Cascade Ice Organic Caffeine

hello thank you so much for coming back
to watch this week's beverage taste test so today Sean and I are gonna be trained
the Cascade ice organic black raspberry like it's basically at zero calories
zero sugar organic energy drink so like to see if this is worth it was only a
dollar thirty not a bad price so I'd like to see if it's worth the price and
what we think of it then please keep on watching
just so you know we do upload a daily video here on this channel all about
bunch of food so it could be a beverage it can be a snack recipe it really does
depend on the day of the week so make sure you do subscribe hit that
notification bell heck even bookmark the page that way you can come on back and
watch what I read would like to make it be completely honest it's getting harder
and harder to find stuff at the grocery store to do I'm you if you watched
yesterday's video which was the grocery haul and you've already seen this but
yeah I ain't had a hard time finding it like a newer beverage a lot of stuff is
out but both of us we don't drink energy drinks and this is basically an energy
drink it's sparkling water so it's it's sparkling water with organic flavoring
and organic caffeine so it's a hot guy 160 milligrams per can zero calories
zero fat zero carb zero sugar so all this really is is carbonated water
natural organic flavor and an organic caffeine like that's it but it like I
said it's like less than a dollar forty so I mean this might be a good option
there was a ton of different flavors um I did pick up black raspberry we had
lemonade strawberry lemonade mango lemon line although sounded like
ones you wouldn't like yeah but out of the ones I just I know
you don't like mango I know you don't like strawberry I didn't know if you
like no you don't like strawberry lemon-aid but basically as you can see
my life it's hard it's unlikely in my best yet so this is gonna taste anything
like raspberries yeah yeah it's probably gonna taste like fart water all
carbonated water tastes like a fire water to me I'm sorry it just does like
the Perrier or whatever yeah maybe maybe anyway we're gonna go to try it
we're just trying a little bit I got like four hours of sleep last night
but you've already had all your coffee today so you really shouldn't be having
any more caffeine so we're just gonna do a little bit yeah it smells like nothing
let's get the shot just enough for him to taste it okay okay I'm gonna like not
be chintzy and I'm going to actually pour it in the glass I'm really I'm just
gonna drink it up you know I'm gonna yeah okay so completely clear which
makes sense where it's just like carbonated water here so yeah I just
don't want shun to have too much caffeine today but okay ready for a longer Barry Barry Barry it smells
more like black than raspberry that actually tastes as like just the tiniest
bit of like aftertaste okay it's basically sparkling water that has a
whole bunch of caffeine in it you know but okay
compared to the coke energy that we try it oh no those men can't stand the clip
so the taste is worse to me than water is sparkling water okay to me personally
the Cascade ice the black raspberry I think it's better than the coke energy I
wouldn't rather drink this if I needed an energy rush if I needed a little bit
extra energy I would purchase this over like red ball or those other commercial
you know tastes better or just because it doesn't have sugar I'm a dozen
there's like not any artificial ingredients in this so I think it's
actually pretty good and it's a good price it's like less than a dollar forty yeah this is 16 ounces so I I think some
are 16 some are all the way up to like a 24 you know like rock stars mobsters
stuff like that so I think has an energy drinks go I think this is actually
pretty good it's organic if that's important to you
or ordered yeah that's organic part water but it's not bad okay I'm gonna
ask you but I already know what you're gonna say if you had to give it a scale
of one to five okay okay would you rather drink this or regular
water okay okay um I would probably give it a three and a half there's no flavor
I mean the smallest amount of flavoring okay just very very very minut it's a
sparkling water with caffeine that's all it is I don't think it's a bad price
though I think if you do need the energy of you if you do need the caffeine I do
think that's a good choice so yeah very recently priced but it tastes like
sparkling water so if you don't like sparkling water
you wouldn't like this but I don't think it's bad at all I probably don't have
too much caffeine me either but I'm still trying this it's still gonna
happen it doesn't taste great it once again it has that dry I think all
sparkling water kind of has that inside it's a dry beverage so but yeah I would
I would repurchase I think it's not bad I don't think it really matters what
flavor you get though no because it doesn't taste which we do not recommend I would burn
so but anyway thank you so much for coming back to watch our beverage review
I like it it's not bad reasonably priced recommend it there we
go I'm not gonna try to find that on Amazon
said it would be SuperDuper expensive Amazon I don't think it's worth more
than like a dollar 50 to can so I'm not going to if you go to your local store
you can or whatever I have a try looking for it personally but anyway thank you
so much for watching I hope you did enjoy it if you did please go ahead and
give the video a thumbs up and share it let us know down below in the comments
do you like sparkling water what is the best sparkling water out there in your
opinion we'd love to know down below in the comments and don't forget you're
always welcome to follow me on my other social media twitter facebook Instagram
it's all about you clean beep don't go anywhere quite yet another video should
start on a plane here very shortly you can always click on one of the ones that
we popped up around the screen but yeah see you here in just a second

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