Craving Salt After Eating Sweets? Here’s Why

now if you've been watching my channel 
this video is probably not for you   but it's for your friends and family that 
eat carbohydrates because we know you   are on the ketogenic diet so if you have friends 
and family that are not on the ketogenic diet   you can show them this video but the question 
is why do people crave salt after they eat   sweet or even after they eat some carbohydrate 
we're going to talk about why that is   so let's say for example your friend not you 
eat some cake drink some soda eats candy cookies   a donut ice cream and then later that day or 
night start craving some salt they need some   chips right they need something salty why is that 
because when you start getting high blood glucose   there's too much sugar in the blood 
sodium starts leaking out of your cells   because of what glucose does to the cell it's very 
osmotic which i don't want to get into the details   on the mechanism but just realize that when you 
have high glucose in your blood you tend to lose   sodium in certain places in the body and 
you also become deficient in potassium   so you have hyponatremia which is low sodium 
and hypokalemia which is low potassium   now the symptom of low sodium would be you crave 
salt and you can actually develop a headache or   have adrenal stress you can feel more stress and 
this is why sometimes when people eat more salt   they they feel calm they can actually relax and 
their cravings go away their headaches go away at   least for a minute but what are the cravings for 
low potassium there is none you're not going to   crave a big salad after this event are you usually 
not because there's no cravings when you're low in   potassium even though you should be consuming a 
high potassium food like a big salad people don't   the ratio of sodium to potassium should be one to 
two you should always have twice as much potassium   so here's a person who eats the carb 
then they eat the salt they satisfy this   but they don't satisfy potassium because 
when you actually just have more salt   without the potassium you create even more of a 
deficiency of potassium if you look at the ratios   and then all sorts of other things will happen 
you may get palpitations you may feel this loud   pounding in the ear inner ear like your 
heartbeat is like that on the pillow when   you're trying to sleep you're going to have a hard 
time sleeping because potassium is a physiological   tranquilizer it relaxes you potassium also gives 
you energy so you may feel fatigue you may feel   out of breath when you're going up the stairs 
potassium also is involved with preventing leg   cramps because it's an electrolyte and it's needed 
in the muscles for various things so for those of   you that are on carbs you don't want to forget 
about this potassium to take that either in a   supplement or an electrolyte or just a large 
salad but for those of you that are regularly   watching my videos you don't have to worry about 
this whole thing because you're not eating carbs   so you're not going to develop these issues right 
here because you're doing the healthy version   of keto but if you're not on keto and you want 
to know how to do this i put a link down below   and i'll explain exactly how to do the healthy 
version of keto and in a minute fasting so if   you're enjoying my content which i hope you are 
and you're applying this knowledge to your health   and you have a success i'd really appreciate you 
sharing your success story so click the link down   below to my website where you can upload your 
success story so you can help inspire others

As found on YouTube

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