the silver properly so it is the silver the same 
silver as the stripes so it matches in and it's   all nice and neat and you can use this method 
on basically any sort of raised lettering I've   got my raised lettering I know underneath there 
is the silver so what I'm going to get now is a   nice clean Rag and just some thinners the thinnest 
is not going to hurt the clear coat underneath so   that's why I did the silver and then clear coated 
it so now I just got a rag pull tight at my finger   and I'm going to very carefully wipe this off 
that would have been easier if this was actually   sitting flat but because I have to paint the back 
of it as well it's hanging which is going to add   a level of difficulty but let's see if I can very 
neatly wipe off the uh the yellow over the Ferrari   leave a nice clean silver and then hopefully 
we can clear it and it'll all look fantastic in fact I'm going to take it down 
lie it flat and then stick it back up   again afterwards because it's too hard 
while it's rocking around everywhere foreign so there we have it we have the perfect 
Ferrari logo in the silver that matches   the car and you can use this method if I 
wanted to paint them black or any other   color so I really like this method it's a 
nice neat clean way of getting the exact   finish you want so now it's just a matter 
of clearing it and uh she should be all good all right and that is looking fantastic I do have 
a tiny little run here that I can just uh get rid   of later but it's looking really good I've got the 
Ferrari that matches um I know a lot of you are   going to ask why I didn't uh grind off the welds 
on here and that's mostly because on aluminum   particularly uh growing back the worlds will 
make it really weak and if these things snap off   we get runaway throttle and the engine is going 
to rev and rev and rev until it blows up so so we   don't want that to happen and uh that so these 
need to be uh left and look I I don't think   they're a big issue it shows my my uh welding or 
lack of it but uh I think they look fine so I'm   going to leave them like that uh I like the fact 
that they're nice and glossy I didn't particularly   want the wrinkle yellow I probably could have 
done them in the wrinkle yellow but just trying   to match it all in it just didn't work I did the 
wrinkle effect on my Datsun 240Z that I had and   uh you can go back I'll put a link up and you can 
see that video but I'm really happy with this so   all right I think that means it's 
time for fun facts with Mrs Jeff hey guys after eight years of production of the 
308 Ferrari replaced it with the three two eight   now essentially the 328 was a facelift of the 
308 so the main difference being an upgrade to   a 3.2 liter V8 engine hence the name three two 
eight an initial prototype of the 328 was built   as a convertible but Ferrari feared it would 
hurt the sale of the Mondial convertible so it   never actually went into production as such only 
a grand tourism Berlinetta or GTB hardtop and a   Gran Turismo spider or GTS Target top were built 
the GTS version was by far the most popular with   almost five to one produced compared to the GTB 
version a 328 GTB and GTS turbo were produced for   the Italian market using a 2-liter intercooled 
turbo engine the main noticeable difference is   the lower [ __ ] ducts which feed air to the 
intercoolers the turbo had 254 horsepower and   could have produced much more but Ferrari 
didn't want it to outperform the naturally   aspirated 328 the 328 is still considered one of 
the most functional and reliable classic Ferraris   all right well uh at least I got the plenum 
painted today and uh and I really love it in   the yellow in the shiny yellow it's not the 
wrinkle but uh I really like it in that that   finish uh I am glad I stopped on the car I 
was getting tired and I would have rushed   it and it would have been terrible I would 
have had to do it again anyway so I saved   myself Time by not rushing so the wisdom that 
comes with age young grasshopper something like   that yeah so I'm glad I'm glad I stopped and 
didn't just rush it so uh uh it's a good good   point if you're getting tired just better 
to stop and then create more work for later   anyway all right like And subscribe let Jeff 
know what you think and um around the colors   of the Swedish flag today yes yeah the yellow the 
blue my favorite colors um if you want to follow   Jeffrey day earlier and then everybody else with 
no ads yes and um hope everyone as well and happy   happy car times and we'll see you on the next one 
all right guys bye guys see ya now essentially   the 328 was just a facelift of the 308 but with 
an increased main difference being an upgrade excellent thank you and the Gran Turismo spider GT s ometimes 
tiger top stop it I was getting there okay   ngtv were produced for the Italian 
market using a two liter index Turbo the main noticeable difference 
were the nakaducts which

As found on YouTube

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