Hi, I'm Josh. I'm Ollie. And today, we're in JOLLY Wellington! Look at the sea! We're in Wellington today. It's pretty average Wellington weather I'd say. Windy, wet. It's probably gonna be beautiful for about five minutes, And then it's gonna be like this again. But little did you know about Wellington, Ollie. It was rated by CNNN… CNNN?! It’s like one of those fake News stations
in like disaster movies. Wellington was rated by CNN as one of the
top 8 international destinations, for coffee. Now, New Zealanders know what they're doing
when it comes to coffee. I don't think I've ever had a bad cup of coffee
in New Zealand. That's true. So what we're gonna do, is we're gonna try out
a few of the best cafes, To try and find the best cup of coffee and
ask the question, Is New Zealand coffee the best coffee in the world? Wait, how much coffee are we gonna drink? Because that's… That’s a problem… So we're just gonna have to go back to back.
Josh : Coffee x5.
Ollie : Coz after two… Josh : Coffee x5.
Ollie :No, no… Also, Wellington's a tiny city,
so they're all like right next to each other. After Two cups, I start to feel shaky. Well… After three, This is gonna be interesting… Let's do this. First up, Mojo. This is a terrible idea… Mojo by the waterfront. It's supposed to be good coffee! I don't think I've ever had more than three
cups of coffee in a day. Hello. What's your most popular cup of coffee you sell? Employee: Flat white. Perfect. Mojo. Is this gonna give me my mojo back Ollie? Because right now I'm feeling pretty low on mojo. Oh, don’t be hard on yourself… You've got a mojo… Oh thank you very much. Alright! See now, I would say, arguably, The best thing on a cold rainy early morning is a nice hot flat white. Yea. And flat white, it's definitely my favourite
way of drinking coffee.
Oh… look at that… You ready? Ollie : Cheers!
Josh : Cheers, man. Ollie : To the first coffee of the day.
Josh : Number one. Mojo. Ollie : Let's hope we survive this.
Josh : Number one. Mojo. There's two shots of espresso in this, Ollie. It's really hot. Oh it's too hot! That's a minus points! A Good flat white should come out at perfect
drinking temperature. In England, every really good coffee shop I've been to,
it's always perfect temperature. That’s, that's part of the barrista’s skill! Barristers?! I swear barristers are overqualified to be making coffee. Look. It's bloody first cup of coffee in the day,
if burn our tongue, taste buds are ruined! So what are we rating this out of ten then? I think you get disqualified.
If it's so hot that it burns your tongue, That's a disqualification. That's not a good start. I don't think we've ever like really savaged
anywhere we’ve reviewed before… I quite like it.
Tastes very good. It's cooled down a little bit now… But you know from one of CNN's top major… I think you mean CNNN?! I would expect more. Ah first coffee down. Ollie : Next up. Alright, second coffee, Ollie. Ooh, this place looks old-school. Josh: Two flat whites to go. Employee: take away?
Josh: Yes, please. Yeah. Alrighty! Points for colour. Shotgun pink. Straight out of the gate, Ollie, Very hot to touch. VERY hot to touch. I don't mind the hotness, you know?! I like to warm my hands for five minutes, And then have my coffee. I think if you order something and you have
to wait for five minutes, that's just torture! Never do you ever want something, and you're
like I want to just have to wait for it AFTER I get it.
Although that actually is pretty nice.
Pretty good temperature. Yeah?! Okay, I'm gonna let you taste them all first,
from now on… Josh: Yeah. That’s pretty good.
Ollie: It's milkier than mojo. Interesting point about Wellington coffee shops is,
a lot of them have their own coffee. They either roast their own coffee or they
sell coffee from a different roaster.
I would actually say, I mean this isn't… It's not really a fair comparison coz any coffee you have any day is gonna be different in each place, But I preferred the taste of the first one. I agree. I do actually agree. Once it cooled down, Mojo… I would say… It was damn good. I think this is a Camilla Parker-Bowles. The first place was a Megan Markel, right?
She's amazing. Ollie: She's revolutionising how the Royals are perceived. Josh: You're comparing coffee to women?! Ollie: To royals…!! Ollie: Don't throw me under the bus!! Ollie: People from Tumblr watch this! Ollie: I'm sorry.
I love your Tumblr. Alright, well we need to start making our way
over to the next coffee shop. We need to find our Queen Elizabeth. She's gotta be number one. Ollie: What about Prince Charles?
Josh: Come on. Prince Charles is when you order coffee and
they give you tea instead. You are an idiot… So we are now walking down an alleyway,
in search of our next place. Josh : I have no idea whre we are. Oh, oh, here we go! Lead Street Bakery! Is that it? This place is so close to the previous place, That I've still got a bit of coffee. We’ve gotta finish it. I'm done. I am feeling great. I feel like I never need to sleep again.
Don't think I have ever finished two coffees
that quickly before. Alright, let's do it. Hello. Can I grab two flat whites please, to go? Employee: Yeah. Of course. Can I just say Ollie, with the amount of coffee shops we're going to, I'm having to use serious self-restraint. I'm getting serious cake cravings. I'm starting to shake.
Brilliant! Employee: This is an Ethiopian… Sudamo. Josh: Ethiopian Sudamo?!
Employee: It's pretty fruity. That sounds right up my alley. Josh : Thank you very much!
Ollie : Thank you very much! Employee: Good luck!
Jolly: Cheers! One learning Ollie, Josh: Coffee’s hotter.
Ollie: It’s getting hotter! In England, you go to like a nice coffee place, It'll come out literally perfect drinking temperature, And if you wait too long it will go cold.
This it feels like they give it to you,
so that you can drink it in a few minutes. You know also one learning,
When we talk to the baristas in there, It just dawned on me. This is definitely the most hipster video
we’ve ever filmed. Look! There's another bake shop! Literally right in front of us. Right next to, Milk Crate,
which is the next coffee shop, which is also next to Customs,
the coffee shop after that. Two of the best coffee shops in Wellington apparently, Right next to each other. Let's taste this.
Apparently it's got a stronger taste and more fruity. That's the best. Josh : Mmm.. that’s nice. I like that. I like that a lot.
Ollie : That is the best so far. She said I was gonna be punchy, Josh : That is punchy.
Ollie : She’s right. I think I can taste the caffeine at this stage. Yeah? I'm feeling it in my heart and not in the
way that you fall in love.
And that barrister was both highly qualified in law, Josh: You're an idiot.
Ollie: and amazing at making coffee. Next two coffee shops, are literally right
next to each other. We've got Milk Crate on the left,
Customs on the right. I think we should try and protect our health and send, You to milk crate, I'll go to customs.
And just get one coffee from each. And then we could share.
Josh: Does that sound good?
Ollie:That sounds good. First we need to finish this coffee. Down it! Josh: Let's do it! It’s cooled down.
Ollie: Okay. Josh: Let's do it! It’s cooled down.
Ollie: We’re talking so fast… Okay, on to cup number four and five.
Let's do it! Can I just say, immediately, Milk Crate, hipster levels are high. This coffee here, What is more hipster, Ollie,
than coffee and Supreme, the brand?! I don't think that's like the hipster streetwear brand. The logo looks surprisingly similar.
It’s red and white with a bold font. Supreme coffee… we're taking the hipster
levels to the next level. Let's do this. Ollie : Alright.
Josh : Alright! Coffee number four and five.
I'm getting a little bit worried now.
Hello! Could I have a flat white to go? Ollie: Hi there, can I get a flat white, please? Employee: Yes. Have here? Ollie: Take away please, thank you. Perfect. Cheers. Employee: Enjoy!
Josh: Thank you. It's really hard not to spill it. Is it really full? Very full and I'm a little bit shaky. Supreme, I've got a very good feeling. Mm-hmm Oh… that's really good. Mine's good. That's very good. That’s favourite coffee so far. Ollie: Really?
Josh: Yeah. I would say this is probably my favourite coffee so far. And you're gonna like the temperature of this as well. Okay, let's try this. That's the perfect temperature coffee.
They've have nailed the temperature. Taste is better than that one though.
This is really good as well. This is probably a tie for me, which is probably
why they're both still open! If one was obviously better than the other
then one would just win. This is Batman vs Superman
at the beginning of the film, before one of them dies… Does one of them die?! I haven't seen it… You're an idiot! It's like Superman vs Thor.
Actually, Thor can be killed. Josh : You’re an idiot…
Ollie : It's like Superman vs… Josh : You’re an idiot…
Ollie : It's like Superman vs… God?! I would say that these, it's a tie right? These are Royals of equal value like, you know, Josh : These just coffee Ollie, they’re
not royals! Well, I would say this is probably Harry. He's not heir to the throne, but
he's the nation's favourite. Josh: Whereas this is William?! Ollie: He's heir to the throne, Oooh! And he's balding. You are… That’s terrible! He’s a flipping prince! Did you just… Did you just down that coffee already? Oh yea… I did. What the heck?! I mean the coffee here is amazing. In all seriousness, all of the coffee we've had today,
I would go back to. So, we've come to Best Ugly Bagels, Ollie. Do they even sell coffee? Of course they do! But I also want a bagel. Bagel break! Let's do it! Can we get two flat whites? What's a low tide flat white? Oh it’s just a smaller version.
Can we actually get those? That looks good. Tomato avocado basil. Can we share one of them,
and a salmon one maybe? And the salmon one? Employee: Okay.
Ollie: Perfect. Can I just say Ollie, this is the coolest
bagel shop I’ve been to. Yeah I know, I told you! I've been here before! And also the guy is a really friendly Irish guy. And maybe it's all the coffee but that makes it better. I feel genuinely really shaky now. How much we have we had? 5 cups?! So this is our sixth,
and then we're gonna go have 7th. I'm just gonna Google, Safe number of coffee, In one day. What? What? Okay.
Up to 400 milligrams of caffeine a day appears
to be safe for most healthy adults. We were warned about this Ollie. Havana. Havana. This is a type of coffee that they sell in Wellington, These are apparently way stronger than any of
the other types. Any other beans. So, up to 400 milligrams a day.
That's roughly four cups of coffee, it's safe. Josh: Four?!
Ollie: Yea. So this is… we're entering uncharted territory now. We’ll be fine. Yeah, we'll be fine. Let’s do it! Woah.
That is STRONG. It's really good. That tastes distinctly distinct, Josh : from the others we've had today.
Ollie : Yeah it does, it does. Employee: Ollie?
Ollie: Yes, hi there. Swapsies. Lemon? Yup. And then we should get walking to the next coffee shop! Ollie: You know what would go really well with that?
Josh: What's that? A cup of coffee. You’re an idiot. Alright, cheers, Ollie. It's just so strong I don't even know if I can handle it! I love it. I think because it's not a coffee place, I had lower expectations. I don't know, this is probably my number one so far. This is like… You are absolutely insane. I don't know, I'm trying to think of a royal
that this would be, maybe… If you like strong, kind of bitterish coffee… Maybe Duke of Edinburgh! You know? He's strong, he's stoic… Alright well, bit too strong for me. But I’ll make my way slowly through that
as we have our bagels.
Let's do this! Next up. Oh man, that's really good. Bagels man! Bagels were 100% worth it, Ollie! Yeah I know, I told you! Bagel break was the best decision we’ve ever made! Josh: My gosh! The bagel's good.
Ollie: We finished it! So, earlier, in one of the coffee shops that we were in, One of the baristas said, If you're trying out all the coffee in Wellington, You absolutely have to go to Peoples. Apparently it's a new place. And so we're like, We're buying coffee from you!
Why would you recommend another shop? And he was like it’s so good. Genuinely though, New Zealanders are just
the nicest people ever, so… Josh : How many coffees are we in? x2 Ollie : This is the seventh.
Josh: Seventh?! And the last one. Why do I feel like I'm gonna have a terrible crash?!
In about an hour. If I last at least that long. They’ve got Daft Punk on.
Good choice of Music. I know, already like this place. Could we get two flat whites please? Love this song..