Can eating fruit be bad for you? – Trust Me, I’m A Doctor: Series 7, Episode 2 – BBC Two

let's compare an apple to a can of full sugar fizzy drink typically a regular sized soft drink contains about 7 to 8 teaspoons of sugar this apple contains 4 teaspoons of sugar so have two apples and you've taken in as much sugar as you've had in this camp that sugar comes mainly in two forms one is glucose your body's preferred source of energy which goes straight into your bloodstream the other is fructose which is taken to your liver and if not needed is turned into fat these are chemically identical to the sugars you get in junk food so if you're not careful they can cause you the same problems sugar is sugar and you're gonna gain weight if you eat too much of it wherever it comes from so how can you get all the health benefits of fruit without overdosing on sugar well the first thing is to choose your fruits carefully gram for gram bananas cherries pomegranates mangoes grapes and figs all contain more than watermelon raspberries kiwi fruit and fresh cranberries the riper the fruit the more sugar it contains so try not to leave it lying around for too long you should eat most of your fruit whole and no more than one glass of juice or smoothie as digesting the fruit releases the sugar more slowly and avoids overloading your system with one big hit finally don't neglect veg there is no vitamin or mineral and fruit that you can't get from veg in return for only a fraction of the sugar

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